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Is this mod single player only?!

Custom Assets interferes because it contains data that is always loaded, unless the mod specifically says not to. If WM does not have an ini blocking that data, it will be loaded by the game, and can cause various issues.

Generally that would be a lack of an interface (happens alot with BUG), but apparently it had a different effect for you... You were able to load, but as the other players didn't have the same files as you, MP failed. ;)
Okay ... Afforess, the maker of the Rise of Mankind Modmod "A new Dawn" helped me out big time. In his modmod we had the same problem, only difference was, we had an error message. Afforess advised to delete the "Custom Assets" folder in My Games --> Beyond the Sword on all computers. And what can I say: It works. Both mods work as they should in multiplayer. I don't know why this folder interferes, but the solution helped. :)

Yes, Custom Assets seem to be the issue of turn 0 crashes in MP or Locked Modified Assets in mods. Even when the mods explicitly state that no custom assets should be loaded, they still do. (To an extent to cause MP issues anyway.) The simple solution is to tell users to delete the custom assets folder manually (or do it via an installer).

The actual issue seems to be with loading XML (Since XML data is not saved for any games but Locked Assets and MP [excluding the cache]), but I haven't the slightest clue where to look. I thought the problem was exclusive to WoC-Based mods, but if you have it too... Interesting.
Wild Mana (and FF and RifE, so three of the four main FfH mods) use the WoC system, so it may yet be exclusive to that.

Was unaware that it would cause issues even if the mod blocks it; That's seriously annoying. I already disliked mods which utilize that folder anyway (just seems too... Intrusive, to me. Forces other mods that have NOTHING to do with that one, to account for it.), now it's even more aggravating.
I've tried everything in this thread to eliminate OOS problems (clean reinstall, no new civs, no ranged warfare, launch a Play Now game, delete the BTS CustomAssets folder), but I continually have OOS errors about every 10 turns, even on the newest patch (8.3). The errors seem most prominently tied to civic changes and events (the volcano event causes one every time), but there are also various OOS errors caused by unknown factors.

Help, please! My buddy and I love playing FFH multiplayer, but we can't stand how stupid the vanilla FFH AI is!
Do you have the Sidar in play? The added spells that hide your cities can cause OOS too (since the Building: Hidden City uses a tile radius of 1). Besides this unfortunately i can not help you.
I'm not sure if the Sidar were in play as they are not excluded by the "no new civs" option. But I doubt if the Sidar were causing most of the OOS, as I got 4 OOS within the first 35 turns, which I believe is before the Sidar would be able to hide their cities.
their worldspell hides cities too, just check out their cities with the worldbuilder if they have the hidden city building. it very well possible however that your oos is caused by something different.
I've tried everything in this thread to eliminate OOS problems (clean reinstall, no new civs, no ranged warfare, launch a Play Now game, delete the BTS CustomAssets folder), but I continually have OOS errors about every 10 turns, even on the newest patch (8.3). The errors seem most prominently tied to civic changes and events (the volcano event causes one every time), but there are also various OOS errors caused by unknown factors.

Help, please! My buddy and I love playing FFH multiplayer, but we can't stand how stupid the vanilla FFH AI is!

I intend to deal with the OOS issues, but it will take some time. There is a hidden gameoption that allows to disable Events, might want to try that.
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