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I've hit rock bottom! ciV boring??!!

There is one way they can fix CiV in my opinion and that is sign up Zappara and Afforess, listen to every suggestion they make, then implement said suggestions. CiV fixed.
Yeah, I got bored of it a couple of weeks ago. Haven't touched it since. It's the easiest, shallowest, and most dumbed-down Civ since Revolutions. And that is NOT a good thing.
The game is so tedious, I really cannot stand it.

Since Monday, my account may have gone up by 24hrs of "playtime", but I only made ~100 turns, and even to this I had to force myself.

When I think about the City States I could vomit.
So you have this state at the other end of the world, which is not bigger than your own capital, but after having spent 750 bucks they provide your whole "empire" with food?

So your allies, but their attitude is described as "hostile"? "Isolationistic" would have been the proper expression, as far as I see it.

Throwing away money at them makes your "empire" getting more culture?

And why do I have to go the Middle Ages before I can impose Patronage on them?
What makes the Compass to magnificent that from then on I can impose Partronage?

Talking about Patronage...
Social Policies is another thing which makes me just sick.
10 different (sometimes mutually exclusive) mini-trees, from which I can pick based on "ages"?
And each time the price in culture goes up?
Why don't tech costs go up when I have researched a tech? Right, because it doesn't make any sense. But after having picked Social Policy A, Social Policy B becomes more "expensive"? WTF?

Talking about WTF...
Why can't I order my worker to build a road in tiles A,B,C,D,E... and then let him run? No, I have to count the tiles between three or four cities by hand and then decide, how much tiles in a given direction shall be roaded and then I have to re-direct him.

When meeting a new Civ, I cannot immediately make a pact of cooperation, but the vey next turn he asks me?

And so on, and so on...

Now, you could ask if these things are really my big gripes with Civ0.V.
No, they just come on top of all the other b*****t like AI, diplomacy in general, combat, pathfinding, interface, slow turns....
Started a new game of hearts of iron 3 after quitting a new game as Askia when after not fighting anyone for 200 turns 4 civs suddenly attacked me that id been trading with continuously and had numerous agreements with. Finally having some fun and both games have hexes!

I wish someone would attack me!!! 300 presses of "Next turn" on cultural victory is not fun. Now a last ditch defence against a Superpower working his way through my empire while the clock ticks to my utopia would have been a bit more interesting.
FFS city states? The only city states I can think of that had any influence on history were Greek or more recently the Vatican City and maybe at a push Singapore. Every other city state that I could mention has been part of a larger culture and therefore should actually be incorporated into the culture. The ancient Greek city states of Sparta, Athens, Corinth etc and the Renaissance states of Venice, Florence and Genoa are good examples of autonomous cities that made up a bigger culture such as ITALY and GREECE.

Try and see it as the bit part nations that influenced history but never made the rounded contribution (empire, historic leaders, etc.) to be a fully fledged civ. I think that makes it a bit more acceptable.
Edinburgh read Scotland
Geneva read Switzerland
Love Paradox games but buyer beware as their business model is one that relies on paying public beta testers!!! But once they get their games patched properly they can be very immersive and a challenging fun time. Anyone know if HOI3 is worth playing now? Tried it last year at release and was very disapointed. Strong pretty graphics but whacky broken gameplay...that sounds familar here...

Mileage varies wildly on Hoi3 --

I personally love it -- the Semper Fi expansion didnt really add a ton of new features, but I think it's better gameplay.

The biggest Hoi3 complaint people still seem to have is that they don't like the supply system/logistics -- it's a bit more forgiving now (and there's an arcade mode that essentially takes supply/logistics out of the equation), but the days of simply riding your panzer columns all over the map are over. Supply chokepoints can develop quickly and you can only sustain a large front far from home for so long.

Still - IMHO - I consider that a feature not a bug (and I think Johan does, too). Supply and logistics were an absolutely critical part of WW II. From Rommel in North Africa to the Wehrmacht deep in Russia to initial American struggles on Guadalcanal to the IJN essentially being reduced to one-way trips due to lack of fuel to Patton running his tanks dry to... well - you get the picture. Supply SHOULD be a struggle if you're going to properly model a strategic WWII game.

All that said, I think Hoi3 is a plus game... perhaps not as "fun", in an arcade sort of way, as Hoi2 ARM... but deep and immersive.
There is one way they can fix CiV in my opinion and that is sign up Zappara and Afforess, listen to every suggestion they make, then implement said suggestions. CiV fixed.


While they might say otherwise and they've both pulled features from their mods on occasion -- I personally think that they eschew the maxim: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

More is always more in Civ and 'streamlining' is the enemy of a Civver when said streamlining means fewer decisions, fewer choices, and fewer actions.
Not me...reason being? I don't play Civ 5. Too hooked on Rise Of Mankind.

Same for me ^^

I tottaly agree with what bambi say. To many illogical thing... do you know you can have oil derricks, universities, coal mines and world-wide coverage with sailing ships armed with cannons... without ever inventing the wheel.
You can also have artillery, riflemen, accounting and THE PRINTING PRESS without bothering to learn how to read or write. you can also have the giant death robot without the Robotics, really nice...

All of this with poor AI, and weird gameplay decision made the game bored and really not immersive for me.
I like your post, especially

Global unhappiness -_-

I think we have one in the forum.

Ya, for the first time, I am bored with Civ game in under two weeks of release.
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