JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

Haha, I've really been on your back with De Gaulle. Nice.

Yes, I do use the Civ IV traits, thank you. Thought it would be a longshot. :)

Like your ideas for Sweden and alternative Sweden. The current Swedish UA would not be that missed since the CIV traits mod gives him both the Diplomatic and the Philosophous traits. Unless you intend to change them?

Really intrigued by the warship, will it be based around the Vasa ship? Sadly, we always had a poor navy, but the game really is about an alternative timeline... a powerful frigate unlocked at astronomy. It has a promotion which gives it a 20% chance of sinking on it's maiden voyage (first turn). ;)

Have you come up with city lists and events and decisions? Don't have to tell what, but I could make some suggestions if I get an idea if you need inspiration. :)

Lastly, if it would be sad to just throw the Swedish UA out the window, perhaps one could salvage it... for a third Swedish civ. ;) The five Russias and the three Swedens. Gustav III founded the Swedish Academy, which today hands out the Nobel Prize. Known as the theathre king (patron of arts and science), he was talented but he didn't like the parliament so much (which you might like? ;) ). He reinstated the absolute monarchy through a coup d'etat (which had been lost with the death of Karl XII I think, and the period between the two was called the enlightment era). He made himself impopular with the nobility though and was assassinated. Obviously it could be a civ which could have cultural, GP or diplomatic focus. And cousin to Cahterine the great I just googled. Cool. :)

Know you are very restrictive with taking on more civs, but just thought I would throw it out there. :)

I claim Gustav III :p Unless JFD wants to do him, of course (which he may well do, given he likes monarchies, and Gustav III was uber monarchist man). I've started city lists, but I'll send them over to you for checking, if you want.

Adding a third Sweden into the mix would be nice - and I'm certainly a fan of Gustav III - but it's too difficult to say how realistic getting him done would be, at this point. Something to keep in mind for the future, anyway.

Spoiler :

You have uncovered my weakness :p

Btw I'm playing a game as S-P and the design is superb, I'm roleplaying so much and that, I think, is the best thing a civ design can make you do :p

The only issue I have is that the Piazza seems a bit underpowered...
Ok having +25% GP generation in all cities is very nice (if ever it works, the city screen doesn't tell me) but the 15% thingy is very underpowered I think.
I get maybe 3 or 4 tourism in my capital and 1 or 2 in my second city in the 1800s.
Ok I didn't build some of the most cultural wonders and got unlucky with the archeological sites but still it seems a very marginal bonus ^^

With what few games I've had with civ, I've had even fewer with Tourism, so I was definitely very cautious when applying a Tourism related bonus on such an early building. Good to know that I can safely bump it up, which I'll do in the update, Thanks for the report :)
I claim Gustav III :p Unless JFD wants to do him, of course (which he may well do, given he likes monarchies, and Gustav III was uber monarchist man). I've started city lists, but I'll send them over to you for checking, if you want.

If you don't mind, it would be fun to take a peek!
I think this has been mentioned, but in case it hasn't then there's a bug with your France split. Whenever you try to load the mod it crashes the game.
I want Karl!(the greatest of them ;))
Any chance?
Louis the Fabulous updated and added to the Alt Leaders pack with all those other sorry slobs (and Nicky and Vicky):

  • Fixed an issue where the Cultural Great Person choice thingey would display for unfabulous civs
  • Fixed a conflict between Louis XIV and the obviously poorly dressed Civ IV Traits mod, which would result in a CTD

Now that the Alt Leaders pack is over 100mb, Lenin will have to go in his own Alt Leaders Pack 2.

Spoiler :
:) I have actually checked code of that Cultural Great Person choice thingey and expending Great General.

Other than that, I am gonna mention that Louis is my favourite custom leaderscene.
Normandy isn't a new civ (technically), so I hope to update it one day. But who knows when that'll be (it requires art for a UU and some new colours, but otherwise it's just up to me to get it done).

There is only one new civ that I would add to my list of ones I'd like to do (only about half of which I really want to get done), but I won't say because it might upset Jan :p The only civs that I really, really want to do are Cixi (my oriental Nicholas), Karl XII (Karl is awesome, and I want a non-Nazi science-military civ), Akhenaten (feels like a civ for which a lot of interesting things can be done), Romania (if for nothing else than for the creepy but awesome music that Jan picked :p), Novgorod (because I want my gimmicky "if X, safe from war" civ), Muscovy (because: Ivan), NZ (because reasons), and Naples (because Jeremy Irons told me to). The rest would just be nice.

Really interesting civs, especially Muscovy, Naples and Akhenaten.
So who from this list will have the abbey that you mentioned when you released Francia?
And when you say Romania, you mean Wallachia with Vlad the Impaler?
Loving playing all the new civs, especially the warlike ones (and I'm usually a builder). Only just encountered my first bug: playing as the Danes, attempting to send an Inquisitor to a (conquered) Papal States Rome causes a CTD. I guess the mod never expected that to happen.
Small thing with the France split, Napoleon's alpha icon does not match his colored one.
So sometimes he has an eagle standing over a big N and other times he just has the eagle and lightning bolts.
Wow this looks amazing, I'll be sure to check it out. Did you also post the bias of the leaders somewhere?

Also do you take suggestions? I have some in mind for the Dutch nation.
:) I have actually checked code of that Cultural Great Person choice thingey and expending Great General.

We know who to thank for aligning everything already ;)

Really interesting civs, especially Muscovy, Naples and Akhenaten.
So who from this list will have the abbey that you mentioned when you released Francia?
And when you say Romania, you mean Wallachia with Vlad the Impaler?

Romania under Vlad, yes. I'll be calling it Romania instead of Wallachia in the same Firaxian manner, and it'll include features of Wallachia, Moldavia and... the other one...

Loving playing all the new civs, especially the warlike ones (and I'm usually a builder). Only just encountered my first bug: playing as the Danes, attempting to send an Inquisitor to a (conquered) Papal States Rome causes a CTD. I guess the mod never expected that to happen.

:lol: I'm not sure if that's a feature or a bug. But most likely just a happy coincidence.

Small thing with the France split, Napoleon's alpha icon does not match his colored one.
So sometimes he has an eagle standing over a big N and other times he just has the eagle and lightning bolts.


Wow this looks amazing, I'll be sure to check it out. Did you also post the bias of the leaders somewhere?

Also do you take suggestions? I have some in mind for the Dutch nation.

The AI biases are in the mod folder, under Core/Leaderhead.sql

I don't take suggestions :p But you're always free to propose civs that my interests might already align with.

So who from this list will have the abbey that you mentioned when you released Francia?

None from the list, it would possibly go to Ireland.
Playing as the Papal States, I made a decision and then all of my decisions disappeared. Lua logs yielded this:
[993190.859] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Sarah\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\JFD's The Papal States (v 10)\Lua\Sukritact's Decisions Support\JFD_PapalStatesDecisions.lua:65: bad argument #2 to 'ConvertTextKey' (Argument must be [boolean, number, or string].)
Also, Hannibal's Diplomacy is a little messed up.
Something has just occurred to me: i checked the list of civs with compatibility to the civilization IV traits mod, and...
Why Arminius isn't there? I know you already messed a lot with this civ, but can you please add compatibility?
The Empire of JFD (and Janboruta)'s Civilisations has seen many changes over the course of 2014. The addition of new lands in the east (but not too east) and the advent of new technologies such as "Events" and "Decisions," and the inception of "actually good leaderscenes," has transformed the once isolationist nation-state into a ubiquitious force that permeates the European continent.

With it's capital at Rome, JFD's Civs began 2014 as but a fledgling and discontious nation. Empires such as the People's Republic of More Civs, the Kingdom of Tomatekh, and the mysterious and ancient Theocatic State of LastSword's Sets were by far the rulers of the day, and lowly JFD's Civs could but feed upon the leftovers of these giants. It was a time frought with peril, and emerging empires such as Patria Grande and Colonialist Legacies threatened to overshadow any hope for a JFD-led empire.

In early 2014, plans to invade Armenia were first unveiled to the public, to much appeal. But it was with Janboruta's approval, and subsequent appointment as Prime Minister, that came the possibility of an empire. However, knowing the lucrative position of his goals, JFD knew that holding the Causasus would not be enough to carve out a strategic position on the continent. Thus, JFD would propose a daring invasion into Lithuania, where the Republic of More Civs already laid claim. Holding Lithuania would prevent future incursions into Europe, and would nearly double the size of JFD's empire. It would also allow for the easy installion of several pro-JFD rulers in Russia, ensuring the empire's dominance in Eastern Europe. This acquisition was crucial to JFD's survival.

Negotiations with the Republic of More Civs began in late January, spearheaded by Janboruta. By February, the negotiations had been a success, and in exchange for the rights to Greece and Malta, JFD would swiftly and deflty launch an invasion into Lithuania, adding it to his empire on the second of February, 2014. This addition, as well as the success of Janboruta's diplomacy with More Civs, would be a defining moment in the history of JFD's Civs' empire, and would allow it a foothold onto the world stage, from where it would establish an empire to span nearly the entirely of the European continent. Plans to complete the annexation of Europe have already begun, and JFD hopes to fully incorporate the Balkans in 2015. JFD feels like the EU.

JFD's Civs has been home to many innovations and unique practices, and has often worked alongside other diplomatic players. An early adopter of SQLism and of the new technologies conceived by King Sukritact of More Civs, JFD's Civs have regularly been database-error free and is well-known throughout the diplomatic stage for its swift and decisive acquisition of new territories, and willingness to reform those territories to meet the standards of the modern age. Founder of the "Can haz 5 Russias, why not?" ideology, JFD's Empire has often worked alongside the Emperor of Patria Grande, Leugi, in installing pro-JFD governments throughout Germany, Britain, Russia, Japan, America, and France, and hopes to continue this alliance with the installation of pro-JFD governments in China and Spain. JFD's Empire has also worked alongside King Sukritact with efforts to colonise Iceland and Milan, and to develop new technologies that benefit modding-kind; although diplomatic arrangements with King Sukritact are spotty, and ever-under the watchful eye of Sukritact's President Pouakai, who for always hopes to thwart JFD's imperial goals. JFD's Civs are also known to work alongside the burgeoning Grand Principality of Greater Europe, with whom JFD's Empire has a pledge of protection. Attacking this city-state would greatly damage relations with JFD's (and Janboruta's) Civilisations.

Through disasters such as "Icongate," the "Plague of Ever-Increasing Resistance," and the day Natan learnt to use the internet, as well as days now celebrated in JFD's Empire as public holidays, such as that time someone said "The synagogue generates additional gold? Nice one, Hitler," and the day people stopped asking whether I would do a civ I'd already done, JFD's Empire has grown as a part of this wonderful CivFanatics comunity, and would like to extend a warm thanks and a happy new year to everyone who has ever used one of its territories, or posted on its thread, as well as to everyone who has contributed to the life of JFD's Civs' empire, in the hope that JFD's Empire will continue to grow well into the new year until JFD has something better to do.

Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

Ah yes, the day Natan learned to use the Internet. I remember that, 'twas a dark day.

And coincidentally I read the synagogue comment on the Khazars for the first time just today; that gave me a good laugh too.

The Empire of JFD (and Janboruta's) dominance over the Northern Hemisphere is secure! I'm guessing there are no plans to expand into the Southern Hemisphere though. with the exception of that sheep island Even world-spanning empires have limits.
Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read this.

Ah yes, the day Natan learned to use the Internet. I remember that, 'twas a dark day.

And coincidentally I read the synagogue comment on the Khazars for the first time just today; that gave me a good laugh too.

The Empire of JFD (and Janboruta's) dominance over the Northern Hemisphere is secure! I'm guessing there are no plans to expand into the Southern Hemisphere though. with the exception of that sheep island Even world-spanning empires have limits.

Yeah, it was dark.:p
:)p, i joined civfanatics because of this thread)
Hey JFD,

I'm now starting researching possibilities to make the dynamic civilizations I mentioned in the other thread. Now I'm planning an "Ultimate France" -civilization, composed of your French civilizations, upgrading itself like your Sardinia-Piedmont. The civilization wouldn't change completely, but it's meant to offer an unique decision/mission-based playstyle to evolve the ancient Franks to the modern-day France. It's not meant to be balanced, but more of an experiment.

What I'm asking, is that can I use your civilizations and their art assets as the base for the mod? Be it successful, I might consider releasing it, if it's OK? You, Janboruta and all the other rightful modders would of course get the right credits for the composition. :)
Hey JFD,

I'm now starting researching possibilities to make the dynamic civilizations I mentioned in the other thread. Now I'm planning an "Ultimate France" -civilization, composed of your French civilizations, upgrading itself like your Sardinia-Piedmont. The civilization wouldn't change completely, but it's meant to offer an unique decision/mission-based playstyle to evolve the ancient Franks to the modern-day France. It's not meant to be balanced, but more of an experiment.

What I'm asking, is that can I use your civilizations and their art assets as the base for the mod? Be it successful, I might consider releasing it, if it's OK? You, Janboruta and all the other rightful modders would of course get the right credits for the composition. :)

This would be so. Friggin. Good.

(Also I uploaded two France designs, in case you forgot. :lol:)
In YnAEMP, your Alternate Casimir III does not show up. He shows up in "normal" game w/o the mod. Sigismund II shows up in both types of game (YnAEMP and without it).
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