JNES: Civilizations II

Mar 3, 2002
Bay Area, California
JNES: Civilizations 2


The form of government a nation has can profoundly shape the way it develops and the attitudes of its people. Each government type has its obvious advantages and disadvantages. For example, a republic whose legislative body is continually elected and changed will have problems implementing long-term programs and solutions, while being quite adept at appeasing the people and keeping a happy nation. A monarchy, on the other hand, will have the ability to react to events and implement programs more efficiently and quickly, while suffering from dissent, especially if it is an unpopular monarch. These are not binding rules to follow, there will be exceptions where a people love their monarch more then a different people love their senate, it really is relative to each nation. And there isn't exactly an enlightened people who believe in unalienable rights at this time either.

Dynasties and legislatures

Dynasties are necessary for a monarchy, and change according to the story of a nation. Individual rulers will not be shown in the stats, thats left up to your stories, but overall dynasties will be present. There could be the case where multiple nations share the same dynasty, in this case they are royal families ruling over multiple nations. This is perfectly acceptable and can be a great way to "vassalize" countries or simply tie the knots of an alliance even tighter.

As for legislatures, it is important to indicate what kind of legislature rules a nation, as they vary in type. For example, a republic that has just a senate which is elected by wealthy male citizens will have a different public reaction then a bicameral legislature elected by popular sovereignty. Both have implications for a nation as well, whether the wealthy elite or the masses will support a government or not is very crucial to retaining stability.


The economy of a nation is perhaps the most important stat one can have. This stat, though, is quite simple to understand and is very straight-forward. I am keeping the economy part of this NES relatively simple for the time being. It may change as economies become more complicated and intense.

A one word adjective will describe the relative strength and wealth of an economy. Those levels are as follows:

Depressed (0), Poor (1), Weak (2), Feeble (3), Average (4), Good (5), Rich (6), Flourishing (7), Outstanding (8)

The numbers correspond to the amount of EP a nation has to spend each turn, derived from taxes of all sorts throughout a nation. One has little control over the economy as a whole and if it grows or not. The best way to make sure the economy grows is by keeping a stable country, invest in infrastructure, etc. EP may be spent on tax decreases, though this isn't always the whole answer to growing the economy. Sometimes it takes pure expansion, levying taxes on conquered people, taking resources, etc. All in all, the economy is really a reaction to how the nation is interacting in the world at large, so one has every opportunity to be creative in finding solutions as to how to increase the economy. Explain to me why your ideas work, your suggestions do not fall on deaf ears.

Of course short-term boosts in EP are expected from random events, war booty, etc, which will be represented as a ( + ) (with the parenthesis) and the amount of EP next to the economy stat. One may also increase EP by instituting tax hikes, which would be represented next to a plus sign as well, though next to either the domestic (if the tax is levied on peasants/conquered people) or trade. The amount of increased revenues depends on whom the tax is raised and by how much. Another way to increase economy, and short-term EP increases, are from trade missions, which are explained later.

One must also pay upkeep for various things within a nation. For each stat that needs an upkeep paid, a number appears next to the level. While this number is also used to determine how much it costs to upgrade (see below), it also determines the amount of upkeep you should pay each turn. For example, an education stat with an "informed" level has a "4" next to it. To determine upkeep that should be paid, cut that in half, rounding down (so if its 3, your upkeep would only be 1, or if its 1, you wouldn't pay upkeep). If upkeep is not paid, its not the end of the world, and it probably won't effect a nation if its done only sparingly, but upkeep that is continually not paid or underpaid will lead to a decline in the stats.

Trade is a very important factor, and will probably make or break empires. Trade happens behind the scenes at all levels, mostly concentrated among major routes if a nation is connected to one, or with neighbors that have stuff that is needed. Income from this kind of trade is shown in the trade stat which is a part of the economy. A nation may, though, set up official trade routes in which trade missions, usually funded by the government, travel long distances to trade exotic items. The sheer cost of funding such missions and organizing these tasks take a toll on the economy, and as such to establish a "Luxury Trade Route" it does mean one cannot spend anything that turn, and the economy drops two entire levels, and is not guaranteed to go back up in an time fashion.

Now how to make a luxury trade route lucrative. In order for a luxury trade route to be lucrative, one should be trading luxury items. I know, hard to grasp. Canfre (located in Italy) trading wheat for Trojan wine will not bring in much revenue for a few reasons. One is that regular Canfre traders already do business with Troy because it is so close. Second is that Canfre already makes a significant amount of wine. Other reasons are numerous, but suffice it to say a luxury trade route between Canfre and Troy does not bring back much revenue. If you have a question about resources, ask me before.

How and when do trade routes pay off? In the update there will be a section devoted to trade routes. Next to each trade route will be a number such as (2/3), which means two turns out of the required three turns have passed since the trade route was created. When the third turn comes, I will write a short blip about the success of the trade mission and the income derived. This income can be anywhere from 1 EP to 7 or 8. Furthermore, the initial payment is good for only 3 missions, which means after the third mission returns, one must pay for the next three missions. There are no refunds.

Other notes on trade: Take care to plan out the routes you wish the merchants to take. Be aware that going through other nations will put the merchants at the mercy of taxes which can decrease overall revenue. Also badlands will mean tolls, raids, and even the complete destruction of a caravan. Going long distances by boat also has its disadvantages, being lost out at sea, crushed by pirates, or sunk by storms. Belligerent nations may also seek to rob you of your caravan and instead take the wealth that the caravan is holding. Also worth noting is the cultural impact trade missions can have. These missions expose more people to your nation's culture and religion, thus increasing influence and affluence in the world.

Infrastructure: See infrastructure stat under "Domestic."


The following is a list of military units available for purchase with EP:

1 thousand footmen (swordsmen, slingers, pikemen, and any other melee force you can think of): 1 EP
5 hundred mounted (basic mounted soldiers, equipped with swords or javelins): 2 EP
10 catapults (only real practical siege weapons of the age): 2 EP

Late Iron Age Navy:

5 triremes (mainstay of a sea/river/lake navy, equipped with oars and sails, fast and maneuverable): 1 EP
3 quadriremes (4-layered decks, large yet slow and not as maneuverable as a trireme; good as a flagship): 1 EP
1 quinqueremes (5 layers, very large with big hull, completely sail-powered, good for use in hostile seas and oceans): 2 EP

Merchant fleet and reserves:
In addition to a standing army and fleet, a nation also has extra supplies to draw upon should circumstance warrant. The availability and amount of these resources are dependent upon each nation, and a leader really never has a solid number of availability until they are called up (not shown in the stats). Generally a nation with stronger commercial tendencies and an active trading community will have a larger merchant marine, and therefore a bigger pool in which to pull ships from in time of need. Same goes with higher-populated nations: they will have a larger reserve base for the army. Of course leaders will surely think of creative ways in which to call up more warriors, such as forcing slaves, women, POWs, or frontier savages to fight for them.Calling upon the merchant fleet or working reserves will have an affect on the populace attitude as well as economy.

This stat is not directly influenced by a player, but instead is a result of the amount of EP invested into the military, its size, the age in which a nation is, and the experience it has had. Quality refers to the quality of weapons, fighting ability of the individual soldier and units as a whole, and the skills and abilities of the generals/admirals of a nation. Quality is very hard to increase, it must be accomplished through long-range plans and spending. Furthermore, higher quality means higher upkeep costs, especially for larger armies.

Other Military Spending and Notes:
The larger a military is, chances are the worse the quality. So be aware that, while a nation does receive military points each turn, it may not be a good idea to continually buy troops. EP may also be spent on things like forts, wonders, or just reinvesting into the military (thus adding to the quality over the long-run).

Domestic Stats

EP may be spent on building schools, libraries, temples, and other education services for a nation in order to boost the literacy and intelligence of a people. To literally increase the education stat, a player must pay the amount in parentheses of the next level (so a stat of Uneducated (2) would have to pay 3 EP to get to Educated (3)). Be sure to indicate how the EP is being spent though (buidling more schools, building university, etc) A high education stat will require a higher upkeep cost, or else it will fall down to a natural level supported by the upkeep one is paying. Be sure to think critically of what a lower-educated and higher-educated populace can mean. Because an education stat represent the average of all the citizens of a nation, be aware that even a low stat can mean there is a small, educated elite running a country. In general, a lower-educated people are usually more content, less of a nuisance, and less likely to organize revolts. A higher-educated populace are more prone to revolts, rebellion, and challenges to a regime. But, a high-educated people means a more enlightened society, which also means more chance of an age upgrade or technological discoveries. The education stat includes an adjective, listed in order as follows:

None (0) - Barbaric (1) - Uneducated (2) - Educated (3) - Informed (4) - Civilized (5) - Intellectual (6) - Philosophical (7)

Also with each stat will be the age in which a nation is. The "age" corresponds to the widespread use of a certain tool, material, idea, and/or norm of society. Advancing to the next age will come based upon the education stat and events in the world. When the age is increase, education drops two levels, and army quality drops two levels.

Just like education, the higher the infrastructure level of a nation, the more a player must pay in upkeep. The stat itself refers to the amount and quality of public service structures (not including military/defense structures) such as sewers, harbors, roads, marketplaces, etc. This stat really is a full-breadth kind of stat, having influence on just about every stat in a nation (can't have a commercialized society without markets and harbor, for example). The stats are as follows, and follow the same basic system as the education stat.

None (0) - Crumbling (1) - Sparse (2) - Adequate (3) - Plentiful (4) - Abundant (5) - Modern (6) - World Class (7)

Culture is very important in this NES. It is the measure of how expandable a nation's influence is over a foreign people. A larger culture leads to the spreading of a nation's religion, language, and customs, among other aspects, inside and outside a nation's borders. This leads to more influence in surrounding nations, the faster expansion into barbaric lands, and the overall stability of one's nation. Increasing the culture stat does take many centuries, and really can be done in a myriad of different ways. One can aggressively expand its culture by conquering and forcibly imposing its culture on others. One can build mighty wonders (one of the most effective), establish centralized and organized religions, send missionaries, etc. Also what really helps a nation's culture, perhaps more than anything else, is stories. Here are the levels of culture:

None - Vague - Established - Civilized - Broadening - Influential - Advanced - Glorified - Unrivaled


This, like infrastructure, is an all-encompassing stat. The higher the stability is in a nation, the better. Once stability starts to drop, confidence begins to fade, and one may be faced with coups, civil wars, or worse. Keep stability high by suppressing your people or doing things they like.


Wonders are finally back in the game. These are monolithic structures (not projects, which don't have a stat) that surpass conventional buildings. They can include huge temples, burial sites, colossal forts, magnificent universities, or just about anything one can think of. Depending on what the wonder is, it will provide a nation with benefits directly related to the structure. If it is a religious structure that brings millions of pilgrimages, one might expect both a cultural and an economic boost. If it is a university or library, one can expect an education boost, etc. A wonder, though, will be as grand as the amount one spends on it. It is also very helpful if the wonder is completed in a timely fashion (within a king's reign, for example, so one turn). This means one cannot simply invest small sums over a period of eight turns. One must invest considerable sums in a short term to get the best reaction. This could possibly mean raising taxes, or saving up and using treasury money, etc.

Special Cities

Trade and cultural centers are indicated on the map, trade in red and cultural in blue. These cities are very important to a nation, and can adversely affect a nation should they fall out of control. A trade city, though, does not give a set amount of income to the nation, some trade cities can be more wealthy than others. Same goes for cultural cities.

Contact Information

You may PM me anytime.
AIM: yosemitehker
Please ask broad questions on the thread so I can answer them for everyone.


This NES is open to anyone who wants to join. Since it is a continuation of the last Civilizations, those who played in the last NES have priority over their nation. For convenience sakes, I have listed the major and semi-major powers of each region, in descending order. You may also choose to start your own civilization, there are many open areas in the world, but don't expect to start with the same technologies as the major regions. You will have to work hard in order to catch up.

Spoiler cheat sheet :
Eastern North America (east of Mississippi)

Central/Caribbean America

Western North America


Northern Europe


Middle East and South Asia

Spoiler EUROPE :

Andalusian Republic
Player/Ruler: Azale/
Government: Senatorial Republic
Capital: Coba
Religion: Andalusian Polytheism (60%), Greco Rhilism (15%), Anwellism (15%)
Population: 25.7 million
Economy: Flourishing (7)
Treasury: 10
Education: Late Iron Age/Civilized (5)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 10 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 75%
Culture: Glorified
Infrastructure: Modern (6)
Great Structures: Gardens of Coba, University of Coba, Temple of God (Valencia)

Anwellic Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC/Arrg Dynasty
Government: Despotic Theocracy
Capital: Parix
Religion: Anwellism (98%)
Population: 7.5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 16 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 15 Triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 90%
Culture: Advanced
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Anwellic Hall of God (Parix), City of Anwell (Parix)

Republic of Canfre
Player/Ruler: germanicus/
Government: Republic ruled by single-house Senate
Capital: Rome
Religion: Brudism (85%), Anwellism (9%)
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 0
Population: 13.3 million
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 34 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 12 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 1 quinquereme, 4 quadriremes, 35 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 82%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Wonders: Great Library of Rome

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Telex
Religion: Anwellism (80%)
Population: 8 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 80%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Anwellic Temple of the Sun (Telex)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Oligarchy
Capital: Bucharest
Religion: Scythian Polytheism (55%), Greco Rhilism (40%)
Population: 5.2 million
Economy: Average (5)
Treasury: 4
Education: Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 6 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Kingdom of the Danube
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Danube
Religion: Halashi Polytheism (60%), Wealthism (10%)
Population: 2.1 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 3
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 6 thousand footmen, 1 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 River Triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 60%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Lighthouse of Deus (Danube)

Player/Ruler: Crezth/
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Petroa
Religion: Scythian Polytheism (60%), Fennian Polytheism (30%)
Population: 3.5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 3
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 5 thousand men, 5 thousand mounted
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 75%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Galicia
Religion: Andalusian Polytheism (55%), Anwellism (40%)
Population: 4 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated(2)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 1 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: Justo/Oradas Dynasty
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Lodz
Religion: Halashi Polytheism (80%), Anwellism (5%)
Population: 16.6 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 23 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 30 Triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 60%
Culture: Broadening
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Monument to King Oradas (Lodz)

Empire of Hatassus
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Hatassus
Religion: Greco Rhilism (45%)
Population: 4 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 0
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 6 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 50%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate(3)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: NPC/Oradas Family – Halashi Vassal
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Illyria
Religion: Scythian Polytheism (60%), Halashi Polytheism (35%)
Population: 3.5 million
Economy: Weak (2)
Treasury: 2
Education: Barbaric (1)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 2 catapults
Quality: 2
Navy: 18 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 67%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Crumbling (1)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: NPC/Oradas Family – Halash Vassal
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Kalash
Religion: Halashi Polytheism (30%), Scythian Polytheism (50%)
Population: 2.4 million
Economy: Barbaric (1)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 3 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 2 catapults
Quality: 2
Navy: None
Stability: 60%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Crumbling (1)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler Yui108/Manak Dynasty
Government Theocratic Oligarchy
Capital: Kuru
Religion: Kuru Polytheism (80%)
Population: 12.2 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 25 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 10 quinqueremes, 5 quadriremes, 30 triremes
Quality: 5
Stability: 70%
Culture: Advanced
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Statues of Kuru, Mila Gardens (Kuru), Tri Gardens (Kuru)

Republic of Londinum
Player/Ruler Adrogans/Hemanx Dynasty
Government: Republic
Capital: Londinum
Religion: Celtic Polytheism (40%), Anwellism (40%)
Population: 3.6 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 3
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 6 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 20 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 2 quinqueremes, 4 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 60%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: NPC/Oradas Family - Halash Vassal
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Petroa
Religion: Scythian Polytheism (90%)
Population: 1.3 million
Economy: Weak (2)
Treasury: 1
Education: Late Iron Age/Barbaric (1)
Army: 3 thousand men, 5 thousand mounted
Quality: 2
Navy: None
Stability: 65%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Palace of Oradas (Petroa)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Reykjavik
Religion: Kuru Polytheism (70%)
Population: 1.2 million
Economy: Weak (2)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 4 thousand footmen, 1 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 2 quinqueremes, 2 quadriremes, 15 triremes
Quality: 5
Stability: 95%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: None

Kingdom of Taverix
Player/Ruler: Lord_Iggy/Visitrunax Dynasty
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Dunolaigh
Religion: Taverixian Polytheism (50%), Anwellism (40%)
Population: 18.2 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 24 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 20 Triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 50%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Great Fortress of Adun (Dunolaigh)

Player/Ruler: Xen/Gryphon Dynasty
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Troy
Religion: Greco Rhilism (63%), Greek Polytheism (20%)
Population: 25.4 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Treasury: 6
Education: Late Iron Age/Civilized (5)
Army: 26 thousand footmen, 6 thousand mounted, 25 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 10 quadriremes, 50 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 68%
Culture: Advanced
Infrastructure: Abundant (5)
Great Structures: Monument to Priam (Troy), Great Temple of Zeus (Pylos)

United Cuetan Colonies
Player/Ruler: erez87/
Government: Federalist Senate
Capital: New Cueta
Religion: Cuetan (70%), Anwellism (29%)
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 0
Population: 3.2 million
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 15 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 76%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Venetian Empire
Player/Ruler: Flavius Aetius/House of Dandolo
Government: Despotism
Capital: Venice
State Religion: Wealthism (84%), Anwellism (7%), Brudism (5%)
Population: 15.2 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Treasury: 3
Education: Late Iron Age/Civilized (5)
Army: 23 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 10 quinqueremes, 15 quadriremes, 55 triremes
Quality: 6
Stability: 60%
Culture: Broadening
Infrastructure: Abundant (5)
Great Structures: Temple to Wealth (Venice)


Middle East and Asia

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Morioka
Religion: Shintoism (50%), Hinduism (10%)
Population: 5.2 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 20 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 75%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: Nordstream/
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Assur
Religion: Assyrian Polytheism (60%), Judaism (20%)
Population: 16.4 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 24 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Adequate (3)
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Temple of Assur

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Kerman
Religion: Persian Polytheism (60%)
Population: 12.3 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 16 thousand footmen, 12 thousand mounted
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 30%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Crumbling (1)
Great Structures: Great Misahu Statues

Chin Kingdom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Yan Ping
Religion: Hinduism (55%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 15.5 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 65%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Kingdom of Dilmun
Player/Ruler: Dreadnought /
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Batan
Religion: Bani Polytheism
Population: 5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 1
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established (3)
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Kingdom of Goa
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Goa
Religion: Hinduism (90%)
Population: 1.5 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 10 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 20 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 15 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 95%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Gujarati Republic
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Republic
Capital: Gambay
Religion: Hinduism (70%)
Population: 7.5 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 2 quinqueremes, 12 quadriremes, 45 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 70%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Great Lighthouse

Harappan Empire
Player/Ruler: Abaddon/
Government: Despotism
Capital: Mohenjo-Daro
Religion: Hinduism (80%)
Population: 29 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Treasury: 15
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 27 thousand footmen, 14 thousand mounted, 25 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 1 quinquereme, 10 quadriremes, 30 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Great Temple of Mishna (Mohenjo-Daro), Mandu Gardens (Mohenjo-Daro)

Judean Egypt
Player/Ruler Shadowbound/ King Hezekiah II
Government: Theocratic Monarchy
Capital: Jerusalem
Religion: Judaism (80%), Rhilism (10%)
Population: 14.5 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Treasury: 1
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 8 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 3 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 75%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Temple of the Mount (Jerusalem), Solomon’s Temple (Jerusalem), Temple of Karnak (Thebes)

Kingdom of Kalikut
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Calicut
Religion: Hinduism (80%)
Population: 2.3 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 12 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 95%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Abundant (5)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Kabul
Religion: Various Polytheism
Population: 8.5 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 14
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 6 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: None
Stability: 85%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Great Tower of Kabul

Kingdom of Mittani *Vassal of Venice*
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Mitanni
Religion: Rhilism (30%), Wealthism (30%), Judaism (30%)
Population: 2.9 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 8
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 90%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Dom Lighthouse

Player/Ruler: Ninja Dude/
Government: Despotism
Capital: Tokyo
Religion: Shintoism (80%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 5.2 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 20 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Omani Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Muscat
Religion: Omani Polytheism (50%)
Population: 5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 3 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Conservative Monarchy
Capital: Patwaris
Religion: Hinduism (80%)
Population: 10.8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 9 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Crumbling (1)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Persepolis
Religion: Persian Polytheism (80%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 14.3 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 2
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 10 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 8 quadriremes, 15 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 60%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate(3)
Great Structures:

Pradyotan Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Haman
Religion: Hinduism (55%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 13.4 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 65%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Sabasean Empire
Player/Ruler: The Loser/
Government: Despotism
Capital: Saba
Religion: Judaism (30%)
Population: 4.8 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Satawahana Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Satawahana
Religion: Hinduism (70%)
Population: 12.1 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 16 thousand footmen, 6 thousand mounted, 12 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 24 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 89%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Sinhalese Empire
Player/Ruler: Fuschia/Vopala Dynasty
Government: Despotism
Capital: Pollanurra
Religion: Hinduism (75%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 10.5 million
Economy: Good (5)
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 13 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 10 quinqueremes, 23 quadriremes, 54 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 68%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Samarkand
Religion: Persian Polytheism (60%)
Population: 9.2 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 1
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: None
Stability: 80%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures:

Tsivaya Empire
Player/Ruler: Masada/Emperor Msivaya
Government: Thalassocrat Monarchy
Capital: Tsivaya
Religion: Tsivayan Polytheism
Population: 8.3 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 4 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 35 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 84%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Xing Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Huai
Religion: Hinduism (45%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 12.3 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 65%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

North America

Player/Ruler: NPC/ Lalota
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Algonkin Village
Religion: 90% Algonkin Animism, 5% Talomatan Domism,
Population: 7 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Great Hall of the Algonkin (Algonkin Village)

Player/Ruler: Amon Savag/
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Lipan
Religion: 35% Talomatan Domism, 25% Orthodox Domism, 25% Reformed Arlinism, 10% Arlinism, 5% Other (Animism)
Population: 17.2 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 16 thousand mounted, 25 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 15 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 70%
Culture: Broadening
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Great Stone Marketplace of Trisan (Trisan), House of Goan (Goan), Divine Temple of Dom (Fenekan), Apache Canal (eastern Apache)

Player/Ruler: Bestshot/
Government: Theocratic Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Jarash
Religion: 90% Orthodox Arlinism, 10% Reformed Arlinism
Population: 10.2 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 16 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 12 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 90%
Culture: Broadening
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Temple Complex of Arlin (Jarash), Great Wooden Solar Calender (Membot), Palace of Arlin (Jarash)

Asotin Tribe
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Asotin
Religion: 50% Reformed Arlinism, 45% Asotin Animism, 5% Orthodox Arlinism
Population: 14 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 13 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Shrine of the Bear (Asotin)

Atalamato Empire*
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Talomato
Religion: 70% Talomatan Domism, 15% Orthodox Domism
Population: 24.2 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 23 thousand men, 5 thousand mounted, 20 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 2 quinqueremes, 10 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 70%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Mausoleum of Atalamato (Talomato), Great Temple of Dom (Talomato), Library of Masonry (Talomato)

Aztec Empire
Player/Ruler: Nailix/
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Chanton
Religion: Aztec (98%), Orthodox Domism (2%)
Population: 18 million
Economy: Good (5)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 22 thousand footmen, 10 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 1 quadrireme, 10 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 75%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Tenochtitlan), Ulama Colosseum (Xochipala)

Chanton Tribe
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Chanton
Religion: Aztec (45%), Orthodox Domism (15%), Talomatan Domism (15%), Reformed Arlinism (10%)
Population: 6.2 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 5 thousand men, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 30 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Choctaw Kingdom (vassal of Atalamato)
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Ulaan
Religion: 75% Talomatan Domism, 5% Orthodox Domism
Population: 5.9 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand men, 2 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 50%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Palace of Tatano (Ulaan)

Empire of Curantis
Player/Ruler: TerrisH/Imperial Senate
Government: Imperial Republic
Capital: Thanto
Religion: 75% Orthodox Domism, 10% Talomatan Domism
Population: 17.4 million
Economy: Rich (6)
Age: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 16 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 24 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 15 quinqueremes, 25 quadriremes, 75 triremes
Quality: 5
Stability: 54%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Abundant (5)
Great Structures: Great Library (Thanto), Forum of Ninano (Thanto), Imperial Temple of Dom (Thanto), Great Citidel of Thanto (Thanto), Imperial Senate Hall (Thanto), Monument of the Empire (Jaharo)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Delaware
Religion: 20% Talomatan Domism
Population: 6 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: NPC/
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Askan
Religion: 98% Inuit Animism, 2% Reformed Arlinism
Population: 2 million
Economy: Poor (1)
Age: Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 3 thousand footmen
Quality: 1
Navy: 15 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: None
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: charles_li/
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Mobile
Religion: 80% Lakota Animism, 10% Arlinism
Population: 15 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 15 thousand mounted
Quality: 4
Navy: None
Stability: 70%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Mayan Kingdom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Chichen Itza
Religion: Mayan Polytheism (70%), Orthodox Domism (15%), Aztec Paganism (15%)
Population: 10.6 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 1 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 Triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Temple of the Sun (Chichen Itza)

Mohawk Confederation
Player/Ruler: NPC/ Enniska
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Anu Doma
Religion: 50% Talomatan Domism
Population: 12.4 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 11 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 2 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: La’ani Lighthouse (Anu Doma)

Mohegan Tribe
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Mohega
Religion: 95% Talomatan Domism, 5% Mohegan Paganism
Population: 7 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 5
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 5 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 100%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Great Hall of Dom (Mohegan), Palace of Shaha (Mohegan)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Oligarchy
Capital: Window Rock
Religion: 40% Reformed Arlinism, 60% Navajo Animism
Population: 9.2 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 10 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Ohio Nation
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Ohio Village
Religion: 70% Talomatan Domism, 10% other (pagan)
Population: 8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 9 thousand men, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 70%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Great Canal of Ohio Valley (from Ohio to north)

Player/Ruler: NPC/
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Awaswas
Religion: 60% Reformed Arlinism, Ohlone 40% Animism
Population: 8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 9 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Temple of the Ragged Mountain (Awaswas)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Powhatan Village
Religion: Paganism
Population: 7.2 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 9 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: None

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Tribal Confederation
Capital: Grasis
Religion: 100% Animism
Population: 7 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 50%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Fortress of Grasis (Grasis)

Player/Ruler: NPC/ Cayuga
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Seneca
Religion: 80% Talomatan Domism
Population: 10 million
Economy: Good (5)
Age: Late Iron Age/Civilized (5)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 90%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Temple Complex of Seneca (Seneca), Tri-Pillar University of Dom (Seneca), Fort Tirst (Southern Seneca)

Kingdom of Taronlia
Player/Ruler: conehead234/
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Mangar
Religion: 95% Reformed Arlinism, 5% Orthodox Arlinism
Population: 14 million
Economy: Good (5)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Tower of Arlin (Mangar), Great Temple of Arlinists (Mangar), Palace of Mangar (Mangar), Temple of the Holy Saint (Anu)

Player/Ruler: NPC/Eagle Eye
Government: Tribal
Capital: Tongass
Religion: 65% Reformed Arlinism, 25% Tongass Animism, 10% Orthodox Arlinism
Population: 8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: none
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Marketplace of Terin (Terin)

Wampanoag Tribe
Player/Ruler: D’Artagnan/
Government: Tribal Chiefdom
Capital: Quinsigamond
Religion: 80% Talomatan Domism, 5% Wampanoagi Paganism
Population: 12 million
Economy: Good (5)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 4 thousand mounted, 10 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 78%
Culture: Civilized
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures: Mound Temple of Dom (Quinsigamond)

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Chiefdom
Capital: Yakima
Religion: 75% Yakima Animism, 25% Orthodox Arlinism
Population: 5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 6 thousand footmen
Quality: 3
Navy: 25 galleys
Quality: 2
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Zapoteca Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Theocratic
Capital: Oaxaca
Religion: Mayan Polytheism (50%), Aztec Polytheism (35%), Orthodox Domism (15%)
Population: 15 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 12 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 15 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures: Reed Palace (Oaxaca), Fort of Chianomax (Chianomax)


South America

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Azuro
Religion: Azuro Paganism (95%)
Population: 7 million
Economy: Average (4)
Age: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 10 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 35 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 90%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: Churchill_25/
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Chib
Religion: Chib Paganism (90%)
Population: 7.5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 8 thousand footmen
Quality: 2
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Tribal
Capital: Magdalena
Religion: Paganism
Population: 5 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Age: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 5 thousand footmen, 12 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 15 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 60%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Spoiler AFRICA :


Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Aksum
Religion: Judaism (50%), Rhilism (10%)
Population: 9.2 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 65%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Carthaginian Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Despotism
Capital: Carthage
Religion: Brudism (40%) Rhilism (20%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 7.8 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Dendi Impidom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Impidom
Capital: Yaruba
Religion: Rhilism (50%)
Population: 6.8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 3
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Eritrea
Religion: Judaism (40%), Hinduism (10%)
Population: 4.7 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 8 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 10 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Impidom of Kongo
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Impidom
Capital: Zind
Religion: Kongo Polytheism
Population: 10.8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 14 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 2
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 55%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Mandinka Impidom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Baba
Religion: Rhilism (60%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 10.4 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Matamba Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Desoptism
Capital: Huropu
Religion: Naamism (80%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Nok Kingdom
Player/Ruler: Slavic Sioux/
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Nok
Religion: Rhilism (40%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 6.8 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 10 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 20 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Numidia
Religion: Rhilism (50%), Andalusian Polytheism (30%)
Population: 7.8 million
Economy: Feeble (2)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 2 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Kingdom of Somalia
Player/Ruler: Condor Green/
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Mogadishu
Religion: Naamism (30%), Hinduism (30%), Judaism (20%)
Population: 12.4 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 15 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Supusi Republic
Player/Ruler: lord joakim/
Government: Republic
Religion: Rhilism (90%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 8.8 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 10
Education: Late Iron Age/Informed (4)
Army: 12 thousand footmen, 6 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 quadriremes, 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 80%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures:

Taman Kingdom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Gonna
Religion: Naamism (80%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 5.2 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 75%
Culture: Established
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:

Timurian Kingdom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Monarchy
Capital: Timur
Religion: Rhilism (60%), Judaism (5%)
Population: 6.8 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 5
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 10 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: None
Stability: 70%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Yobi Impidom
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Impidom
Capital: Yobi
Religion: Naamism (60%)
Population: 7.6 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 7 thousand footmen, 2 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 10 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 75%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Impidom of Zanj Coast
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Impidom
Capital: Zanj City
Religion: Naamism (80%)
Population: 7.4 million
Economy: Feeble (3)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 9 thousand footmen, 3 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 3
Navy: 30 triremes
Quality: 2
Stability: 80%
Culture: Vague
Infrastructure: Sparse (2)
Great Structures:

Zulu Empire
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Impidom
Capital: Ulundi
Religion: Naamism (80%), Judaism (10%)
Population: 11.4 million
Economy: Average (4)
Treasury: 4
Education: Late Iron Age/Uneducated (2)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 7 thousand mounted, 5 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: None
Stability: 75%
Culture: Influential
Infrastructure: Adequate (3)
Great Structures:
Map and other stuff go here.


  • NAMES.png
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You may post now. Please those who already joined double check the stats and give a dynasty name.

All nations not taken in the stats now are open.

Update will be this weekend. Orders should be sent in by Saturday.
Actually it looks like Assyrian empire is free can I have that?
Nippon signing in1

Are there any players near me? :( Also, how did Judiaism make it all the way to Japan?

I think there was someone announcing interest in a Chinese nation, but he never chose which one.

Judaism is widespread throughout the entire world through trade routes. Enjoy :)

Added you nordstream
Andalusian Republic
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Senatorial Republic
Capital: Coba
Religion: Andalusian Polytheism (60%), Greco Rhilism (15%), Anwellism (15%)
Population: 25.7 million
Economy: Flourishing (7)
Treasury: 10
Education: Late Iron Age/Civilized (5)
Army: 15 thousand footmen, 5 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 5 quinqueremes, 10 quadriremes, 20 triremes
Quality: 4
Stability: 75%
Culture: Glorified
Infrastructure: Modern (6)
Great Structures: Gardens of Coba, University of Coba, Temple of God (Valencia)

My claim to Andalusia stands :D
I think there was someone announcing interest in a Chinese nation, but he never chose which one.

Judaism is widespread throughout the entire world through trade routes. Enjoy :)

Added you nordstream

Actually it looks like Assyrian empire is free can I have that?
Fennia reporting in, loyal servants of the Vyacheslav dynasty.
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Assur
Religion: Assyrian Polytheism (60%), Judaism (20%)
Population: 16.4 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 24 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Adequate (3)
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Temple of Assur

The Military May-be Guy leaves Africa for Assyria
Player/Ruler: NPC
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Assur
Religion: Assyrian Polytheism (60%), Judaism (20%)
Population: 16.4 million
Economy: Good (5)
Treasury: 2
Education: Late Iron Age/Educated (3)
Army: 24 thousand footmen, 8 thousand mounted, 15 catapults
Quality: 4
Navy: 25 triremes
Quality: 3
Stability: 70%
Culture: Adequate (3)
Infrastructure: Plentiful (4)
Great Structures: Temple of Assur

The Military May-be Guy leaves Africa for Assyria

I asked first :p
Republic of Canfre loudly enters the marble hall and takes its place in the front row of the gathering of nations. :p

You might want to go through the stats and split up some nations, some of them appear to be apart of another nation making it difficult to find the nation. (took me awhile to find mine)

Oh and for ruler just put Consul Gregorius
Making my own :)

Kingdom of Dilmun
Player/Ruler: Dreadnought /
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Batan
Religion: Bani Polytheism
Population: ?
Economy: ?
Treasury: ?
Education: ?
Army: ?
Quality: ?
Navy: ?
Quality: ?
Stability: ?
Culture: ?
Infrastructure: ?
Great Structures: ?

Start me with my capital on Bahrain please, and include me in Qatar if possible :)

Write up to come soon; in short, its a small trading kingdom located along the main trade routes across the Persian Gulf. Its economy thrives due to trading and an excellent pearl market.
Apache signing in.
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