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Just moved up to Emperor, going well need a bit of advice


May 12, 2004
hi, once again i have made a difficulty level transition from monarch to emperor, after beating monarch sounding twice in a row. my first and current emperor game is on a tiny map with 3 opponents playing as persia. i got off to a relatively solid start and am in tech lead and tied biggest nation. my question is though, what do i do now? what are my next priorities? the save is below on C3C v1.22. thanks.
Three luxs, iron, horses, two cows for one city plus another cow and rivers galore. Wow, what a great start!

I'd turn off science, upgrade two warriors to Immortals and start thumping some heads. Start with the Zulu as they are aggressive and will give you problems all the rest of the game. I see there is a Zulu warrior/settler team right outside Siddon. You can start the war with 2 slaves right off the bat.
It's not always can't be bothered. May not have the software to load at work.

This should be an easy win, great start.
1. keep Persepolis pumping settlers, you need more cities.
2. agreed Zulu are targets. You have immortals, they only have 2 cities and you don't want fast Zulu's hitting you from behind.
3. Next target would be French and then Greeks. Use cats if hoplites are on marshes.

Never tried a tiny world. Retrying huge for more interesting game.

Have fun.

He can probably win in despotism with that start on a tiny Pangaea. :)

What I'd do:

1) Wack the Zulus sooner rather than later, otherwise Sidon will flip.

2) When wacking the Zulus, take their capital, then wait 10 turn for Bapedi's border to expand before attack that city, or it will auto-raze.

3) You already have as much productive land as you'll ever have on a tiny map. Any new cities that you found will be totally corrupt, while costing 2 pop in your most productive city. So my recommendation is to stop buiding settlers, and let the AI build those cities for you.

4) You should let Persepolis grow to size 6, and use it to build workers for the empire. Right now, you're wasting so much gold by letting Persepolis dropping down to size 2, while your happiness situation allows you to have a size 6 city else where in the empire.

5) Start a pre-build for the FP in Gordium now.

6) get ready for building library, marketplace and courthouse in your core cities (now, that's the builder in me speaking ;) others may disagree. On this map, being the Persians, you will win with an all-military-all-the-time approach, but on a bigger map, with another civ, not building the neccessary infrastructure is suicidal).
Ok thanks everyone for the advice. it seems unanimous that i should wack the zulu so i will. i'll report back in a few days.

thanks once again! :)

i've included the original 4000BC save if anyone wants to try this game themselves.
citizen001 i played your game (not the 4000 BC) i didnt kept log but i will try to tell you what i did

The zulu war:

o I attacked the zulu wariorr/settler right the on the first move tirgering GA.
o razed bapedi (size 1) the horse town.
o zulu setle hlobane / i capture zimbabwe.
o waiting while hlobane gets some culture dont want to raze it.
o sending some some immortals to tyre for france.
o blah... :vomit: greeks declare war blah i wanted them for last but they will be the second :spank: / capture hlobane zulu are gone.

The greek war:

o immortals from tyre moving to attack greece(tyre is on the other end of the empire this will cost me some points).
o heh greeks are an easy target (maybe because of their rugh start position).
o they have sent only 3 reg swords on me heh no match for my vet imms.
o while taking the last greek town i get a MGL :D , noting beats the immortal army in AA.
o the greeks r gone it's france turn...

The french war:

o another heh i have 12 imms in a stack and an imm army doing solo and france sends only 2 warriors to face me.
o spear has no chance against imm
o thy are down to 1 city army and a lot of imms are ready to attack but france settles another town grrr...
o peace to france for a city than declare and heh they are gone.


o I win in 70 AD to get a score of 10543 hehe easy points.
o I was going for a BC conquest but i made some mistakes that disabled me from doing this.


i had the wierdest RNG ever, i got two SGL plus 1 SGL that citzen001 got and on the other hand my elite imm lost to defending swordman who had 1 HP. i calculated the ods there was 0.56 % chance that swordman will win and he won :aargh: .

With my SGLs i rushed HG, PY and GL i dunno why i rushed GL i didnt need it but i guess i like to build it :mischief: .

o i did a Monarchy slingshot revolted once GA finished, and sidnt care what was i reasearching because i knew that i dont need nothing except imms.

and i forgot here is the end save game
wow Durkz!!!! :goodjob:

you beat me to it. i won a domination in AD and you beat me by about 1000 points. :(
Thanks to everyone who contributed to help me to my FIRST EMPEROR WIN!!!!!!!!! :D

here's my victory save:
thetrooper said:
3 SGLs by 710 BC, that's insane! Good thing you posted the screenies.
5 % for a sgl realy pays off now im going to play my epic game only with sientific civs and to citizen001 [party] [party] :bday: congrats
my first emperor win was on a standard map by dipllomatic
Too easy citizen001. :rolleyes:

Tiny map? Come on! Try at least a normal or larger sized map with many Civs next time. :spank:

Congrats on a first time Emperor game victory though... ;) [party]
Thanks Admiral8Q, ;)

i'm working on an Emperor standard right now tho don't have much time left with school coming back soon.
ya man when taking a jump, start on small maps and then get bigger, thats what i did when i moved from emperor to demigod
i jump levels the other way
my first emp win was on standard map then i played tiny and won and then i played small and won and then i played standard again and when i won i considerd myself an emperor player (wow lot of "and" in that sentence)
now i won on diety on standar and won on tiny and now playing on small map. when i win it and standard again i will consider myself as a diety player (skiped DG because it's new dificulty only in C3C)
hmm this looks interesting... think i will play this...
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