Just purchased game and I have a ?


Feb 8, 2007
Dallas, NC

Should I be downloading the unofficial MOD and Snoopy/Dale's PatchMod, or does Snoopy/Dale's PatchMod include all things in the unofficial mod as well.

Thanks for the clarification, and yes I must be a sucker. Even after all the negative posts I just had to get this. I have soooooo many great memories playing COL 1 and I am sure that I will enjoy this one as well.

Peace out, stay safe and remember that Chuck Norris is watching.
I cant tell you if those are compatible or if dales mod incorperates everything that is in the patchmod and simply expands upon it. But i can guess that the unofficial patchmod likely adresses bugs in general and isnt designed to recreate an entirely different game with new content along with changes deemed necessary for an enjoyable single player game as dales mod does.

In my opinion if you just got the game recently you might want to try playing it vanilla for a while. You will get a basic understanding of the mechanics of the game so when you try the mods you will be able to form your own opinion on whether or not the mods are an improvement or not. I think the work dale has done is great, but im very disapointed that its all for nothing when you want to play strictly multiplayer. In order to play dales mod in multiplayer you need a lan and friends in your area. With vanilla you can hop onto gamespy and find a game with alot less hassle. Alot of the problems in single player are not present in multiplayer since the ai only controls the indians while you fight it out with real players who will exploit the indians just as quickly as you for an advantage. Such as arming them with guns and paying them to kill your enemies without them knowing who initiated the conflict. Or just trading for indian gold for an early economic advantage.

Contrary to popular opinion i find the single player vanilla to be a decent challange provided you dont cut corners by disbanding population to raise rebel sentiment. If you find you are getting too many pop to reach your goal of 50% sentiment then its time to start over and try it with several more cities supporting smaller populations in each with 3 colonists in every town hall. The only pitfall is trying to dump all your population in one super city so you can build things faster and do more things at once in a single city. But in truth its more efficient to have more smaller cities since every city gets free resources from the center tile and every city you have when you rebel can provide 2 free colonists.

But i guess i didnt really answer your question... Maybe one of the modders will spot this thread and help you.

GL with your new game
Age of Discovery II includes PatchMod which includes BugFix. :)
The PatchMod fixes bugs and problems in the vanilla code. AoD2 modifies the rules and mechanics of the game and also incorporates everything in PatchMod. Go to Dale's mod site or Downloads to get a description of what it does.

Land of Our Fathers as another popular mod that incorporates PatchMod. In fact, most of the mods incorporate it.

IMHO, the vanilla game is playable only if you make some xml changes to modify things. And I wouldn't think of playing vanilla without the PatchMod. I have not played a game with AoD2, but am currently working on my own mod of AoD2, adding some things and incorporating some of my own ideas on how things should be that differ from Dale's. This is not a criticism of Dale or his mod; the whole point is you can change the game to suit your own tastes and style of play. In fact, I do not know of any game that is more accessible to the players for modding than the Civ4 games. It was designed from the ground up with that as one goals, and they have succeeded admirably.

As to how many cities, how you set them (large, manufacturing; small, resource providers, etc.) depends on how you like to play the game and what the terrain gives you. My first game I was on an Australia like island off of the main continent; This location dictated in part what I could do. If I had all of North America (South America) available, there would be much more options as well as some things which would not make sense compared to the large island location.
Go with AODII.

v1.06 Now includes Land of our Fathers, as well as PatchMod, bugfixes, new Europe screens, achievements .... the list goes on!
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