• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

K 6 - Diplomacy

1. Inherited Turn
2. Finish Warrior Code, start The Wheel
3. Norwich Library > Spearman. Our Galley makes a dangerous jouney over the ocean and finds new lands!
4. Make contact with chinese, get their WM for our WM and 100 gp. They have quite a tech lead on us ! :|
5. Contact with Babs, they are much smaller than chinese. Trade our WM, Literature and 140gp for Their WM, The Wheel, Math and Mysticism.
6. Get horseback from Great Library, start on Philosophy. Establish embassies.
7. WOAH!! The Babs and Chinese are at War! This is good news for us! Time to up our science budget a bit.. Philosphy in 5 turns.
8. Nothing important happened today.
9. Or today.
10. Philosophy completed, on with currency. Sign ROP with Babylon and China to keep good relations.
12. China and Babylon sign peace treaty. OH NO!! XinJian has just completed the Great Lighthouse! The Buggers! Swith production to Palace for now.
13. Found new island to south, galley might not make it into coast in time however.
14. Our galley makes it to the south island!
18. Discovered 2 large islands in the south, so far they seem uninhabited.
20. End

Oxford is 17 turns from building a palace, if we don't get a wonder tech by then, buy one from the chinese! We REALLY got screwed with this starting location. We might consider building some troops so the AI doesn't view us as an easy target.

docceh: we DO have the Great Library! Why do you research like crazy?????? Safe money and buy a wonder tech instead..... ;)
oops... oh yeah!! :rolleyes:

well whoever's next can ammend that slight tactical error :)
Well, I've been gone for a week, and I thought for sure my turn would be skipped, but nothing's been played!!

Killer, maybe you should take it.
too quote a Blind Guardian song...

I'm Alive!!
i didn't know it was my turn.... :(
i will keep wtch this time... btw you guy watch "the two tower" yet?
akinkhoo: take it!

means you are up.

OK, aikinkhoo: your turn NOW! :lol:

and no, no chance yet (Germany - does it run here already?) and I do not really know if I want to see it.....
I'm gonna see it on saturday... and I CANT WAIT!!!

The Fellowship is my fav movie of all time, and this one is about to come joint first lol :)

I like stuff!
We'll see it sometime during this holiday period (AFTER we see the DVD of Fellowship again!)

akinkhoo - you are taking your turn now, right?
I've seen it... and it TRULY is amazing. Words cannot describe! I REALLY cant wait for The Return of The King!!!!
I am up in Connecticut for Christmas and my lovely blonde, polish sister (3 strikes right there) left her CIV 3 disk at college so I can't take my turns when they come up:( and that means that I am going to have to spend even more time with my family and in-laws than expected :eek:

ON top of that, I wont be able to play PTW since she left that at college too. :cry:

I'll be back in town and with my own pc on the 30th. Till then, skip me.

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