Lack of rivers in radom maps and historical locations


Sep 28, 2008
So it appears that are some problems with the radom map seeds. We spawn in the same place everytime in random and in the Americas map too.

Although has anyone noticed that there are very few rivers being drawn in the random maps? I open the worldbuilder on start and check around, 2 whole continents will have at most 4-5 rivers. Finding a river to settle in nearly impossible =). Even huge tropical jungles and marshes have barelly any rivers crossing them. It looks very strange and not very natural.

Back in COL1 i always played the Americas map and i loved how there was an option (or was it default) to have the factions start in their, more or less, historical places. What i would also love to see is the Americas map with all indian factions in historical locations and even (drools) historical settlement names.

Maybe down the line we can have the same system as in Rye's, where a settlement will pickup the name based on where it is founded. :cool:
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