LAN games


Nov 2, 2002
Is multiplayer by LAN, turnbased working in ptw?

or is that too bugged like the rest?

and what about lagging, is that only in internet games or also in LAN games.

If LAN seems ok, i'll buy the game :)
I've been playing nothing but 3 Human/5 AI LAN games since the game came out. We haven't had a single problem. It still seems like its slower than it should be occasionally, but otherwise it's been the most fun I've ever had with Civ.
Trying to setup 3 home computers for LAN games. Excuse my ignorance, but do you have to have three different sets of the game or can you load all 3 computers in the LAN with the same discs? I've tried doing that but having trouble, so I thought maybe they've rigged it not to work that way.

Can anybody help? Thx!
I've played with my brother via LAN (two WinXP computers) and it did work without crashing. But I must say it doesn't play as relaxed as a normal game. It just doesn't play as smooth and it also seems to use the same engine as for turnless and not as for single player. You can't move a unit before it has completed it's current one (usually when I move a unit with more than 1 movement point, I already press the button for the next move before the first move is made); when you move a unit, the next one becomes selected while the first has makes his move; and whenever a city builds something it's only mentioned, but you don't have the option to go to that city. All very clumsy and annoying. :( Yet it's so much fun playing MP we'll still carry on with this game. :)

You could wait till the next patch is out. ;)
PTW in Lan is so much fun.
The two funniest combinations of rules for 1on1 me and a friend has been playing with is:

Elimination game.
Elimination Victory on.
Tiny Pangea.
Turnless or Simul works best.
No need for an AI.
Can include Regicide or any of the other new rules aswell.
Start in any era, but Ancient or Middle age are preferable.

Future Start game
Only Conquest on.
Simul or Turnbased works based. (Turnless could work, but it's nice to have an AI in the game).
Nice to have 2-6 AI in too.
Mass/Regicide can work with this mode aswell.
Tiny-Standard Continents map. Small preferable.
as I´ve posted before on apolyton. Here´s my LAN-Game-xperience :
i played a 6 player LAN-Game on WinXP-computers, good configuration, and we got it to work in 30 minutes. -> Good!
I noticed nearly no comment on the lan-perfomance and bugs, so I thought I´ll add my 2 cent and maybe help firaxis to find some bugs in lan game.

Now a few Questions rose during the game:
here is the config:

No computer players, 6 human civs (2 new, celts and scandies) , normal map size, simultan move, all other configs default.
1. The game is laggy, not comparable to internet-gaming but it is slow. Especially the mouse clicking speed in the city screen, you change a worker to another field an click and nothing happens, or it takes 2 seconds.
It appears to be that it speeds up when other player finished their turns, then it is nearly normal speed.
Plz don´t tell me to play turnbased. That game should support simultan-move as moo2 and stars did.
I just can´t understand the lag. It´s the main feature of this expansion, i paid 40 Euros, it´s ridiculous. But there are other ranters in other threads doing this job

2. Why is there no "Which TECHNOLOGY should we research next,sir ?" pop-up. It´s simply missing. You NEVER even noticed that you researched something. You always have to keep the "research time left" in mind, so that you are ready to change your research in time. Otherwise, the Advisor simply chooses the tech advance he sees fit. And as we know, change tech=loose a lotta research points.
I can imagine why the pop-up is missing:
All players should have the same opportunity to move their units RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING of the turn. Which leads to the next point :

3. As far as we noticed: The "first clicker" is first mover, right ? Means: Unit A moves, then B.Why ?
My proposal would be :
Units got no initiative. So, let the movement-value decide, who moves first. Or the xp.

4. to end turn, you have to click on the oval thing, not anywhere in the lower right box. That´s new to me.

On the other hand:
It was great fun ! We played 5 hours w/o any (real)problems at all. We loved the game and even the possibilty to play the "real civ" with your friends is wonderful. Always dreamt of this!

famous last words
GM:"You see a giant glowing emerald lying on the ocean floor. It's bigger than your head and pulsates with inner light."
PC:"Cool! I pick it up!"
Originally posted by Sunstone
2. Why is there no "Which TECHNOLOGY should we research next,sir ?" pop-up. It´s simply missing. You NEVER even noticed that you researched something. You always have to keep the "research time left" in mind, so that you are ready to change your research in time. Otherwise, the Advisor simply chooses the tech advance he sees fit. And as we know, change tech=loose a lotta research points.
You can turn on Pop-ups in the preferenses screen, and why don't you set more then one research at a time when you are in the Science Advisor screen? If you use SHIFT you can set in which order you want to research the ENTIRE tree if you like.
Yeah, we've really only been playing it on the LAN. Great fun though, although definitely not without a few quirks that will hopefully be ironed out.

What I'd really like to see is the option to have a LAN game with all the civs; say, five humans and 19 CPU opponents on a huge custom map. It'd be a riot! ... or at least, we think so. :)
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