Land Trades & Purchases


Mar 19, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA.
“Successful diplomacy will depend on players…trading items and land….”

Seems to suggest that land negotiations, purchases, or trades could be a new addition to diplomacy. I can see this being one important and major addition to diplomacy (think Louisiana Purchase). Having the ability to negotiate for land rather than having to go to war is a significant new option. I've wanted this ability for some years now -- I hope CIV5 finally delivers!
I'm a little skeptical really. Land is something that people tend to hold sacred. I would say that the only time in history when nations 'sold' land is when they didn't really own it or had no real presence there. Alaska and Luisiana purchase come to mind. Dubious claims mixed with undefendable mgiht be allowable, but I don't see that coming up in a Civ game.

I would not like to see the AI allowing someone to push their borders back for money. That just doesn't happen.
this is an awesome idea. you can speculate now on trying to buy land from another civ that you might think contains resources down the road. like a desert tile. if you buy it and it contains oil, it was a good bet. but you can always take land back by war.

this wil be awesome.
I'm a little skeptical really. Land is something that people tend to hold sacred. I would say that the only time in history when nations 'sold' land is when they didn't really own it or had no real presence there. Alaska and Luisiana purchase come to mind. Dubious claims mixed with undefendable mgiht be allowable, but I don't see that coming up in a Civ game.

I would not like to see the AI allowing someone to push their borders back for money. That just doesn't happen.

This is true, but land was also often traded during peace negotiations, aka pointy stick diplomacy.
I like the idea, it could be as Mannu said used to sue for peace and also helps those people who don't want to go to war for land but have the money to buy it do so.
I think land trading will be a very useful option for games where colonization is important. Recently settled, weakly held territories could be sold to other colonial powers.

In addition I do believe border tiles could be traded between developed nations during peacetime, probably not cities, but a few hexes along the border would be reasonable. Such things have happened between the US and Canada as well as the US and Mexico.
Land trading sounds pretty fun, but will you be selecting individual hexes or what? How will it be done exactly?
Land trading would be an interesting feature...the ability to turn it off/on via a diplomacy game setting would also be nice
Would be awesome if it part of pointy-stick diplomacy..
This relates to what was found in this thread:

Borders will expand dynamically now depending on the terrain type and other factors. And can be sped up by spending money on the land. It also mentions to ability to buy land from other players I guess. I don't know how it will work, but the growth and exchanging of territory, both peacefully and through war, seems like it will be a lot more dynamic and fluid.
so what's to stop me from selling huge swaths of land to another and then steaming over it with my army and reclaim said land? Even with a X turn mandatory peace treaty, it would still be taken advantage of.

Other than that, I think it sounds fine, especially when selling territory not directly connected to the home boundaries, like colonies and far-away mainland holdings.
Well, presumably the AI would be smart enough so that if its economy is good enough to support massive treasuries, it would actually use that economy for something useful like scientific research and building a large military instead of just stockpiling it all waiting for a player to exploit them.

Basically what I'm saying is that if the game lives up to its AI promises, there wont ever be a situation where there's a neighboring nation who has a large gold stockpile and willing to buy huge chunks of land, but is unable to protect itself.
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