Larger shores ?


Jun 6, 2017
hey there !

I have been frustrated for some time now - well, for about 1'000 hours of play - that it's impossible to expand the shores. Right now, most maps only have shores 1 to 2 tiles wide. I would like to be able to set shores so that a city in the shore doesn't blocks you, or you can have naval combat in early game that isn't only about lining up ships in a straight line.

Anyone knows a script able to do that ?

Thank you !

Check Planet Simulator (bobert13)... it contains a routine that can vary coastal width according to user preference, along with other customization.

There are some caveats with certain coastal settings. I'd suggest reading the comments in the script, specifically in function MapConstants:InitializeCoasts and function GenerateCoasts
One reason why most scripts have narrow (less than 3-tile) shores is that oil can be placed in shallow water. If you have wider shores, then you might have some unreachable oil, which I believe would reduce the amount of reachable oil on the map. So if you want wider shores, then you will have to re-balance the distribution of oil in water. See AssignStartingPlots: PlaceOilInTheSea() in AssignStartingPlots.lua.
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Yeah, perfect example.

It's probably easier to address the problem via game rules, rather than widening coasts... the map scale isn't really friendly to wider coasts. Though a land adjacency or nearness check added to ASP would solve the resource issue.

Alternative suggestions...

- allow ships and/or recon class units to ignore borders (set RivalTerritiory=1)
- allow ocean passage earlier
- allow ocean passage, if the end tile is visible coast (see Community Patch dll)
- move 'open borders' to an earlier tech
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