Legiones purpura triumphantes/RFRE for Civ IV


Apr 12, 2011
After my first (miserably failed) attempt at a story for cIV, I decided to subject the world to another one:blush: I will try to write an AAR for my absolute favorite cIV mod:RFRE by primordial stew. Hopefully, I'll be able to post later today or tomorrow. Screenshots are kind of a pain in the butt, so maybe a few, but don't count on it. (And trust me, I know how boring a picture-less AAR is, so I'll try my best to get a few up.) I'll follow a mostly historical path, but I'll try not to destroy my legions at Cannae, Teutoberg Forest, etc. I'll probably write a more History Channel-style AAR, so hopefully my amazing writing will cover up the screenshot deficiency.:)mischief:) So onward to the Imperium Romanum.
Subscribed. Not often we see a Warlords player around here, but the last Warlords story (although it died early on) was good... a good sign for this one. :)
Never heard of this mod, should be good!
update soon.
HopliteJoe--RFRE is a historical mod following the (obvoiusly) Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.
subbed and best of luck
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