Little request... Standalone Stories


Oct 23, 2013
Hi guys,

I tried Communitas Expansion, and unfortunately this is not for me - I am too used to old interface and stats, and there are more solutions which annoy me than these which I found brilliant ;f

However, there is one particularly awesome part of the mod. Stories (Opportunities? Random Events?)

My question is, would you like to create standalone mod which adds only Stories/Random Events to the game for all players, and nothing else? I am pretty sure that many players would LOVE some kind of Random Events Mod, as there is lack of something like that (apart from abandoned User Events) ;)

Or, is there any way for me to edit Communitas (just for myself, obviously) in order to have only Stories and not overhaul of the entire game?
Well I tried that but Stories didn't happen, so I guessed that there is something important in other folders relating to the Stories :p
Looks like CES_Events.lua uses MT_Events.lua and YieldLibrary.lua so it'd be difficult to decouple it from CAT.
Oh. So, if that is impossible for me, I would eventually suggest creating independent Communitas Stories mod ;)
Anyone had any sucess with getting stories/events to work outside CEP?

I really loved those stories/evnts when I played with CEP, and its something I seriously miss.
I'm the opposite. I really like CEP except the stories. When I play, I delete them as they make the game just too easy.
I'm the opposite. I really like CEP except the stories. When I play, I delete them as they make the game just too easy.


For us experienced players, stories make the game way too easy. It always comes with a bonus. Perhaps Thal could change the stories into something like a dilemma choice. We have always known that tile give bonus. But can it also give penalty?

For example:
Workers in a manufactory near your capital has gone on a strike.
a) disband the protester by force:
+2:c5production: -3:c5happy:

b) Negotiate with the union president to increase salary:
+1 :c5production: -3 :c5gold:

c) Let the mayor deal with it
-1 :c5production:

Something like that.
The problem is also that we always take one of the two good bonus while the AI often take the third option, because it doesn't have enough treasury to pay for the two good ones.

I like the penalty stories idea.

I read that Thal is thinking about reducing the costs to help the AI taking advantage of them.

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Can you make a random event gift you a unit?
Such as a Settler once you 'Fortify to claim tile', and gain control of an area where you plan to call your territory, or your kingdom?? ... The cultural borders that you waged 'tribe wars' to maintain control??
Is there a such thing as a modding tool that allows editing random events, units, buildings, etc.??
Especially for non-tech savvy individuals that have good ideas, just not the skills to implement them??
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