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Lonely Hearts Club, BtS Edition, Chapter XXVIII: Brennus

:eek: Yes...its 845 AD...NOT BC..AD...So I'm Isolated...so what

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Yeah yeah Isolated, I settled in place, built 2 workers then with marble I decided on the marble wonders...I built the Great Lighthouse, Temple of Armitis, settled a 2nd city to the west, for the 30+ food gross/20 worked for my science city. I stayed at this level of cities till about 630 AD, I then decided to expand my empire

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research mining, bronze working :banana: yeah bronze, fishing, sailing (lighthouse), Masonry (Great lighthouse), writing, Aesthetics, lit (great library), then Mathematics, calender, Alpha, then down optics line.

I have 2 huts unpopped as yet, and hope to pop Astronomy from one of them, once I have optics and astronomy available. If I don't I have 2 Scientists to bulb Astronomy, but I I do, I have 2 scientists to bulb Liberalism line.

I just currently spamming out the settlers to settle the cities...I now have 6 and building more cities...

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It's been a while since I participated in the LHC. Hopefully I'll give it a go tonight. A few conditions though, my new graphic card must arrive first. The old one gave up on me and I have to say, it's not easy finding a good AGP card these days that works with a 350W powersupply. But I found one I think will work and hopefully it'll arrive soon and I once again can be able to play on something larger than small or tiny maps with some performance and without constant crashes ;)
And joy the wonders of internet purchasing. A brand new graphic card installed and I'm running civ faster than ever. :D

Now, I said I'd give this one a go and I did, but man, Rolo, what a start....

Monarch/Epic up to 1776AD
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Well, the gods of civ (or rather, rolo) could have been nicer with this starting position. An island containing of some seafood, sugar and jungle to summarise my first impression after scouting the whole place. Not much help here when in isolation.

Though there was something positive, an event I never had before so I just had to take a picture of it.

The rest of the events where pretty boring, I don't know how many times I've lost forges, libs etc in hurricanes in this one. One of my more unlucky if not the most unlucky event games ever.

Oh well, no use whining, I did grab the two wonders I aimed for, GLH and GL. I didn't even bother thinking about any more, I've been way behind and is still somewhat behind in tech in this one.

The land of the proud celtic civ by the late 1700 century, do mind that Shaka just declared and I had to switch to Nationhood to draft a bit to repel him. My powerrating isn't worth mentioning, I didn't even bother to screenie it, I'm way down on the list. I had hoped my clever diplomacy would save me, but unfortunately Shaka didn't listen to such reasoning.

And so some boring statistics

Tech situation:

The cities:

And VCs:

To summarise. There's still a chance to save this one. Though I'm limited to spacerace, I don't think I can manage anything else. So everything will go towards production now. I'f I'm lucky, space might just be the frontier I can reach.

What have I done wrong. Well, somewhat poor cityplacements, had I kept the settler in it's original position for the capital, two pretty good cities would've been possible on the northern peninsula. Second, I delayed IW a bit and settled the low food production cities north first, they never really caught up with economy so I feel behind there already and after that I was to slow in filling up the rest of the continent.

I did manage to win the circumnav race so I was pretty early to optics, though someone had already Education at that point. All the techs I aimed at as trading techs someone else managed to grab a few turns before me and trade around, so the trading game hasn't worked that well either. Fortunately, there's a few backwards that helped fill my early tech gaps.

We'll see another day if there's an happy ending to this one ;)

Brennus? Yes please.

Up to 2280 BC, I have bronze working and AH if that would spoil anything for you.

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Decided to move one north to grab the fish. Unfortunate that I don't get super hammers from the copper, but I like having more room for Vienne, so its not so bad.

Dotmap for future. The southern bit is not looking too good. I'm about halfway done building stonehenge in Bibracte. Current plans are to build either oracle for CoL (and a religion, which I never had in my Justinian game) or TGL.

I have very little experience with TGL; is it still worthwhile even if you don't have foreign trade routes?
I have very little experience with TGL; is it still worthwhile even if you don't have foreign trade routes?
It is.....

Think on this : a coastal city in a civ with GLH has atleast 2 "free" coins. That may look not much, but it can pay most of the maintenance of a city in that time where the city is more a drag than a asset. And that is the strength of TGL IMHO: it softens the bump in the economy when you do a new city, making less costly to settle new cities.

OFC that in LHCs it shines in that period between Astro and Corporation ;)
I guess action is a bit slow in this LHC?

Well, I've been away on buisness all week so no civving for me more than civ rev on the DS this week. But I guess this one will be abandoned by me, unless I find some time tonight, cause tomorrow I'll be down by the gamestore grabbing myself a copy of colonization, so BtS will be on a hold for a while.

Edit: I put this last bit in spoiler in hindsight, there may be a very small spoiler if you haven't even started yet...
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About TGL, IMHO in this kind of map it's worth a whole lot more than the Oracle. Sure perhaps you can manage to grab both with the marble helping on Oracle in this one but I'm not too sure it's the best move. With TGL, beeline Astro, delay corps and hope that everyone else hasn't discovered banking when you reach astro.
I enjoy isolated starts as much if not more that regular maps. I just try not to play them all the time because your normal skills will decline.

Never-the-less, I am 0 for 2 on this map. I think I will try one more time.

After getting UN screwed by pretend AI diplo nonsense, it's time for TMIT to take another look @ this map.

So far...no good. But I haven't lost yet so we'll see.

Spoiler :

Settle in place. AH, worker.
3300 fishing in
2600 bw
2175 masonry
1950 Vienne settled 4w capitol. GP farm, definitely.
1350 Up through writing/priesthood. Building oracle. Teching IW.
1225 Oracle CoL, founded 3rd city last turn with rice/horse
1075 IW
700 Gergovia founded for 3x sugar, rice, gem
410 A GG dies in combat. Egypt is destroyed?!
395 City #5 settled for riverside/more sugar. Cottage center, just like the one before it.
200 Monarchy is in. I now have the means to get away with settling the entire continent.
125 City 6 settled on SW tip of island for fish/horse
110 BC Ouch. A 0% slider? Good thing I'm going to get some courthouses up soon!
265 AD City 7 founded on south tip of island - Just riverside coastal. A farm or two then cottages.
430 Parthenon in capitol.
580 Someone uses a GE to rush TGL :cry:. I found my 8th city for fish along the SE coast.
1210 I'm miserably backwards. Finishing up paper whilst liberalism has been finished.
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