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LotR4 - 5CC Conquest


Catan player
Jan 10, 2002
Well, since LK29 sparked such interest -- and with RBD13 finally winding down, I think I should have time to run one of these.

- Continents, max water, middle world age, rest random
- Standard-size map
- Monarch difficulty

Civ -- not Aztecs, French, or German -- any other suggestion might be accepted.

The 5CC means five city challenge -- only five cities ever, total. Anything beyond five cities must be razed or not accepted. It might be to our benefit to actually only build 4 initial cities, delaying one to be built across an ocean, or to abandon one of our initial cities to get an airport across water. We'll see.

All victory conditions will be enabled but conquest is our only method of true victory.

If you're interested, please also give a brief mention of desired civ.

Arathorn -
Well we have going full circle ;)

Your gave me the idea for my always war games, and now you aqcuire my insane 5cc conquest idea. However, Monarch? I don't know if it can even be done with Regent :lol:
I will toss my hat into the ring, if you like. I have never tried either a 5CC or OCC so this would be interesting.

My favorite has always been the Egyptians, and their combo may be an extra edge that we need. I am not wild about their UU though. I only use it if I need a GA, but usually let wonders trigger it.
Lee, an interesting idea is interesting, whoever has it. I have little doubt that it can be done on Monarch -- I debated doing it on Emperor rather strongly, but I want a bit more laid-back.

I am, however, considering making it even easier and disabling spaceship as a victory condition.

Since one can make alliances and trades, this should play a lot easier than an always war scenario. Small civs actually do very well in trades, so I expect it to run in a reasonably straight-forward manner, once the initial difficulties are over. We'll see if I'm right....

Hmm... with relatively little city micromanagement involved and a standard size map, hopefully ten turns shouldn't take more than a couple of hours even in the worst case.

As long as I stick to playing this one only, I shouldn't get in too much trouble with the G/F

Monarch difficulty though? Count me in if you think I can handle it (based on my efforts in LOTR3 :) ).
Well, AS, in the industrial age, once you have factories and rails going, it is entirely possible for you to pump out 5 units a turn, every turn. Stack enough turns of that together and you will still wind up with a sizeable army, especially since you probably won't acheive complete victory until well into the modern age. All those units will take time to move into the correct positions and perform their attacks. You may save some time on city management, but you will still have to invest a good chunk of time in actually prosecuting your wars, which takes longer to begin with.
Probably best to leave me out of this one. I was told yesterday that I'm being sent out of state for two weeks of JAVA training courses - that's in addition to being in England for nearly two weeks later this month.
I think Chieftess was interested in the other game as well, but this one is at a higher level.

Let's go with it as is.....
I'll play, if there's still space, and I'd be up for trying it on Emperor even.

Civ - We'll want militaristic, absolutely. No other civ trait will make much of a difference. The Militaristics besides Germany that have a useful UU for us are Rome, Japan and China. The Legion isn't that good, plus Commercial is absolutely useless. Industrious won't be very helpful either.

Shall we play as Japan?
Players and order:


Monarch, standard size. Hmmm...got votes for Egyptians, Japanese, and English. I've done Egypt and Japan in SGs before (Egypt twice, actually). Japan would seem to be the easiest, but I've not played England much.

Unless I hear an outcry, I'm gonna go with my gut between Japan and England when I start the game -- probably tonight, maybe tomorrow.

24/48 time turn-around.

Only in the short run. Any 5CC game that reaches the Industrial age and Factories rapidly runs out of things to build besides military. Either Religious or Scientific adds up to maybe 10 extra infantry in the long run.

That said, though, getting the Cathedrals online 10-20 turns sooner in the middle ages does help, especially with few luxuries and cities growing large rapidly.
Hey Arathorn,

Yeah, I might have been more tempted with a smaller map or, better yet, with a different theme, one that keeps the turn length and unit proliferation/movement down, or that finishes relatively quickly. This one will probably both have lots of units to move (eventually) and be quite drawn out, so doesn't suit. Normally I'd be all over a 5CC game, if it had a peaceful agenda.

I've won a Deity OCC game via Diplo victory, and an Emperor 5CC Space victory. How about a Deity 5CC game, with Diplomatic enabled but we can't hold a vote? Now that would be a challenge. :)
Can I still join? I'm certainly getting better, and I can hold my own in Monarch. How's my reasoning in LK28? :) (The Regeant Training Day game).

As for the civ we're going to use.... between Japanese and English, I'll take the Japanese. I just don't like the English UU, and the late middle age units seem to be outdated pretty quickly. I do like the French UU (too bad we can't play them - why?). I went on a razing rampage once with them. :)

The Japanese UU is good for the entire era.
I just took the first start offered -- continents, mostly water and Japan. I hope it works out OK. No contact with anyone yet.

I just founded Minas Ithil where we started -- it was on a river near a wheat, can't ask for more than that. As it turns out, there is a horse resource also in our cultural borders.

Built a couple warriors to scout and started on a granary. I saw a couple goodie huts. Popped the first one and got a settler -- moved him into what I thought was the right position for our second city (no overlap, on fresh water, access to a wheat)...and saved the game.

It is available at http://www.civfanatics.net/uploads/lotr4-onecity.zip

Arathorn -- just played
meldor -- UP NOW
Jbob -- on deck

Now that this is started (and I have a few minutes of Civ time again), let's go with a 24/48 approach -- 24 to claim and 48 to play and post. Sorry it took so long to get underway, but the baby has been taking a lot of time and effort.

meldor, play until our third city settler is in position and then pass it on. Once all 5 cities are founded, we will go to a "normal" 10 turns/player approach. I recommend ZERO overlap and we need at least one (probably two) city on the coast so we can build ships.

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