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Luxury Resource Imbalance


Jul 29, 2011
I find that I am almost twice as successful when I begin a game with a mining luxury resource vs another type. It is even more of a disadvantage when you get fishing luxuries to open. With early war and science so critical at high levels it seems silly that the games outcome can be affected so early from decisions you don't even make.

Everyone knows Iron is a crucial early game resource expect in rare circumstances having to go down pottery and calendar and sometimes mining(chopping forests) just to get your first luxury as apposed to only needed mining to get gems, silver, or gold. Trapping and fishing are on the second lvl as well. If you have fish you have to spend x turns to build a work boat which is used up on 1 tile where workers are infinite.

On top of all that mining is one the path to ironworking, and 2 of the 3 mining resources also receive the mint bonus later on.

This seems to be an extreme imbalance early on within the game having no strategic component. I'm not saying starting without mining resources is too hard I just dont like the large variation.

What are your thoughts on this?
It isn't imbalanced at all. Sure its easier to get the mining resources because of how soon you get mining but that is something that keeps the game interesting and challenging. If I could always be guaranteed a resource after researching only one tech, it wouldn't be quite as interesting.

And while Gold and Silver do give you access to the Mint later on, Wine and Incense give you access to a Monestary around the same time as a Mint, Elephants allow you to build Circuses in more cities which is earlier than a Mint and Marble gives you access to the Stone Works even earlier than Circuses. And lets not forget the extra 2 production you can get from every Pearl or Whale resources when you build a Harbor and a Seaport.

You also get access to seven rsources with Calendar where the other eight are gained by four other techs. Yes Whales and Pearls are accessed thru a one use unit but its all about balance. Nothing is overpowered and every resource serves its purpose.
nah i still feel marbles 15% wonder production for a builder is far to valuable its the equivalent to a social policy in the city. Not only that but u get stone works guaranteed. Yeah you need masonry to grab it but still its a lot better than most other luxuries. & yeah i love getting 2 mining luxuries. Many starts i reroll just based on a terrible luxury combination like a fur + silk on a tree or something like that. Need animal husbandry + trapping + pottery + calender + mining. :(
I agree with you civologist and have often thought the same myself.
I hate when you have to research bronze working and callender because your only luxury resources are silk in jungle. On the subject of fishing boats - when they are pillaged we have to build another one which is a big set back early game, where as all other luxuries can be repaired by a worker.
I believe calendar resources more often come clustered together, to compensate for the disadvantages that are so well described in the opening post.
Fishing boats are really too expensive compared to workers. Maybe the devs thought: while building a worker the city isn't growing in contrast to building fishing boats. I tend to build fishing boats when it doesn't take longer than 6 turns maximum.

I have never seen fishing boats being pillaged, but I don't play deity or immortal often.

And marble is a great resource indeed. So good, that I wouldn't trade it. Does anyone?
I believe calendar resources more often come clustered together, to compensate for the disadvantages that are so well described in the opening post.

I tend to agree that they do come in clusters which is very nice at low levels of play, but as the op and spfun are saying this can be a serious disadvantage early game at the higher levels! You know that you need to protect yourself or rush attack quickly, but you desperately need the income!
@zyx: Cities not growing while building a worker is Civ4. In CiV, they still do.

On topic: Total balance is like total entropy: everything is equal, nothing matters. Excitement comes from extremes! How jubilant are you in games, when starting with some good mining luxury resources nearby?
Yes, they might be imbalanced (even if it is not so big, as some posters stated before). But at least *I* am content with this! It's simply more fun!
Mining resources though provide no growth so early on you usually don't work them as soon as other resources although production is important which mining resources provide. I think it's a fair trade either food/gold or production/gold.
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