M:C BlackBoard


Jack of All Trades
Mar 25, 2008
Marooned, Y'isrumgone
Here I will post links to forum posts that need to be highlighted or otherwise kept track of. Also for great ideas or suggestions, todos, guides, and tutorials so they don't get lost in the multitude of posts. From here we can move the info to wikis or appropriate threads.

If anyone has a suggestion or a specific post for this thread let me know. We can look here for reminders of certain hot topics as well.

STICKY: Talk about Traders having Bonuses to Barter deals and such

STICKY: SmartGit helpful hints

STICKY: Code Tweak suggestions

STICKY: Issues to Resolve

Bonus Placement Coding


Rural Plots giving way to Urbanization

Trading Post Upgrades Ideas

Ideas on Missions

Ideas on Border Expansion
Maybe we should add this to the wiki or as tickets on SF. Everybody with write access to git also has write access to the wiki.

That is one reason for this as well. When we have enough info collected or we can posts things here as a reminder to add them to the wiki. I like it here as this is where all the none team members will be looking as well, plus it is convenient.
This is where I have been storing cool post and ideas. So, remember if you make a post, or read any post any where that you really like (and is M:C related) please post the link here and I will add it to the top post.

In my current game the Pope is sending one of his Peddlers through my territory towards the Silk Road (I presume), so it gave me the idea that we could charge a Tax for other players to use your Roads. "If you going to be adding to the wear and tear of my roads, I'm gonna have to charge you, buddy, and I don't care if you are the Pope."

Edit: I'm going to ask for this one to be sticked

Edit: I don't want to forget about my Strategic mod for Civ4, can use the ideas here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=274440
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