[MOD] MagisterModmod

I'm having an issue where I never see revolutions happen to any civ, although I have the option checked in "Custom Game". Each civ becomes a sprawling empire with easily 20+ cities. I had the same issue in the last release, although prior to that it wasn't a problem.

Where is the RevolutionIndex stored in your mod? I don't see an entry in XML\Gameinfo\CIV4HandicapInfo, which is where I typically see it.

I've been seeing this a lot lately too. I don't use the revolutions option because I find it annoying, but maybe that is the only way around the problem.

The Ljolsalfar and Khazad are really awe inspiring with the extent of their sprawl.
Some problems I have experimented.

1/ Pristin pass does not give any mana bonus even when within cultural borders, surrounded by roads and with the proper tech known.

2/ If Elohims own Bones of Abashi, devouts will be created with dim I. When they explicitely do a pilgrimage on the bones they properly gain dim II.

3/ How can you do a pilgrimage on Pristin Pass?

4/ I have a calabim town that refuses to grow. Food is at 100%, I have (a lot of) extra food, growth control is off and its size remains the same for turns...
cities won't grow above happycap unless you disable the avoid growth button to the right of the production bar ( not the one in the bottom right corner where the emphasize buttons are )
PythonErr.log said:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BugEventManager", line 361, in _handleDefaultEvent
File "CvEventManager", line 394, in onGameStart
File "ScenarioFunctions", line 1185, in gameStart
NameError: global name 'iBonesDrelifa' is not defined
Changed it to "iBonesDrifa", seems to work.

EDIT: Got it when starting the Momus Scenario
I just recently got back into FFH 2 after a long hiatus and thought I would try Magister's mod. I started my first game this morning and after a hundred turns or so decided I would use the world builder to see what the AI's were up to. Not much, apparently, only the amurites had settled another city, everyone else just had their starting city and hadnt expanded at all.

Is this normal?
I just recently got back into FFH 2 after a long hiatus and thought I would try Magister's mod. I started my first game this morning and after a hundred turns or so decided I would use the world builder to see what the AI's were up to. Not much, apparently, only the amurites had settled another city, everyone else just had their starting city and hadnt expanded at all.

Is this normal?

I've seen this too. But I've also seen civs that amaze you with how many cities they've built in a short time.

I'm starting to think that the starting geography is super important to how well the ai (and the players do too) does.

If I get a crappy starting spot, and fire up worldbuilder and see some civ with upwards of ten cities by round 200 or so I usually give up.

Lately it seems like certain civs have to have other civs around them to act as a firebreak of sorts, otherwise they expand out of control. Whatever changes Magister made kind of nerfed some of the civs like the Elohim and Malakim. But now the Hippus occasionally turn into a sprawler too. And the Sheaim can get out of control too if no one stops them early.

The number of cities thing doesn't seem to slow down the ai. I've tried playing with revolutions but they just get too annoying. I conquered the Doviello the other day, and the rebels were a lot tougher than Charadon was.

I might use revolutions and turn off the armageddon counter, so I can raze cities. If you use puppet states you have to have feudalism, which is down the road, and the new states are so weak that the original civ can reconquer them by looking at them hard.

I don't get why the rebels get such strong forces, but the new state gets a couple of warriors, no money, no workers, and usually in a situation where they couldn't work any territory due to culture anyway.

I've gifted them money and lots of troops, but it usually takes forever until they can hold onto anything.
I think we have to face a cruel fact that this modmodmod can never grow to match our ideal, due to the limit of CIV4 system.
I've done a bit more experimenting. Create a game use the world builder to put a few high level units in my first city then hit enter a hundred times and check out what the ai's have done.

The problem seems to be that ai prioritizes military units over expansion. Thus it wastes turns building 10 or more warriors when it really needed to build a settler after the fifth one or so.

That said, I've noticed hippus, balseraph, and elves seem to expand faster for whatever reason.

I can see why someone would tweak the ai to build more units, but early game unless you are rushing with those units, you are much better off REX'ing. And the ai doesn't really seem to do anything useful with the units it builds so its just wasting time.
Illians cannot research religions with exception of white hand. But can swtch to religions spreading in illian's cities. Is it intended ? Altough cannot build temples but can build religious heroes...
If you're testing the ai know that you can set it to autoplay by turning debug on (ini file, it says move along, replace with chipotle) pressing shift ~, and then typing CyGame().setAIAutoPlay([Amount of turns you want])

If you press cntrl z you can even watch the ais play out at the same time.
If you're testing the ai know that you can set it to autoplay by turning debug on (ini file, it says move along, replace with chipotle) pressing shift ~, and then typing CyGame().setAIAutoPlay([Amount of turns you want])

If you press cntrl z you can even watch the ais play out at the same time.

You can also Autoplay with Shift-Ctrl-X. But I guess you have to enable cheat code anyway.
I noticed that the AI is especially weak in terms of development (and very good for fighting). I think one problem is in the position that they choose for settling a new city. I rarely select the position that is suggested by the game, and some placements that they choose are really odd.

I a couple of recent games, the Doviello were initially positionned at very nasty places. The AI settled there and I discovered in the mid game that they were almost not developped.
In a game, they settled in a position completely surrouded with mountains, with two unaccessible sea tiles, and out of the 20 tiles in the city cross, only 9 were workable, with just one food resource (and one unaccessible fish). As a result at turn 200, their capital was of size 3...
Even worse, in a recent game, the Doviello settled in a position with only iced hills, many many furs, but with absolutely no food resource, nor river, plains, etc. At turn 150, their capital was still of size 1 with 0 food...

For the Doviello, there can be very bad icy position, but in either case, 5 or 6 tiles away there were much better plots.

The problem also occurs, to a smaller extend, for other civs. For instance in the same game, the capital of Calabim was in a good enough position, but by shifting just one tile away, they would have got 3 extra resources, incuding Yygdrasil (and everybody knows that food is very important for them).

Also, in many situations, the AI settles a second city in a position that partly uses the vital space of the first town. This allows to settle more towns on a given surface, but for most civs, except maybe the Sheaim and Grigoris, I thing that it is better to have some large towns that can use most of their potential space instead of several smaller ones.

I do not know if there were changes in the algorithm used for settling, but it is probably a problem that should be addressed.
I've noticed this with the Doviello too. I use the Erebus map usually, so others may not have exactly the same experience.

But I have started sending my initial settler way out from where the Doviello start. Usually the start spot is some kind of icy hills/forest area. I hate to send the settler out solo, but if you send him out a ways he usually finds a much better spot.

The downside is I've had situations where it takes like 10 or 12 rounds to get Lucian or a beastman in to defend it.

The Ilians have the same problem. I know they get ice bonuses, but like everyone else they do much better with regular terrain than ice for some reason.
The AI changes in this modmod are almost all Tholal's doing, not mine. My AI changes are fairly minor, such as copying the code that pushes adepts towards building mana nodes so that the new types of mana nodes are included.

I vaguely recall Kael making a change to the code that determines where the AI will settle in order to facilitate the Sprawling trait. The settler AI essentially believes that all cities have a radius of 3 instead of 2. This improves the Kuriotates and makes the City of a Thousand Slums wonder more useful, but is not so good for the AI most of the time.

I increased the bonuses granted by the Starting Settler promotion, so that it allows more vision, more movement, and lets the unit ignore the terrain movement costs (so that forested hills count the same as empty grasslands). That could be effecting the AI's settling decisions.

Some posters have suggested removing the Starting Settler bonus, or even forcing the first settler to found a city where the mapscript placed it. I definitely want human players to keep the ability to relocate their starting settlers, but I could force AI players to settle on their starting tiles if you want me to do so. It would require only adding this simple passive spell:

def effectStartingSettler(pCaster):
	iPlayer = pCaster.getOwner()
	pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
	if not pPlayer.isHuman():
		if pPlayer.getNumCities() == 0:
			iX = pCaster.getX()
			iY = pCaster.getY()
			if pPlayer.canFound(iX, iY):
				pPlayer.found(iX, iY)
				pCaster.kill(True, iPlayer)
	return False
I do find ai city placement to be quite strange sometimes. They I've had them settle their 2nd 3 tiles away from my capital when there is much better land available too. They're just asking for me to kill them.

Also the ai can send its first settler very far away from its first warrior. Sometimes I'll take a civ out with my starting scout. Bit of a cheap move on my part.

A unrelated note. Could there be someway to block the ai from popping lairs in or near my boarders? I'm thinking like if I put a unit on the tile I could guard it from intruders. Something like this would be good for the Elohim I think.
I am having the 'Waiting for other Civilization error' in the attached game. I'm just learning the mod and it's not the most serious of games. It could be something I have done since I have reloaded a lot.

The problem seems to be the Hippus Horseman north of my Capital (Torrolerial). Once this unit is deleted the game progresses as normal.

Hope the attached files/logs help with this bug and please keep the great work as this is a very enjoyable mod.

View attachment Error030113.zip
View attachment Lair003.CivBeyondSwordSave
I'm not really sure what to do about AI city placement. I just started a game with that passive spell to force founding, but the first cities did not really seem any better placed.

I could block exploration of lairs on which a rival unit is fortified.

I've been finding some WoC issues of my own lately, and not had a lot of success at fixing them. I haven't tried the saved game yet, since I'm not sure if changes since the last release might make it incompatible. (Edit: I just tried to load it twice, and got a crash before it finished loading. I guess it is no longer compatible with what I'm running.)

I'm afraid I don't think those logs will be of any help. There is not much info in them. Loading a saved or a new game deletes all of the old logs. It looks like the logs come from right after loading a saved game, and only contain about one second of data. The only thing in BBAI.log (which tends to be the most helpful in tracking down the source of WoC issues) is "[53717.023] Player 6 (Luchuirp) wary of Khazad because of war memory 1," which seems to imply the issue happens during the Luchuirp's turn but doesn't really narrow down what is causing it.
I am playing infernals and I created a Hippus puppet state. Their capital is just a few tiles away form one of my cities, there is a common frontier and a road connecting them, I have an open frontier agreement, their capital is not rebelling any longer and, despite that, for several turns, I do not have any trade connection with them...

I was thinking that having a common frontier and an open frontier agreement was sufficient to insure trade connection. In general, it seems to work, except when the common frontier is on the sea (why?), but for this situation, maybe I am missing something, but I really wonder what is the problem.
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