[MOD] MagisterModmod

I've got a silly question: Are there any good resources for reading up on how to set up for making changes to the mod? I've tried some googling but I'm not really clear how to connect the dots. I know enough about python and c++ to read a file, but not sure how to get a good workflow going to figure it out. As I write this, I realize I should maybe go for youtube tutorials...?

(What I was trying to do was add an additional naval crew promotion, "Whaling Crews", that would reduce combat strength against everything but animals, but allow ships to capture animals. I am sucker for the eXplore in 4X, so I really like the aspect of hunting and collecting items/units in my games, usually building "exploration parties". So far, I have managed an xml error while being very confused by what separated the crew promotions from other promotions until I, after some hours, realized you switch between them using a spell... :) So I need to make my new promotion, and a spell to switch to it, and modify the other crew spells to remove it. )
there are a couple modding guides here on the forum, but the best way is to learn by mimetism, trial and error.
Looking at your objectives, your first job is to find the promotions and the associated spells. All of those should be in Assets/XML/Units/
In particular, you need to see if the spells have a python component or not. If there is, you'll find it in Assets/Python/EntryPoints/CvSpellInterface.py
As for the tools to use to edit, a text editor like notepad++ is useful, as it uses colorized syntax for most languages, allowing you to see easily the key words and potential errors
Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, turns out there was a python component as well, looks like how it checks whether casting the spell is permissible or not - I think I managed to create a version that worked for my Whaling Crews, but ah, I didn't finish the cleanup on adding the appropriate "removals" to all the other crew spells. Now I just need to figure out what the TXT_KEYs actually reference so I can improve legibility a bit hehe.

(Also hugely appreciate the Ashes of Erebus animal implementations, spent many an hour collecting everything between boars to dragons to power my empire!)
Well, I tried way to many times to install the modmod aaaaand failed in all of them

I need help, if I install with the setup it give me an error (says \mods\fall from heaven 2\ does no exist for some reason) and if I use the zip the game crashes really hard.

Any suggestions? anyone?
(says \mods\fall from heaven 2\ does no exist for some reason)
Have you followed all instructions to install? If yes, maybe its an error with the shortcut. Look in Properties if the information about the mod's paste is correct.
and if I use the zip the game crashes really hard.
Does those crashes give any message? They happens when you launch the mod or after this, during the game?
Have you followed all instructions to install? If yes, maybe its an error with the shortcut. Look in Properties if the information about the mod's paste is correct.

Does those crashes give any message? They happens when you launch the mod or after this, during the game?

I make a copy of Ffh2 I have, they both are in the same mods folder in my pc since is the Gog version is "C:\GOG Games\Civilization IV Complete\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods" where my mods are. and anymod that I put in there work fine. So I dunno with this modmod (I remember playing it in the same version perfectly fine) maybe is because of the patch "o"? since I don't have that one and I can't found it.

when the mod is loading, it reach to a point and then it says some files are missing (I think those were .dll).
Patch "o" can be found here. You might have to try different browsers, I believe somebody had a problem with chrome.

Yeah, I use edge and download it.

Still, the installer version doesn't work (maybe because it's non standard for it so I gonna forget using that one)

I used the zip, the error now is: "GFC Error: Failed to initialize the primary control theme"

I think I'm being a tad bit ******ed and need extra help on this issue really.
That usually means you installed it into the wrong directory.
Does vanilla FfH2 run for you?
Yes, it runs perfectly fine, today and yesterday (and today I put the patch "o" on it) since it's in the folder where all the Beyondthesword mods should go.

Also, it's the same folder where I put the modmod years ago and worked perfectly fine so I don't know what make it not work today.
Did you do exactly the following?
If you have any trouble with the installer (probably the result of having Civ IV installed in a non-standard location) you may instead opt to extract the file and folder structure from Magister Modmod for FfH2 October 10 2020 Changes.zip. You should manually make a copy of Fall from Heaven 2 and name it Magister Modmod for FfH2, and then copy the contents of Magister Modmod for FfH2 October 10 2020 Changes into this folder.
Did you do exactly the following?

Yeah, make a folder and called it "Magister Modmod for Ffh2" and now seems to be working, before I just called it Magister Modmod and maybe because of that it thinked it was a wrong path.

Thanks mate for helping me.
Bug: despite stating that it requires 9 of the listed items, the Grand Menagerie is buildable with only 7.
Is Paimon supposed to be five times the size of a regular Lunnotar?

e; also really like how the grigori homesteads work, makes them pretty fun to play
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Getting a consistent stuck on loading civs here, have a log dump


  • PythonErr.txt
    8.8 KB · Views: 23
  • PythonErr2.txt
    11.4 KB · Views: 21
  • PythonDbg.txt
    315.5 KB · Views: 19
  • BBAILog - Amelanchier.txt
    361.9 KB · Views: 20
wouldnt upload with the rest, sorry for triple post


  • xml.txt
    26.2 MB · Views: 20
The Luchuirp appear have a super-annoying bug, where the free Muse promotion from Creation mages apply to their Golems. Since there are no upgrades they can get, every round they come off from given orders (like fortifty, sentry, etc) to alert you to them being ungradable. Removing the "Promotion Ready" tag via WorldBuilder doesn't fix the issue, as it repeats every turn.
I love this. I wish there was a bit more polish on the text strings and maybe some more clarity about what does what sometimes, but I love Magister's spin on this mod. This is my new default FFH2 mod! Thank you so much, Mr Cultuum and hope to see a new updated version soon.

I'm playing the Sheaim campaign and having a blast!:
Random suggestion - given the role of the in-universe Mask of the Black Coven is in avoiding scrutiny, perhaps any of the archangels should be able to found the religion without the Mask, but all factions react as they do when building the Ascension ritual?

Freed Brigit for the first time tonight, very excited :)

Also, given the length of the ritual, it may be worth adjusting for game speed. 21t is the blink of an eye in Marathon, but longer than normal in Quick.
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