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[RD] Making threads RD again!


Retired Moderator
Mar 2, 2003
[RD] threads appear not to have migrated over properly. I believe the old RD threads have had their RD tags removed, but now we have a new, functional [RD] prefix. I've gone through and re-added the prefix to several threads that used to be [RD], but only from the first few pages and I'm definitely missing some. Please list here any threads that are supposed to be [RD] but are no longer, and we'll re-add the prefixes. Or if I screwed up and [RD]'d a thread that isn't supposed to be [RD], list that here too.
I made a bunch back in the day. But can't see a reason to go figure out which ones.
Make American CFC great RD again :thumbsup:

Although there are other issues as well, eg a new forum skin, maintaining the avatar at its file size and not enlarging a cropped part of it as now happens, and allowing to search by user creater thread :)
I'm sorry to ask a dumb question, especially from someone with a post count as high as mine (so, not a green noob), but what exactly is an RD thread?
Ah, thank-you for that.
I'm sorry to ask a dumb question, especially from someone with a post count as high as mine (so, not a green noob), but what exactly is an RD thread?
Some prefer to think of RD as "real discussion" but that, in my opinion, is a slap in the face to the many excellent threads that don't carry the RD designation but contain very good discussions.

The RD abbreviation is also known as "Red Diamond" - because of the red diamond icon used on the vBulletin version of CFC.
Actually, RD supposedly means that you get higher moderation standards. Of course, the moderators come from different backgrounds so their concepts of ‘light’ and ‘heavy’ moderator presence aren't always that consistent; that's what you have the moderation appeals system to eal with.
Also, a 3-digit postcount? Post more!
Okay, I'm unstickying this. Anyone who wants their thread [RD]'d should speak up before this thread slips into the abyss, to be seen only by web crawlers and people who use the search function.
When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you...and sees that you are a web crawler? Somehow I missed that part...
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