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Map Sizes

Thank you so much Gedemon! Got it figured out - you're awesome. I'm doing some experimenting now and will report back how map size and that line of code affect resource generation. P.S. Can you link me to a list of other console commands?
type "help" in the console (and expand it with one of the small arrows near it)

edit: and before you count them one by one, I'm pretty sure there are some print statement commented out of the code in the map scripts that could output something to the lua.log if your remove the "--" at the beginning of their lines.
My suggestion would be to go to the graphics menu and change settings to optimize for memory usage if you are testing for extreme map sizes. Also if you don't have a ton of system RAM you will probably also encounter issues, as one of those two is the bottleneck for map creation.
I did some more testing.

260 x 100 = 26.000 tiles took ca. 5 min to generate and I could start the game. VRAM consumption was at the limit of 4 GB.

280 x 100 = 28.000 tiles took ca. 6-7 min to generate the map and when the game started to transfer data to VRAM, the game exited when reaching the 4 GB VRAM usage ... (crash to desktop)

180 x 90 = 16.200 tiles uses already 3,85 GB of VRAM ... (high settings)

As a reference : the unchanged huge map size has 106 x 66 = 6.996 tiles and uses 3,33 GB VRAM.

Civ 4 and Civ 5 on Giant Maps became unstable around industrialisation, so starting Civ 6 already near the VRAM limit of 4 GB is not a good idea.

Can you try 230x115 ? (26,450 tiles)

Still good, but a bit higher and it crashes for me while I still got some vram available (and going above shouldn't make the game crash anyway, only the FPS would suffer)
My suggestion would be to go to the graphics menu and change settings to optimize for memory usage if you are testing for extreme map sizes. Also if you don't have a ton of system RAM you will probably also encounter issues, as one of those two is the bottleneck for map creation.

I did some tests with minimum settings. VRAM usage now is only 1-2 GB for a huge map when starting a new game. This works with a custom map of 260 x 100 = 26.000 tiles (map not revealed). When I try to start a game with 280 x 100 = 28.000 tiles, the game still crashes, so there must be some hidden limit to map size besides the VRAM consumption.
Thanks again Gedemon. I'm testing using the Pangaea script but unfortunately I don't know what you're talking about with regards to the lua output. These are the only lines referencing resource in the LUA:

resourcesConfig = MapConfiguration.GetValue("resources");
local args = {
resources = resourcesConfig,
bLandBias = true,
local resGen = ResourceGenerator.Create(args);

-- for i = 0, (g_iW * g_iH) - 1, 1 do
-- pPlot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(i);
-- print ("i: plotType, terrainType, featureType: " .. tostring(i) .. ": " .. tostring(plotTypes) .. ", " .. tostring(terrainTypes) .. ", " .. tostring(pPlot:GetFeatureType(i)));
-- end

Any idea what I should delete/do to get a log? I'm counting by hand and it's really tedious on huge.
maybe silly idea by me, but i assume instead of altering the base files, it should be possible to add a bigger size option through a mod?

i tried doing so already, but it doesn't actually show up in options menu, so im guessing i'm doing something wrong.
I can only find references to mapsizes in 2 files tho: Maps.xml and Mapsizes.xml (also in SetupParameters, it shows that the db should be called MapSizes)
but i'm guessing i'm still missing something, or somehow not updating the right db? i dunno....

Heres what i made so far: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bksr4pmqizthnu/HumongousMapSize.rar?dl=0

Could be that im way off though on the implementation, haven't ever modded civ yet (other then modding other ppls mods to suit my needs more)
(also yes i realize the sizes i've set in the files are ridiculous, but first things first, gotta get it to recognise the new option)
I'm testing with a mod, yes, I'll try to release it later or tomorrow, still testing a few things around it.
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Can you try 230x115 ? (26,450 tiles)

Still good, but a bit higher and it crashes for me while I still got some vram available (and going above shouldn't make the game crash anyway, only the FPS would suffer)

230 x 115 and 230 x 116 works.
230 x 118 and 230 x 120 crashes the game.

Memory usage with minimum settings is now negligible, but minimum graphics look worse than Civ 4 ...
230 x 115 and 230 x 116 works.
230 x 118 and 230 x 120 crashes the game.

Memory usage with minimum settings is now negligible, but minimum graphics look worse than Civ 4 ...
Thanks, looks like a hard limit as for Civ5, but this time it's so high that almost no one will reach it (ok, please, don't quote me in 4 years about that...)
I hoped for 360 x 180 as limit ...

360 x 180 = 64.800 tiles
-> 30% land = ca. 19.440 land tiles
-> enough place for 500+ cities a 37 tiles.
500 cities would be ok for 50 civs.

However this would only work with fast Railroads like the Trans-Siberian Railway (Moscow - Wladiwostok = 9.300 km in 8 days) and fast ships (2-3 years for a world tour in 16th century) ...

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Siberian_Railway

Spoiler :

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I did some tests with minimum settings. VRAM usage now is only 1-2 GB for a huge map when starting a new game. This works with a custom map of 260 x 100 = 26.000 tiles (map not revealed). When I try to start a game with 280 x 100 = 28.000 tiles, the game still crashes, so there must be some hidden limit to map size besides the VRAM consumption.

How much system RAM do you have? Also have you tried sizes close to the vanilla aspect ratios?
Update: I tried 240x150 on minimum memory usage and it crashed at 2 GB system RAM usage because it maxed out my video card's 3 GB of VRAM. If I can get it to crash for a reason other than using up my video card memory I may try looking at the disassembly of the dump to see if there is some obvious limit in the binaries. Also if someone has a GTX 1080 or 1070 with 8GB of VRAM and 16+ GB of system RAM it would be nice if they could test a very large map.
I just started 200 x 130 with minimum settings. RAM usage 1,9 GB, VRAM 1,4 GB ... my system has 12 GB RAM and 3,5-4 GB VRAM, so it is not the system ... the magic number of tiles is around 27.000 tiles since 200 x 135 crashes while 200 x 130 works.
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@Gedemon , i do know how to mod, and sadly those links don't provide me with more anwsers... i've managed to get the options to show up though, using sql instead of the xml's, but after first trying with some very modified values it looked promising going up to 2ish gb memory usage on load (but crashed), after that i tried default values but larger width/height, tho from that point on it keeps getting stuck in the beginning.

ahwell, no need to explain more, that was never my intent to ask, i merely wished for an example so i could figure out on my own what i did wrong, and i suppose that example will come when you decide to release whatever you are making right now :D

as for me, ill just keep muddling along with what i got, maybe ill get it working

edit: got it working! yay
for any that want to try this "better" working version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bksr4pmqizthnu/HumongousMapSize.rar?dl=0
(i dunno why the option name doesn't see the localization string, but meh.. it works)
(also just realized, its the same dl name as in my post before, ohwell :D)
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I just started 200 x 130 with minimum settings. RAM usage 1,9 GB, VRAM 1,4 GB ... my system has 12 GB RAM and 3,5-4 GB VRAM, so it is not the system ... the magic number of tiles is around 27.000 tiles since 200 x 135 crashes while 200 x 130 works.
Could you look at the game EXE directory and find one of the dumps it created with the 200x135 map and upload it? I'm curious if it is crashing in the gamecoreDLL (which would be a good sign).
239 turns so far on auto play on a 230x115 map with 32 civs and some CS, no crash so far, seems stable

launched ~3h25 ago for reference

turn 238 (1640 AD) took 1mn50s

edit: got it working! yay
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