Marathon or Epic speed multiplayer games


Dec 19, 2006
Ohio (-5 GMT)
the Multiplayer side of this games is well done but everyone seems to only be interested in Quick speed and Blazing!!! turn time, so thats fine for awhile, spending night after night winning or losing using Axeman, Swordsman and chariots. (I know this tactic also applies here) Come on after hundreds of games thats all anyone still wants to play, you can't tell me its a time issue because right after that quick/Blazing game you start another one and so on.

So to the entire Civilization Fanatics group if you are interested in MP games greater than the above mentioned please reply to this string. From here it will be possible to match up user and times with those fans of a more broader scope of gaming.

Please don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with the Quick n Blazing I'm just more interested in what epic and marathon offers.

"Remember MP games still can be saved"

Eclipse4449 10:00pm(2200hrs)~0400am Fri & Sat, !0:00pm~1:00am weekdays & Sunday
Allenbird 5:00 EST.
injeKT any
I suggest that you try PiTBoSs. In my experience it is the only way to play epic MP games satisfactorily.

the Multiplayer side of this games is well done but everyone seems to only be interested in Quick speed and Blazing!!! turn time, so thats fine for awhile, spending night after night winning or losing using Axeman, Swordsman and chariots. Come on after hundreds of games thats all anyone still wants to play, you can't tell me its a time issue because right after that quick/Blazing game you start another one and so on.

So to the entire Civilization Fanatics group if you are interested in MP games greater than the above mentioned please reply to this string. From here it will be possible to match up user and times with those fans of a more broader scope of gaming.
I suggest that you try PiTBoSs. In my experience it is the only way to play epic MP games satisfactorily.

Amen to that. If you haven't played multiplayer Civ on a Pitboss, you haven't played multiplayer Civ...
I've not delved into the pitboss stuff yet because of the lack of information on how to get it up and working, I was hoping after a few days or better yet more replies to this topic I could line up a few players for a weekend game, I'm GMT -5 eastern time (OH) and I am on nearly nightly 10:pM until the wee hours of the morning

A useful topic on pitboss games would be nice if anyone knows of one
If you want to play a game with all players together on-line at the same time then Direct IP is perhaps your best option.

Pitboss games are long, played over several months with one or two turns daily. This allows a player to consider their options in between moves and to conduct diplomacy. It is ideal for those who want to get involved with all aspects of the MP game at both macro and micromanagement levels.

To help a host set one up there is a lot of information in the following sticky:

If you are going to use Pitboss with Warlords be advised that you do not have to download the Pitboss program. It was changed and shipped with the disc and is already loaded in the Warlords directory. The default is: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords

I hope that this helps.

Bolkonsky. ;)

I've not delved into the pitboss stuff yet because of the lack of information on how to get it up and working, I was hoping after a few days or better yet more replies to this topic I could line up a few players for a weekend game, I'm GMT -5 eastern time (OH) and I am on nearly nightly 10:pM until the wee hours of the morning
The only way to play a good civ game is pitboss.
*) With a direct ip, you have to play with people around your greenwich time (or finding never-sleeping or night-working people of other side of the world), and the diplo is very limited in this case (Ergonomy for direct chatting with people inside a real-time game is not very developped)
*) PBEM should be another way, I played a lot of them, but never seen the end of one, even with 5-6 players. Too hard to maintain. And too long between turns when there are more than 6 players.

I no more played a game against AI for a long time, only for training/trying purposes. Pitboss is definitely the best way to play civ.

As I am a linux-man, playing civ under a win$ emulator, I can't be now of a great help for you in setting a pitboss server, but I certainly will be able to
launch one myself in the near future. (under linux of course :) )

But maybe the best thing for you is to wait for the begining af a pitboss-game, and playing in it, so as to be able to see how things goes. It will certaily be better than begining directly with a server... :)
@Bolkonski and @niamor Thanks for the reply a comment to join a fresh game sounds like the best option. "But" once I get the hang of it I would assume I'm committed for the duration of that game. The comment
It is ideal for those who want to get involved with all aspects of the MP game at both macro and micromanagement levels.
is actually what I'm looking for, a game where diplomacy, propaganda and all other aspects of Leadership play
I've been discovering night after night, or in reality every weekend that there are people waiting to play this type of game but for the majority, host or join the commonly available quick and blazing games (now I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with quick and blazin' games, it was loved enough to be added to the game) but personally I feel robbed of valuable negotiating time, diplomacy in all aspects and then there the playing field at ground level (you know what I mean). Spies, I'd like to use them but the MP games are generally over before or when you get up your Calvary units. And then there's the Ocean has anyone ever started a game at Ancient time and used Destroyers and Carriers? Well you guys know where I'm coming from.
I think we should Edit Post #1 with your username, the time that you are available and what GMT you reside.
If you want a game that is not early war then the type of map, size of map, number of players and victory conditions are more important than speed and turn timer.

Having the turn timer set to blazing or at least medium is almost a requirement when playing with players you do not know. There are an unfortunate few out there who find it fun to join a game and then walk away from thier computer leaving all the other players sitting around waiting for the turn to finish. This is anoying early in the game and even worse latter when the turn timer has increased in duration. Many games are given up due to this.

Having the speed set to quick just speeds up the time it takes to play the game. If you are playing with warmongers they will still be warmongers it just will take longer.

To play a game that is based more on building a civilization than eliminating your opponants a Custom continents game with 1 cont each is the way to go. I have played many of these games MP that have gone to the end without being a blood bath of early war. Most of these have been good long 4 plus hour games.

The victory conditions and civs the other players choose also have more effect on the game than the turn timer and speed. If you are playing a pangea small with 6 players you can bet that war will ensue fairly quickly.

Try looking for games with settings that will lead more to the type of game you are looking for.
commonly available quick and blazing games (now I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with quick and blazin' games, it was loved enough to be added to the game)

I think everyone here will agree for the most part with what you have posted. I'm not here to argue about setting, If you join a game and you don't like the settings what do you do? Leave, well than your not playing a game, if you host a game the players that join want to have you change the settings to be more like the game you just left. Now refer to the quote above, Marathon and epic were put in the game as an option also.

I just want to pool together those players that want this topic. If you'd like, place your username in post #1 or reply to this string and I'll add you to the list. But please if you want to play a quick and Blazing game all you need to do is go to Gamespy there will be a few to choose from.
Thank you for your time.
Your argument that you won't get axemen rushed while in epic speeds is false. Especially in the lower speeds you will only meet the ancient units, because it takes longer to research techs while having a boosted production.

Quick will get your sooner into more civilized era's.
Your argument that you won't get axemen rushed while in epic speeds is false. Especially in the lower speeds you will only meet the ancient units, because it takes longer to research techs while having a boosted production.

Quick will get your sooner into more civilized era's.

Yes sir I know this to be true. I also know that on Quick, your freshly load Galleons venturing acrossed a great ocean more than likely will encounter a freshly upgrade counter attack and I often bring a settler and an artist to seetle on the opponents cont. to counter that
I'm adding you guys to the list but your not telling anyone when your available, so please do.
So keep checking post #1 for players that match your GMT
Well, if we play a PitBOSS game the time we're available wouldn't matter. But generally, I'm free Mon-Fri 4-10 CENTRAL. My weekends are sporadic but generally I'm free up until late afternoon (4pm central).
Well, if we play a PitBOSS game the time we're available wouldn't matter. But generally, I'm free Mon-Fri 4-10 CENTRAL. My weekends are sporadic but generally I'm free up until late afternoon (4pm central).

I haven't been able to run a PB game yet, but I(we) are talking about an online game "here"
Once the players and timezones are added this will make more sence.
I haven't been able to run a PB game yet, but I(we) are talking about an online game "here"
Once the players and timezones are added this will make more sence.

Regardless, my availability is all there.

Later dude! Hope you can make this happen.
In one pitboss game I'm in, 7 of the starting 14 players are still alive, and we've been nuking the hell out of each other. In another (again half the players are still alive), the UN has been built.

Epic MP pitboss games (those that have a dozen or more players) tend to get to at least infantry and artillery, from what I've seen, and (shock of shocks) don't always end in a conquest victory.

Ah, just caught your "Some may want to post things like "you should try a Pitboss game it would be better" or map setting is the key", I've been threw all of that" on another thread. So, nevermind. :)
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