Middle East RFC Devolpment Announcement!


Nov 18, 2012
Many of you may have seen my Middle East civs. They were only the first step toward a larger goal: The creation of an RFC style Middle East scenario. Don't hold your breath, it wont be out for a reeeaaallly long time. Here is the info I have about it so far.
Time range: Circa1800 - circa 2010.
Map: I'm going to use the SOI Middle East map converted by hangman and embryodead, stretched a bit to the North and West.
Playable Civs: Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Egypt, Persia, Kingdom of Sikh, Ethiopia, Emirate of Diriyah, Emirate of Nejd, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Arab Republic of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Sudan, Pakistan, India, Aden, Yemen,
Non-Playable Civs: Kuwait, Cyprus, Oman, UAE, Eritrea, Britain, France, Russia, Italy, America and a few I've left out.
There will be new wonders, units, buildings, mechanics, UHVs (Unique Historical Victories), civ spawning at historical times, cool Cold War mechanics, etc.
Again, this will take a long time and I'll need to learn a lot of new stuff, particularly with Lua. Any feedback would be really appreciated.
More info to come out as I get further into production.

Just a couple examples of new mechanics:
Missiles - There will be much more missile units (not nuclear) which now have a chance to fail to launch, explode on launch or miss the target tile.
Tourism - There will be no great works system. Instead, tourism will be gained from certain buildings, especially wonders, and policies. Tourism is converted into Gold. Tourism automatically goes down when at war, and even more when doing badly in the war, or with regions with lots of Terrorists (Barbarians).

If you're interesting in helping, leave a comment below. Help can be divided into three groups: coding, artwork, and suggestions. If anyone has a suggestion for a cool and fitting name, I'd really appreciate you posting it here.
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