Missing Major Religion

It's hardly a major religion, you even called it ancient yourself. How many Zoroastrianists are they even in the world?

Zoroastrianism is a small religion with about 140,000 members.

There. I don't care if it was influential, it's still too small to be included.
What about scientology? We can have that after Hollywood is built.
IMO, all the religions in-game are alive today.

Confusius was a librarin who invented a PHILOSOPHY.there arent any "Gods".

Like Buddhism, come to think of it.

Taoism.........can someone explian to me exatcly what this is. "Tao" is like a chinese version of "Zen"
zeeter said:
What about scientology? We can have that after Hollywood is built.
Another good one!

Oh, and while we're on it, maybe we could have Intelligent Design for after you've implemented Free Religion and some of your citizens regret the decision... :D
How do you even saw that religion?
I think 7 religions is enough... maybe one more, but it has to be an influential religion, maybe orthodox (even though it is derived from Christianity)

Hinduism and Buddhism were founded in/near India

Taoism and Confucianism were founded in China of course

Christianity, Islamic, and Judiasm were Middle Eastern
confucianism is not really a clearcut religion according to wikipedia:

"It is debatable whether Confucianism should be called a religion. While it prescribes a great deal of ritual, little of it could be construed as worship or meditation in a formal sense. Confucius occasionally made statements about the existence of other-worldly beings that sound distinctly agnostic and humanistic to Western ears. Thus, Confucianism is often considered an ethical tradition and not a religion."

if anything i'd see it more as a civics option than a religion to spread.
Arvedui said:
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the satan of Judaism was the same one of Christianity, that is, a fallen angel, not just someone who tempts and gathers sinners in Hell, but someone who has defied God and been cast to Hell for this, a sinner himself.
This vision is clearly seen in passages like Jobe, where Satan sort of challenges God to prove Jobe's worthiness.
Unless, Xineoph, you are talking about Kabbalah, which has less of a antropomorphisized (phew!) vision of Satan. But is that the mainstream vision for most Jews?

The Satan in the Writings of Judaism *served* G-d, rather than being in conflict with him. His "job" (pun intended) was to tempt and test humanity and thereby temper the steel in their souls.

How about this analogy:

The District Attorney (Satan) works for the State (G-d) and prosecutes taxpayers (people of G-d) by investigating ways in which they've broken laws (commandments.) The State pays the DA's salary, and wishes there was no need for the office, but realizes as long as there are rules, someone is going to break them.

It's very different from the view of Satan as Prince of the World and the Adversary of the true G-d, the Dualistic view that is/was present in some forms of Christianity and Zoroastranism.

Houman said:
I am a bit disappointed to see that the Persians are included, however their ancient Religion Zarathustranism is not included.

Zarathustranism is the first and oldest Monotheistic religion in the world, which influenced later Judaism, Christianity and Islam.



See also Ancient Persia

Es kündet Dareios der König . . . (So spake Dareios the King)

After the Arabic Muslim Invasion to Iran in 651 AD, Zarathustranism became after 300 years of occupation a minority religion until today.

This peaceful religion was practiced for thousands of years from River Indus in India to Syria. At it's last centuries; it was placed geographically between Buddism in the east and Christianity in the west.

I hope they include it in the expansion or at least a "Realism Mod" would take care of this.

Kind Regards,

Rather have Sikhism in instead and it bringing the advantage of great big, hairy, be-turbaned warriors being part of your civ.
I demand that Scientology is included in the next patch! If not, Firaxis can look forward to a lengthy court trial!
Can people stop saying Confucianism isn't a religion? It's so ignorant I feel sick in my stomach when someone says this. A religion is a BELIEF system.

Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

Religion deoes not always have to have a god or gods. If this was true then Buddhism isn't even a religion since traditional Buddhism has no gods--Buddha isn't a god, he was a real person who started the Buddhist philosophy. Also in Asia the definition of religion is MUCH different than the traditional western view. Philosophy and religion go hand in hand in Asia, as it now does in the modern world.

Also do note that when Confucianism was a practised religion in China--it was heavily thrown down by the communist party, as with all other religions in china, but is now slowly making a come back--it was practised just like any other western religion with temples, studies, academies, priests, and religious centers. The only difference is there is no god involved, but I don't see how that displaces it as a religion at all. The Chinese then sure didn't see it as anything less that a religion.

Also read this and stop being ignorant.


It sure looks and sounds like a religion, doesn't it?
Thanks for the BBC links, Houman. I've always felt that Zoroastrianism should have been added instead of Judaism (the historical significance of which is overrated).
Sikh Dharma- 23 million followers.

Mormonism- 11 million followers.

Rastafari movement- 1 million followers.

Zoroastrianism- ~100,000?
Kamamura said:
I demand that Scientology is included in the next patch! If not, Firaxis can look forward to a lengthy court trial!

Heh - someone has been watching Southpark!
Houman said:
I am a bit disappointed to see that the Persians are included, however their ancient Religion Zarathustranism is not included.

Zarathustranism is the first and oldest Monotheistic religion in the world, which influenced later Judaism, Christianity and Islam.



See also Ancient Persia

Es kündet Dareios der König . . . (So spake Dareios the King)

After the Arabic Muslim Invasion to Iran in 651 AD, Zarathustranism became after 300 years of occupation a minority religion until today.

This peaceful religion was practiced for thousands of years from River Indus in India to Syria. At it's last centuries; it was placed geographically between Buddism in the east and Christianity in the west.

I hope they include it in the expansion or at least a "Realism Mod" would take care of this.

Kind Regards,

you mean "Zoroastrianism" as the one founde in ancient Babylon by Zoroaster?

well, how many Zoroasterians do YOU know??

it was a very important religion historically, philosophically, and theologically, but it died relatively soon after its creator, as far as it having the same kind of influence as any of the other 7 religions, not even close, except for maybe taoism

but yeah, when i heard that there were 7 religions i guessed Zoroastrianism as one too :goodjob:
flipk1d said:
you mean "Zoroastrianism" as the one founde in ancient Babylon by Zoroaster?

well, how many Zoroasterians do YOU know??

it was a very important religion historically, philosophically, and theologically, but it died relatively soon after its creator, as far as it having the same kind of influence as any of the other 7 religions, not even close, except for maybe taoism

but yeah, when i heard that there were 7 religions i guessed Zoroastrianism as one too :goodjob:

Zoroaster, Zarathustra, Zartosht... the last one being the his Persian name.

the religion was not found in Babylon. it was rather found in the area of what is now Azarbaijan, Iran (Azarbaijan meaning the place of fire). it didnt die soon after it was created, it thrived intensively for 11 centuries, all the way to the advent of Islam(some say that he is came into existance even earlier). many followers remained in Persia, but the majority of those remaining left for India, hence the Parsi (persian) community of India!!

oh and as far as its influences...

the first monotheistic religion of the world. the notions of angels, life after death, what we do here counts towards what we get in the afterlife:heaven, hell, and others.:) the Jews were influenced by this religion when they were in Babylon, under captivity until Cyrus the Great, a Zartoshti, freed them, and helped them return to Jerusalem, to build their their temples.

so, yeah, i guess Zoroastrianism is important. but hey, we can't have too many religions from mid east, since some people nmight get the wrong idea about the region.;)
but the majority of those remaining left for India, hence the Parsi (persian) community of India!!

they exist in such small numbers tht it isnt funny. zorostrianism just shouldnt be in, it is too small.
flipk1d said:
well, how many Zoroasterians do YOU know??

oh i know some. my high school in Tehran was right next to a Atashkadeh, or a fire temple. my neighborhood was in fact build by zartoshtis. and my best friends were all zartoshti. the poeple are generally thought of as being nice, honest, and truthfull.:)
true their numbers are small, but their impact were greater than you can imagine
Seanirl said:
It's hardly a major religion, you even called it ancient yourself. How many Zoroastrianists are they even in the world?

Zoroastrianism is a small religion with about 140,000 members

There. I don't care if it was influential, it's still too small to be included.

SomethingWitty said:
Sikh Dharma- 23 million followers.

Mormonism- 11 million followers.

Rastafari movement- 1 million followers.

Zoroastrianism- ~100,000?

China - 1.3 billion population

India - 1.1 billion population

Roman Empire - 0 population

I sense a weakness in these points :rolleyes:
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