Mobius: Total Chaos Signups

Excellent idea, everyone.

Choose a region you want to start in. I'll complete that region, and fill in the rest as we go.

This will allow an earlier start.

With SoM3 winding down, I can begin building the framework of the world.

Government: What is this "government" you speak of?

Economy: Laissez-faire is too communist for us

Currency: Rouble

Trait: Chaos

National Mutant: The snork
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I'll think of a name and background later.
Republic of Grakonland

Map of Grakonland:

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Coat of Arms:

Prime minister, Mr. Capodistrias:

Gonverment: Parliamentary republic.

Nationality: Grakons

History: The lands that are today Grakonland ware ruled by Nomads in Ancient times. Later after the 50 year war, between the Nomads and the empire of Dritons, and after many destructions and massacres the empire of Dritons took over the area.

After it created hundreds of cities, the empire came to an end by the barbarian invasions. The barbarians took over the area and almost destroyed it. The local gonvernors decided that each one of them to try alone to built his own armies and destroy the barbarian invaders. So each of those gonvernors took the title of the emperor and together they managed to destroy the barbarians.

After the war of indepedence against the barbarians, Grakonland was divided into small kingdoms and city states. One of those city states managed to unite the land under its rule and create the kingdom of Grakonland.

After the Great destruction, 20 years after the kingdom of Assaras manged to unite Grakonland, the survivors started to rebuilt their cities and in 3 years Grakoland was again divided between 200 kingdoms and city states.

Faction-Based Superweapon: Industrial Complex
But the 5th year after the destruction a revolution happend in all of Grakonland. Many republics were declared and the rebels wanted all of Grakonland kingdoms and city states to united. But the 13 more powerfull Kingdoms destroy all of the new republics, except one, the republic of Axium. Capodistrias, president of that republic, instead of mercenaries that most other kingdoms and city states used, had created the National army. Soon in 3 years Kingdom after Kingdom fell and one after the other the city states surrendered.

After 3 years of war the Republic of Grakonland was created.
You can only claim one of those regions, those large ones are not completed yet :p
The Combine

Government: Multi-Dimensional Empire
Capital: The Combine Overworld (Of Empire) , City 42 (On Mobius)
Races: Human, Everything found on Mobius, Synth, Advisers
History: Later
Faction: Industrial

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Land of FRINGE


Race: Human

Capital: Bellshop

Currency: USD

Religion: Beeshopism

Government: Anarchy

Faction: Psychic

History: The Land of Fringe was created when the Chaos Rift opened a gate to the Earth. It was dying because of a breach in Time and Space that Walter Bishop had created in 1975. Then, with his friend William Bell, CEO of Massive Dynamic, the most important company ever, took advantage of the fact that they had experimented a drug on children, who had developed special powers, to open the gate and allow the people of the Earth a safe way to continue to exist.

But not everything went as expected, and in the crossing of the gate the Boys of the Cortexiphan (that was the drug) instantly became that very same substance, which destabilized the gate and allowed only several million people to cross before it collapsed.

Due to crossing a Cortexiphan-full portal, most developed psychic powers, and due to Bell and Bishop saving them, they created Beeshopism, in which both scientists were merge in a single mythical figure synthesis of all good and evil.

The Land of the Fringe has no official flag or symbol, but it is common to consider a particular deviation of the American flag as its flag. They still trade in Dollars, and thanks to their strong mental connection due to their powers, no government is needed for society to work correctly.
The Bundesleet

(any five in that area)

A military company of obscure background. Ask them who they serve and they answer "Germany", although they are not recognized as part of the Bundeswehr and are commonly understood to be the servants of an obscure individual. The organization appears self-sufficient, manufacturing and money-raising operating within a closed loop. In addition to "modern" German military technology, it has developed a few secret projects including vessels capable of travel in deep space.

The Bundesleet is in perpetual war with the forces of one Rick O'Leigh. Task Force Falcon was part of a space fleet en route to a distant front when the chaos storm warped the frigate Fritz Lang to Mobius. Given O'Leigh's penchant for chaotic and diabolical superweapons, situations such as these are not unknown, and are regarded as temporary setbacks. While General Wolfgang Sturm's primary objective is to re-establish contact with high command, he realizes he has the opportunity to establish a permanent presence for the Bundesleet on Mobius; to this end, he offers to extend protection in exchange for Mobian labour. The result is more a compact than a state, although while protectorate regions are ostensibly allowed to govern themselves as they see fit, the overarching and very visible military presence renders General Sturm the ultimate decider and martial law the standard practice.

"Capital": Bundesarmeehauptquartier, the military command centre; originally, the space frigate Fritz Lang.
Trait: Industrial.
Ethnicity: Mixed. Initially, the army is human and the civilians Mobians, although this will almost certainly change once the expedition branches out.
Language: Officially English; while the army is German, almost everyone is multilingual.
Currency: Whatever the locals are using. Having no standard for translation, the Euro was deemed valueless, and the initial economy consisted of bartering and in-good-faith I.O.U.s.
The TROLOLO tribe
National Anthem

Link to video.
The trololo tribe seeks only to troll everything, and bring its music to world reknown


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East Republic Company
Spoiler Large Flag Image :

Race: Human
Capital: New Königsberg (Mobius), New Port City, Earth (Administrative HQ)
Economy: Mercantile System
Currency: Republic Marks
Government: Military junta (Led by a Legate)
Leader: Legate Nozomi Valentine
Faction: Industrial
History: See Post #33

Government: Centralized AI programs for foreign policy, fiscal and monetary policy, development, etc.
Capital: 01
Ethnicity: Machine
Economy: Planned Economy
Currency: Credits

Trait: Chaos


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History of the East Republic Company

Shortly after the Coruscantis have discovered the planet of Mobius, they sent in probes to conduct recon work on the planet itself to ensure that it was unoccupied before colonizing the planet. The Republic of Coruscant cautiously watched from a distance that the probes report back that there were many sentient entities that have established themselves on the planet.

Due to the Republic's cautious nature after their experiences on Earth. Established the East Republic Company to be self-sufficient of itself and not rely on the bureaucracy in New Port City while at the same time ensure the government is not involved in Mobian affairs. Chancellor Hanna appointed her grand-daughter, Nozomi Valentine, to be the Legate of the East Republic Company.

The space fleet only consisted of one Ragnarok class Super Battleship, two Venator class Star Destroyers, and several transports and colonial ships. While the Rikke has the capability to level several provinces with her gauss canons pointed at the planet. The Grand Admiral stated to the Legate that the use of a planetary bombardment would not happen until there is a completion of a nuclear missile silo and sufficient investments has been made.

Much like the Company's parent, it's a largely an industrial power built upon machinery and the power of the atom. The robotics of the East Republic Company are largely utilized in manufacturing under their human supervisors and programers for larger projects. After learning of the history of Mobius of the atrocities of the Robotnik Empire, the Legate has made it clear that the armed forces and the labor of the Company will only use robots that are built and programed with their own hands, not Roboticised from organic beings.

The Company's government operates as a Military Junta under the leadership of the Legate appointed by the Chancellor of the Republic of Coruscant. The Legate is responsible for the affairs, both domestically and foreign, of the East Republic Company on Mobius and has the freedom to enter into diplomatic negotiations without having the Republic involved. Their capital based on Mobius is named after the old Prussian Capital on Earth and serves as a base of operations and administration for Legate Nozomi. The Headquarters based in New Port City, Earth largely holds corporate functions of the East Republic Company.

The Economy of the Company is based on Mercantilism with the legate conducting trade with other entities on Mobius and other Mobians. The only non-Mobius trade the company has is with it's parent nation, the Republic of Coruscant. The currency of the Company utilize the Republic Marks as well as the generic Gold based currency found on Mobius.

The culture of the East Republic Company is a mix of Roman, German, and Japanese cultures. There is no established state religion as the Legate ensures that the colony has freedom of religion. Roman Catholicism is the de facto state religion due to the Legate's beliefs. Many colonists speak English, Huttese, German, and Japanese. In offical settings, English is the lingua franca for the company in official operations between the East Republic Company and non-native speakers of English. Though there is an exception if an East Republic Company personnel is meeting with someone who knows German and/or Japanese, Huttese.

Humans make up the majority of the colonists on Mobius. Their attitudes to the native population range from indifferent to acceptance depending on the colonist's planet of origin. The colonists who are more accepting of the Mobians tend to be individuals who hail from planets with a significant non-human population (Wookies, Rodians, etc). The Legate as been in the process of recruiting non-human sentient species to import to the colony to better facilitate diplomatic affairs between the furry population of Mobius and Humans of the East Republic Company.

Spoiler Story & Gameplay Segregation notes :

1. TheRikke has the capability to level several provances. The Rikke will be bound to the rules of the superweapons rule
2. The trade between the East Republic Company and the Republic of Coruscant is largely a storybased one and should have no bearing on the trade (Think of it as exchanging goods that creates a zero net income)
The Eternal Intergalactic Ottoman Empire of Snover

Race: Snover is the main race, with a small minority of conquered races
Capital: Mobian First Contact (Mobius), New Istanbul (Actual Capital, formerlly known as Totally Not Constantinople)
Economy: Take what we want 'cause to an Ottoman it's free!
Currency: Severed Armenian Heads Poké
Government: Empire
Leader: Sultan Mehmed LXIV
Faction: Water Ixis
Religion: Islam is the state religion. Other religions are tolerated, and are afforded the same rights. However, only Muslim Snovers may serve in the army.
Technology: WWI/Roaring 20s-punk. The technology never got past World War 1 era, for the new found mutations they received (see below), along with reverse engineering space craft, made further technological advancements unnecessary.
History: In the year 1923, many people claim the Ottoman Empire was destroyed. This couldn't be any farther than the truth. In fact, Mehmed VI discovered a giant space ship the size of Anatolia buried underneath, well, Anatolia. Using black magic fueled by the slaughter of Balkan people, he cloned every single citizen of the Ottoman Empire, and sent him, along with the originals, up into space. There, a nice earth-like planet known as Totally Not Constantinople was found. The cannons were fired, the troops were sent, and they conquered the inhabitants (whiny purple dragons and humanoid bandicoot... things), and they renamed the planet New Istanbul.

But the natives resented their new humanoid beings. So, they called out to their gods for help. One, named Sega, overhead their pleas and whipped out a plague to kill them all. But his archnemisis god, Nintendo, modified the plague before it was sent out to be beneficiary to the humans. It was not lethal, but instead transformed them into Turkish-speaking Snovers. Now with built-in weapons of a Snover, along with the technology they had, their rule was codified. The Snovers thanked Nintendo by still being Muslim. In fact, they converted the natives to their faith. With no one believing in them, both Sega and Nintendo, along with the other gods in that pantheon, faded away into nothingness.

Using the reversed-engineered space craft, they built more spaceships to the Imperial navy. They conquered planet after planet, bringing in vast wealth and riches. Through their joyous conquering spree, they found a little planet known as Mobius...


Good NPCs


I resent this. :p


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Well he might more accurately be a "neutral NPC" since he's regularly switched between genocidal and messianic. But hey! Free chaos energy bonuses! Can't be all bad! :p

...well until he helps spread Black energy to every corner of the globe but I digress.


The four Ixis types should have been obvious: Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

Earth absorbs Water, Water douses Fire, Fire incinerates Air, Air scatters Earth
I'm about to shake it up with some from my personal role-play. Ya'll are in for a treat.

Official name: The Empire of Greater Reikland

Common Name: (Greater) Reikland

Demonym: Reiklander

Race: Human

Language: Reikspiel (which is essentially 16th century German)

Capital: Altdorf

Leader: Emperor Karl Franz

Currency: The gold Crown, which is subdivided into 12 Shillings and 20 Pennies.

Religion: The state religion is the cult of Sigmar; however, lesser cults of the other (truly) Old World Gods are prevalent throughout the populace. The cults of the Chaos Gods exist in lesser form, although they are suppressed wherever they are seen since their general goal is at least the destruction of organised society.

Government: Elective Monarchy

Technology: Fantasy steampunk

Faction: Psychic

History: In 2500 IC, a massive Storm of Chaos engulfed the Empire of the Warhammer World and its surrounding lands. Many people panicked, and Emperor Karl Franz declared a state of emergency. When the Storm passed, the inhabitants of the province Reikland, the Imperial Cities of Nuln, Altforf, and the city-state of Marienburg found themselves in an alien world. A union was established, and the Empire of Greater Reikland was formed.

Surprisingly, unlike other major Chaos intrusions, there were no reports of hordes of Chaos Marauders, Beastmen or Daemons besieging the confederation (although the Inquisition did have a field day mopping up the hundreds of Chaos cults that had sprung up). However, there were two major issues (apart from the new world):

- The Lores of Magic had changed. Although there were adepts who kept their old disciplines, many wizards ended up having to re-learn these new Lores of Magic from scratch.

- The unholy amount of Beastmen in the surrounding area. Although these Beastmen neither worship the Dark Gods (or even know who they are) nor are (generally) violent and seek to only cause destruction and bloodshed, the Reiklanders are still treating them with extreme caution.

These are strange(r) times, and the people of Reikland look to Karl Franz and the Sigmarite Priesthood to guide them...



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Well he might more accurately be a "neutral NPC" since he's regularly switched between genocidal and messianic. But hey! Free chaos energy bonuses! Can't be all bad! :p

...well until he helps spread Black energy to every corner of the globe but I digress.


The four Ixis types should have been obvious: Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

Earth absorbs Water, Water douses Fire, Fire incinerates Air, Air scatters Earth

What? That's not how Psyenergy works!
Doesn't fire evaporate water, removal of oxygen destroy fire, earth hold solid against air, and earth becomes useless as mud?


20spunk...isn't that just early dieselpunk?
It's not -punk till it becomes obsolete, like squarewheelpunk.
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