[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

Jorgen_CAB said:
I made this little scenario if anyone is interested in testing it.

It is a huge custom made map by me, some fantasy influence of course...

All civilizations starts with three cities and there is alot of barbarian cities around making everything really tough from the start.

There are 18 Civs is the game, some appear twice with different leaders.

I made this only for my self to begin with, but thought I might share it if anyone finds it interesting.

I call this The World of Celebos.

Downloading it now, very cool!
Kael said:
The priests are speced to be able to cast it on other units. But we are having some issues with targeting spells. Once those issues are worked out a few spells (including this one) with be targetable.
Is this the AI can't use targeted spells problem, the MP problem or some other problem?
talchas said:
Is this the AI can't use targeted spells problem, the MP problem or some other problem?

That the AI doesn't use them. I tried to mimize my use of targeted spells because it creates an advantage for human players until that is worked out.
Kael said:
Thanks, I get bored and throw in weird stuff every once in a while. I always wonder if anyone ever really reads that stuff.

If I didn't constantly read the Pedia, I would be more clueless than I already am. There is a steep learning curve for FfH compared to vanilla Civ in my opinion. It will keep me intrigued and playing for a very long time.
Broken Hawk said:
There is a steep learning curve for FfH compared to vanilla Civ in my opinion. It will keep me intrigued and playing for a very long time.

I kind of implied this in another post, but I think that one of the best things is how changing your civ basically creates an almost entirely new experience. The religion and civ variability are what will keep me intrigued and playing for a very long time. The depth and detail surrounding all the units, bldgs, etc is awesome, but those two aspects are what make things fundamentally different than vanilla (or even most scenarios.)
Would it be possible for a subdued Giant Spider unit to have the ranger ability to travel through mountains. I would think that eight "sticky" legs would be more effective than a ranger's two. Maybe it could be a unit specific promotion available after a certain level of mobility is reached?
Now that Warlords is out... Any plans to share what kind of magic you guys plan to do with it? Or at least let us know when you think you'll start trying to implement off of it? :)
hawkeye72 said:
Now that Warlords is out... Any plans to share what kind of magic you guys plan to do with it? Or at least let us know when you think you'll start trying to implement off of it? :)

Once it starts showing up in stores I'll be glad to answer any questions (ie: tomorrow I think).
Bollibompa said:
Is'nt Archeron the Red Dragon a little bit to easy to kill?
I killed him whith a Axeman and a Warrior...
(They was the only two that survived the long marsch to Archerons city.)

A couple of turns later, at the other side of the world....

"A Demon appeared !" Oooops....

Luckily, the single defending Maceman repelled it.

I agree! ever game i've played when ever the dragon pops i begin building up an army (which isn't really necessary but fun :D ) i get my ship and start my short journey to kill off the "great" dragon that is Archeron the Red.:goodjob:

Anyway, I think you show make him just a bit stronger in the next version. (in this one with 1 wiz with contagion and a good offence unit i could easily take down the barb army and the dragon in a few turns)

Kael said:
That would be odd but my testing doesnt show it. In fact the axeman and thew warrior shouldn't even be able to attack Acheron since they will run away in fear.

Not sure if this is due to the computer im using or some wierd phenomenon, but i've never seen my units run away with fear because of the Red Dragon. Is this some kind of civ/mod problem on my side or is it my computer?
Kael said:
Thanks, I get bored and throw in weird stuff every once in a while. I always wonder if anyone ever really reads that stuff.

O yes! i love the pedia. If there are new civs, leaders, and/or unites i go right to the pedia and read about it ( maybe it has to do with me being a nerdy techy type). In civ vanilla i've even read the entries on most of the leaders and the civs :)lol:) but im proud of my nerdiness.:goodjob:

I'm playing with version 0.14b and in two games I've had a single city I owned that disabled the button for a confessor to found a order temple there. No problem using that unit to found a temple in another city. I tried numerous units, all had the same problem. The religious advisor confirmed that city did not have the order religion and I built the city so I know there wasn't an existing order temple there. I wanted to use a confessor rather than a acolyte because the city already had three religions (acolytes kept failing to convert the city)

I've noticed (in multiple versions) a tendency for most evil civilizations to eventually switch to neutral or good unless the majority of the civilizations are evil, in which case most evil civilizations will stick to evil the whole game. I've had to stack the deck by having both many civilizations and multiple leaders for the same evil civilizations which has some interesting sideffects because when I'm asked if I'd go to war with somebody it tells me the civilization but not the leader. For example, sometimes I've guessed wrong which Calabim civilization they were talking about and got in hot water :)
First, If you have The Veil in that city.. it won't even let you force The Order into the city anymore. The only way to do it would be send an Inquisitor in and wipe out the Veil. That changed in .14.

As far as leaders picking religions, I think Kael made a post a page or three back regarding this. While Players can shift freely(that damned free will thing), the PC has to have some sort of guidlines, so each leader has an alignment preference which it will lean toward. I would guess if you could spread a "Neutral" or "Good" religion into the Evil Leaders' cities, you could convince him to convert.. but thats some work to do. But otherwise... yeah, leaders have thier philosophical preferences.

Good point about the display of who you are going to war with, I would guess it would be possible to switch that display to Leader Name instead of Civ.. but that question should go to The Team.... Unless your point was you liked being confused and try to attack into the wrong Civs space... so confused.. going to finish my coffee now...

Civkid1991 said:
Not sure if this is due to the computer im using or some wierd phenomenon, but i've never seen my units run away with fear because of the Red Dragon. Is this some kind of civ/mod problem on my side or is it my computer?

No, they don't run-away, but you do try to attack but can't do it due to fear.

I have not found him very easy to kill, it cost a lot of troops.
The only exception to this was with my Dragon-Slayers. All I did was attack him with one to weaken him, then attack with my Dragon-Slaying hero who was level 11, easy to take someone out when you have 100% due to str, +2 heroic Strenght, +30% vs city & +40% vs Dragons, that.s +170% for a strenght 9 unit, vs a zero defence (catapult bombardment) weakened dragon. It was easy, easy with a lot of planning before that is.
First, If you have The Veil in that city.. it won't even let you force The Order into the city anymore. The only way to do it would be send an Inquisitor in and wipe out the Veil. That changed in .14.
That explains it. Thanks BlazeRedSXT. I'd looked in the civilopedia and the first post in the 0.14 bugs thread but hadn't spotted that change. Looking again I found it mentioned in TXT_KEY_HINT_30 but it had never displayed that tip.

As far as leaders picking religions, I think Kael made a post a page or three back regarding this. While Players can shift freely(that damned free will thing), the PC has to have some sort of guidlines,
I understand that. My point was that since good civilizations seem reluctant to trade with evil civilizations I was wondering if the AI code was smart enough to overide its preferences if that hurt it too much (due to not enough trading partners or too many unfriendly neighbors). It didn't seem a question of what religions were available to them.
chocmushroom said:
No, they don't run-away, but you do try to attack but can't do it due to fear.

I have not found him very easy to kill, it cost a lot of troops.
The only exception to this was with my Dragon-Slayers. All I did was attack him with one to weaken him, then attack with my Dragon-Slaying hero who was level 11, easy to take someone out when you have 100% due to str, +2 heroic Strenght, +30% vs city & +40% vs Dragons, that.s +170% for a strenght 9 unit, vs a zero defence (catapult bombardment) weakened dragon. It was easy, easy with a lot of planning before that is.

Yea, sorry, this is what i ment by "run away". But now that i look back on some of my save games i see that the units that i used are high lvl and usually mages. Plus recently i've been using the civ with the vampires, so it makes it much easier to just lower the population of a city in order to make the vamp stronger and then go slay the dragon.
Would anyone be able to upload or otherwise send me a version with the files that is zipped and not in ".exe"? I would love to test out the mod on the Mac but you just cannot open an exe file in OS X. (If an upload cannot be made here, I'd even be so generous to host the file in the future.)

If there's someone who could do this for me, possibly even transferring over IM, I'd be appreciative.
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