[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords

after i experienced the 2 earlier crashes, which i got around by reloading an autosave, i have not experienced more crashes. i have a low end system with decent ram. athlon 1800, 1.5 GB ram, Geforce Ti4200 64mb ram on windows xp.

i'm playing on a large continents map at marathon speed with 24 civs. so far the mod is playable although slower than vanilla in terms of turn waits. i've turned on crash dump so if the game crashes again i'll be able provide info.
I have a 3 GHz CPU and one gig Ram, GeForce 6800somewhat with 256 MB fixed Video Ram. I never had "turn-time-related" problems playing CIV, Warlords or the genetic era mod V0.32 or 0.4beta up to the end of the game 2050/2250 AD including settling the oceans (I usually play on small or standard maps), only ViSa 3 was too "heavy" for my system in the late eras (long turn-times but no crashes).

My last "serious" game crashed in 2020AD "without reason" (see above), when I already had settled the oceans on a small map (and didn´t experience delays or long turn-times before).

And the latest games (on a small map) all crashed in the first rounds of the game, didn´t get past 3500BC, reloading autosaves and altering movement orders only "delayed" the problem/inevitable CTD when other units (animals and units of foreign civs) appeared out of the dark.

So at least my crashes do not seem to be a RAM- or system-performance-in-general-related problem, and must have their roots in something else. If only buying one gig would solve this problem.... :sad:
Same for me, the problem is not Ram related. Just borrowed a 512 Mb chip, to test, and same crash at same turn, no way to avoid this...

Then i started another game, and crashed in 2000 BC. Too early to be a memoty or cpu related problem.

Well, i just hope someone figures this out. This mod is just to good to not be playable...
Gentlemen ,

Just because you have 3 gigs of ram and a p4 3.ghz processor, if your comp is cluttered and configuration is wrong you will be waiting forever.

There is def. a crash , bad pointer , etc. in dll. Around 1900s early modern era. But as turn times go : I have pentium 4 , 1.5 gigs ram, 256 meg vid card with NO fan , cooled by house fan... lol , and the its old, a couple years at least.(pix. shader 1.1 or something) I don't have long turn times with large map, 16 civs, modern era.

First make sure anti-virus / firewall is off. Unplug comp from internet. You should have services off that you are not using. On XP home :Go to control panel -> admin. services -> local services. You get description of what you have running, dependencies, etc. Just type them in google if your not sure. Also there should only be about 10 processes running in Task Manager (Alt. Ctrl. Del.). De-fragment your hard drives. (BTW you should have 1 hd. for windows only, and another for apps.) Set the win hd for sys. cache. Use a scsi. hd, and you will see vast improvement.

Educate yourself. This mod is actually quite fast compared with all the new elements that are included.

Good Luck.
OK, i am surprised, that there is a lot of player have game crash...

but, for help us (particulary PrimemOver, 'cause i am not C++ programmer), send us (attached files on the forum) your last saves before crash.

But with my experience, i can say : one savegame crash on one computer, but that not happen on mine (or other), so, please, send us yours files, maybe PrimemOver can understand what happen...

I know there is an issue whit explorer and non renewable resources, but this issue can't be the origin of your ctd with the mod.. on french forum, there are no complaint about ctd for this version of the mod...

The only issue i saw is a "loop", but that happened with the first release of the mod (posted monday of the last week)...

On my computer, that work fine ;)
CivFanCSS: I reinstalled my system only 2 weeks ago, my system is not cluttered (not even 15GB used on the HDD) and thank you, my configuration is just fine ^^. And thank you, I used my time working as a sys admin for a medium sized NPO for some "education". ;)

Honestly, I do know what I'm talking about, so Mr. fanboy, please stop the downplay. ;)

I still experience CTDs, even on very small maps, though much less frequently it seems. Nope its not just "clean up your systems" or "thats a vanilla civ problem" but there seems to be some bugs in the newly added memory reservation or another newcomponent. No big deal, you know, its fairly normal for a new "version" to have major bugs.

Dubmetender: i tried to attach a game file for you, but well, that was from a larger game ^^. This forum doesn't like my 612kb zipped save (300kb is limit), so I'll decided to do some more testing with smaller maps. Might be able to point out the problem a bit better by tomorrow.

About hurricans (and earth-quakes, I just learned to hate them in my last game): tone them down please by I'd say 50-70%. While cities where affected by hurricans and earthquakes on a fairly regular base, it didn't happen that often that they where whiped out by them, or even lost a significant number of inhabitants.

Plagues, yes, they where devastating. But storms, earthquakes and volcanoes?

Here a list of major earthquakes:


If you know german I suggest you take a look at the more comprehensive german version here:


As you can see, earthquakes did indeed claim hundreds of thousands of victims. But more often then not there where enough survivors for a continuous settlement of the "shaken" cities.

Hurricans / storms shouldn't be able to decimate a city by more then 10-20% anyway. Yes, there have been catastrophic storms. And Tornadoes can level whole towns, Hurricans like Cathrina even cities like New Orleans. But even that storm killed "only" ~1.500 (1.300 till 1.800) people. Thats 0.3% of the pre-hurican population of New Orleans, mind you.

The major damage for the city was indeed not so much caused by the storm itself. New Orleans lost 50% of its population because they didn't return after the evacuation.

So in Genetic Era a major "storm" that "kills" most or even all of the inhabitants of a city should instead move the inhabitants to less dangerous places.

Disasters are dangerous. But more often then not, there are more survivors then (killed) victims.

Here a list of disasters (sorry, german again, it seems the english wikipedia is less organized):

Here a list of disasters (sorry, german again, it seems the english wikipedia is less organized):


What a shock the Germans would be more organized! :lol:

I agree with what you say though... I'm not sure that anything should completely wipe out a city... although there has been at least on volcanic eruption that completely destroyed one city (Pompeii), but it wasn't a huge city... so bigger cities should pretty much never be completely annihilated.

Pretty much the only force that's ever been able to completely destroy a city is the one force attempting to do so: human beings.
I tried deleting the folder and re download. I also tried extracting with 7zip, and RAR and I get the same result. I get to the XML files and it stops loading the game and says Warlords has stopped working. It worked fine on my old computer with XP, so I'm thinking it must be Vista related.
I tried deleting the folder and re download. I also tried extracting with 7zip, and RAR and I get the same result. I get to the XML files and it stops loading the game and says Warlords has stopped working. It worked fine on my old computer with XP, so I'm thinking it must be Vista related.

This isn't related to the G Era entirely....Vista and Firaxis don't get along. Civ was wrote for Win2000.....

And for those talking about the MAF problem (many CTD's are MAF's without the message if you look at the debug), Firaxis has said they are addressing it in BTS :D
And the latest games (on a small map) all crashed in the first rounds of the game, didn´t get past 3500BC, reloading autosaves and altering movement orders only "delayed" the problem/inevitable CTD when other units (animals and units of foreign civs) appeared out of the dark.
same as me! I didn't saw any animals or foreign civs but signs are they same.
I've already tried reinstalling everything but with no positive result. I've report civ crash dump too. I can't do anything else than waiting for others, maybe someone will find the solution :confused:

my specification:
3Ghz, 2gb ram, WinXP Pro 32bit sp2
of course using latest version of the mod

- huge map (terra map script) size and it didn't crash yet, 2800 BC
- large maps (terra map script) didn't crash too! 3000 BC now
- standart size map - crash in 6-8 turn edit: not sure if it was terra map script or else)
I hope I will be able to play mod at least on large/huge maps
can't check more now cause I have 30 minutes to the semester exam

- large map & huge (inland_sea map script). crash in first turn after build city and set warior autoexplore. could anybody try my save?
it looks like map setting are important here too

small bug: my warior is able to pilage Trout (but only those on the right, on the left Trout there he don't optionto pilage), and there are some coding text apear. check screenshot
just a thought !

for going through the "only alu" re-discovery by geographs:
there is (was) a number so that mines currently used by the player can discover (1/1000 or 1/10000) a bit of : gem-copper-iron-alu-coal-uranium (me-think)
in genetic era with consummable ressources there is the problem that geographs mostly find aluminium.. but if you just rise the occurence of finding new mineral in mines, you will have appearance of some expendable ressources more quickly than in vanilla game, therfore (with luck) replacing the one that are consummed constructing units and buildings. (it doesn't uses the geograph unit but nothing's perfect)

the only default is that you can only build standard mines in hills ...so no extra iron will appear in plains... so maybe those ressources have a chance of being discovered on in-use mines, workshop : an incentive for using workshop ? or farms ; guess the number of minerals found while plowing a field !!

another idea for genetic era :
(may be interesting even without doign the first one)

I allways thought dumb that crops ressources does not move.
there wasn't any horses nor cows, pigs or weat in the americas, no potatoes nor orange or silk in europe, nor wine and sheeps anywhere save europe and middle east. But now, people can cultivate/breed most of those in modern countries : farmers have moved their crops/beasts with them.

why not create a parameter of the same kind as the one for mines, making that in-use farms have a 1/X (X=1000 or 10000 or 50000000000) chance of "sprouting" one of the crops(animals or luxury ressource) that are possessed in your empire culture zone: any ressource tended with corral, farm or plantation. (such as silk, banana, corn, sheep...etc, but not furs, elephant, clams)
and maybe crops can appear also when the ressouce comes from trade (not for animals, incense, wine, silk..etc as those travel mostly as finished products and thus not-breedable nor growable .. try to breed silk worms with a roll of good silk !! or breed pigs with some ham!)

something like : 'farms under use by a city have a 1/X chance of specializing into cultivating a ressource'
with a message like 'a farmer near blabla-city decided to convert to sheep-breeding' or 'a farmer near YYY-city decided to grow corn"
and hop! you have a new corn with already a farm or a sheep with a farm on.. you'll have to build a corral though.
it might be fun if a floodpains transforms itself in an incense, loosing the floodplain ability ;)

you can maybe have a verification so that ressources can only appear with this system if the condition are the same as for there original creation (latitude, terrain type..etc : no rice or sugar on plain) (be careful of terrain type: dye needs jungle to be created during map creation, in the case we are speaking of, it should be the green plain (don't remember it's name) in this or that latitude)

if it is unclear, please pm me.
(and no, I'm not the modder type so I have no idea how to do this save that it exist for mines and that 'kael' in FFH2 have created (methink) a mine that doubles or decuplate the probability of discovering minerals in in-use mines so I think it can be doable)
just a thought !

for going through the "only alu" re-discovery by geographs:
there is (was) a number so that mines currently used by the player can discover (1/1000 or 1/10000) a bit of : gem-copper-iron-alu-coal-uranium (me-think)
in genetic era with consummable ressources there is the problem that geographs mostly find aluminium..

Yeah, this was so in V0.32, all the geologists found was tons of alu and maybe some copper or coal. In V0.4beta I had, this problem was fixed and the geologists and surveycopters found also iron, oil, uranium and so on.

Haven´t tested V0.8 in this area, hope they didn´t fall back in the old days.....:(
the strange thing is that inland_sea map script is crashable and terra map script isn't. anyway... any chance for the switch in the game settings "events" on/off, same like non-reneweable(?) resources?
- huge map (terra map script) size and it didn't crash yet, 2800 BC
- large maps (terra map script) didn't crash too! 3000 BC now
- standart size map - crash in 6-8 turn
I hope I will be able to play mod at least on large/huge maps
can't check more now cause I have 30 minutes to the semester exam

- large map & huge (inland_sea map script). crash in first turn after build city and set warior autoexplore. could anybody try my save?
it looks like map setting are important here too

Hey MusX!

Your exam went well?

I tried your save, it crashed with me too.

It could be the map setting. I told you about the games that crashed after a few turns - supposedly cause of animals - they all were on a "Balanced" map.

Now I played on a "Continents" Map with the same settings and at least made it to 3000BC with encountering the French and Viking and some lions.

The game that ran well up to 2020AD but then inevitable crashed - I do not know with map setting it had. Maybe Fractal, I used them fairly often in the past.

If anyone wants to try it, you should find a savegame of it under that link (~400kB), maybe someone else can break this "final frontier":
i have a question for the geologist unit. can it prospect a tile only once? i've found that i can bring it back to old tiles to prospect again, but i don't know if that has any chance of discovering anything. also, where can i find fossils?
i have a question for the geologist unit. can it prospect a tile only once? i've found that i can bring it back to old tiles to prospect again, but i don't know if that has any chance of discovering anything. also, where can i find fossils?

A geo can prospect multiple times, only with a break of two or three turns in between. And the chance to hit the jackpot is as high as it would be if prospecting the 1st time (at least it was in V0.4beta)
I still can build outlaws and bandits in modern era... thats a little strange :p I can build commando too, I think that at least commando should remove those older units from build list
also there is a little 'bug" i think:
after build:
- angkor war (priest specialist get +1 hammer)
- the sistine chapel (every specialist gets +2 culture)
- leonardo workshop (every specialist gets +2 beaker)
- set representation civic (every specialist gets +3 beaker)
after that my cities prefer to use specialists than grow up :confused:
my capital city has size 11, it's not stagnant but grow very slowly :mad:
I know I can start micromanaging but this should be fixed I think

radio telescope is missing info, is it a building like cathedral? each one require few observatory?

hover tanks has 15 str in civilopedia when you enter units info
it's normal ...find tile that produces 2hammers, 2 gold 5 beakers, 2culture..
thats huge !!

the city governor will always find this combination very attractive.
hover tanks has 15 str in civilopedia when you enter units info

Yep, this value refers to some air combat strength the hover tank has, but in "normal" battle against ground or naval units, the value "50" is used.

@Dub and @Prime: For somoe reason it is not possible to check success probability before combat when willing to attack with a hover (you know by holding "Alt")

@MusX: If you hold down Ctrl (or shift, I am not sure) and clicking on any city bar, all cities are selected and you can give them all the order "growth", "production" and so on just by clicking on the appropriate icon in the bottom right corner - and if one or two cities should become another order, just deselect all and select these two.

In normal games, I get a negative gold balance early due to expansion, so I set all of my cities to "gold", later - after discovering biology - I usually set them all to "growth" and later on to "growth" and "production". But a nasty nbeighbour declaring war on you changes everything...
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