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[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords

Rabbit said:
Every 4 turns the UN passes a resolution (which you see as a pop-up) that expresses strong concern over your actions and a need for a stronger resolution. This continues till the end of the game. :D

I take it you've already modded the necessary files for this. :p
Hi, thanks for congratulations, hope it's enjoy yourself..;

For the secret nuclear project, after the UN resolution, you can use a spy to begin nuke production, if an enemy spy gone in city radius, he see that you have a secret nuclear program, and you take some diplomatic malus...
Man, looks sweety man, when I buy warlords I will try this out, I really like the idea of a new era and based stuff is civ call to power, they say it is not a good game but I actually liked, not compared with the normal CIV but its also really good ^^
A mirror link has been added on 3D Downloads. However it may also exist some queue. That's here. The first post has also been updated.

ocedius said:
It may be a good idea to release the SDK changes alongside the mod. That way, modders will know where and what has been changed and how. Helps a lot in merging mods and features. :)
We plan to release the source code in few days, when we are sure that all is ok :)
As I mentioned in the Sea Colonies thread, I am interested in helping out. I am using your mod as the basis for the changes I have suggested and some that I haven't since your mod is more or less what I had in mind for part of my own. I have taken a look at some of the XML and I noticed there don't seem to be quotes or sound files to go with your techs. I have done ok at doing this sort of thing (adding good quotes) with the techs I have added myself. I don't think I could replace Leonard Nimoy but hey... I think the quotes give an added touch to the game. So if you would like I could find some quotes for you for you and add them (including sound files of my own creation) to the mod.

Also... should I submit my tech/unit/building/ and other ideas as code file changes or just suggestions? I will be slowly making the changes for myself anyway... so I can do it either way.

Personally, I think it would be nice to work with you guys... but you will have to be patient since I am a teacher and have little time. I have managed to work in several new techs...(nine to be exact) though they are incomplete since the things they enable are not finished. One new tech is completed in its entirety: Asphalt (Enables Trade Distribution Network.. a national wonder that is the equivelant of a trucking/distribution center network that causes merchants to be more productive, including +1 food.).

P.S. I just purchased warlords and am in the process of updating those techs to be compatible with it and your mod
Yes PromemOver, it was wondering if you want to add quote and sound for the techs, i wanted do it, but i play without sound, and i wanted doing it after i finish the work, but the work si not complete now...

and we want do a second version, because actually, it's very difficult to win by domination, we extand the domination victory for all the tiles.
I think in the second version, the game end in 2500 or 2600 AD...
But, for the next two weeks, we are in hollydays with modding...
Keep up the good work, Dubmetender, I loved CTP back in the day and I think that the sci-fi aspect is a great addition to vanilla civ.
@hrochland : now, you can play with your art work :D
hope you are agree with the sea factory reskin...

If you want try to do a sea tunnel, i was wondering :D :D :D but i know it's difficult (very difficult to add a new graphic road type) ...
Sounds very interesting - will try this tonight!

1. As a sort of an expansion, are you by any chance planning to add another (or possibly multiple) eras after the Genetic Era? I'd love to see more advance techs/playability -- as ones seen in far future mods (like Roanoke).

2. I noticed that there are techs named "Colonization of Moon" and "Colonization of Mars". Is it possible (as a matter of modding) to add Moon or Mars as separate location apart from the Earth? It would be awesome if we can see Moon and Mars along with Earth in the Globe view, but I realize that probably would not work under how Civ IV is set up. If so, can we simulate the new locations by increasing the size of the map and placing a space between the good old Earth part and the new location that cannot be traversed without required spaceships?

Just a thought - thanks for the mod!
1 : we want to add another era, after this, it's necessary because it "quasi" impossible to win by domination, this victory changed to all tiles type, and the sub tech arrive too late in game...
2 : the techs : colonization of Moon, colonization of Mars and meteorite mining are space tech, only for space race ... but we think of adding a "space map" like in CTP 2, but don't sure it's possible...
I think increasing map will required a lot of computer resources, and don't sure it's possible and playable, but it's a good idea... thanks
I will start asap on the sounds and quotes. Of course quotes about some future techs will probably have to come from sf authors and/or books... hope thats ok.

Some suggestions (which I will help with):

Some of the things I would like to focus on personally (and will hopefully be considered for this mod) are some of the unrealistic aspects of the modern era that exist in the original game. The reason I have come up with some of my tech ideas is because of a few inconsistencies with the modern era and how it differs from eras in the past (as they are represented in the game)

1: With the exception of individuals, cities in modernized countries don't starve any more. The total food available to a civilization should be able to be used throughout all cities in that civilization (I tried to make up for this by developing the asphalt tech I mentioned above.)

2. Members of modern urban civilization are much more mobile nowadays and often relocate, especially when jobs open up in quickly growing (booming) cities. I am trying to come up with a new unit "migrant" which will be a cheap way of moving population from one city to another. I have a feeling however this will involve python. I have very little clue about python so I will have to learn it quickly. I have an idea for a "migrant" unit which allows relocation.

I have other similar gripes (and solutions I am developing) but these are good examples for now. Meanwhile, I will get started on developing those sounds if you could provide a list of all the techs you added.
One other suggestion... I don't know if it will help or hurt:

I think expansion across the seas should be a little more limited. Not by max cities or anything, but by available resources (i.e. methane). Here is the idea I had:

First, in reality, frozen methane is common enough on our own ocean floors to be available in several areas of the world. Methane should be available on many map locations. So here is what I suggest:

One cannot build a first sea colony unless they build a plant first on a methane resource... an "energy" farm if you will. From there, you cannot add under sea cities until you have built your subway tubes, because it is through these that the power/methane is transported from one city to another. I.E. one cannot build a new colony on any random sea plot. One must first build a transport tube to the desired location, THEN and only then can you build a new colony.

This might be a difficult thing to code... but it should effectively limit expansion into the seas (in the beginning) because one cannot "trade" for a methane "farm." You must rely on your own or an allies. I think this would be more realistic... and it may give the human player a bit of an advantage (i.e. make domination more feasible) because as long as frozen methane is visible on the map a significant amount of time before it can be harvested, the human player can plan well in advance where he wants to start building his network. Planning ahead is not something that computers can ususally do.
primem0ver said:
1: With the exception of individuals, cities in modernized countries don't starve any more. The total food available to a civilization should be able to be used throughout all cities in that civilization (I tried to make up for this by developing the asphalt tech I mentioned above.)
I agree with that point and it should be more realistic indeed. Maybe we should consider implementing that but I think we should implement some limits to that "food transfer system".

2. Members of modern urban civilization are much more mobile nowadays and often relocate, especially when jobs open up in quickly growing (booming) cities. I am trying to come up with a new unit "migrant" which will be a cheap way of moving population from one city to another. I have a feeling however this will involve python. I have very little clue about python so I will have to learn it quickly. I have an idea for a "migrant" unit which allows relocation.
Good idea I think !

Meanwhile, I will get started on developing those sounds if you could provide a list of all the techs you added.
Here the lists:
More terraforming (= advanced terraforming)
Orbital flight
OGM = Genetically Modified Organism
Sub (submarine exploitation)
Advanced Sub
Lunar colonization
Mars Colonization
Meteorite Mining

One must first build a transport tube to the desired location, THEN and only then can you build a new colony.
I don't know if we should limit the expansion across the seas. I like the system as it is, like in CTP, with a total freedom of founding a sea colony where I want. But let's see what Dubmetender think about that !
In the beginning where you build would be limited... but if you plan ahead, you can get to where you want (if someone doesn't beat you too it)...

Remember, in CTP you could only build roads/railroads and mag levs within cultural borders. In Civ4 that is not true. You can build roads (or tubes)wherever you want (I have built roads on continents where I have no cities at all because I had a worker their given to me by a village and my settler was still en route). The only thing limited by this system is how fast you (and the AI) get there, so that sea colonies are built more slowly.

Still... you may not like slowing things down either... just an idea.
Wow, this mod is awesome ! :)
It brings so many tactical possibilities that were kept away from the game. I love it, very nice work ;)

A must have for Call to Power fans. :goodjob:
Hi Dubmetender,
just like you, I'm a fan of CTP Series and, even if I'm still downloading the mod, I have to make you know that the next step should be the merging of Dales Combat Mod. As you certainly know, that mod copies the way of fighting used in CTP and it's clearly better than the CIV one. IMHO that's the biggest difference (and lack) a CTP player finds using CIV.

In the while: congratulations for your great mod.

Dubmetender said:
1 : we want to add another era, after this, it's necessary because it "quasi" impossible to win by domination, this victory changed to all tiles type, and the sub tech arrive too late in game...
2 : the techs : colonization of Moon, colonization of Mars and meteorite mining are space tech, only for space race ... but we think of adding a "space map" like in CTP 2, but don't sure it's possible...
I think increasing map will required a lot of computer resources, and don't sure it's possible and playable, but it's a good idea... thanks

There's an interesting thread on popups http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=183126
that talks about creating a screen that works like a popup. Could something like this be used to create a screen that could act as a 'space map'???
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