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[MOD] Genetic Era for Warlords

haaaa i can't wait for buy warlord (only for this and future mods compatible with because for me warlord is only a litllte add-on not an extension ....) excellent news and each time i see the mod on the list i want to push on it but i must wait lol ;) thanks for the work all that's beautifull
This mod is absolutely awesome. I'm curious however, whether there is a "pinch" "formation" or "cover" equivalent for anti-grav units?

Also: Do you think you're going to add extra promotions? (Pinch II, Flanking III, for example... or anything more creative that you can think of)

All in, an excellent mod
This Mod looks great. I was waiting for something like this since Civ4 was released. :goodjob:

With your permission, Dubmetender, I would like to post it in the german civilization forum and translate all the new techs, units, etc. into german.:)
@ CloudStrife : not a problem to post in german forum, and if you translate the textin german, give me the file, i will add it to the original mod...

@Doompigeon : i don't know if we'll add some extra promotions, in the first version, i add the "promotion & perks" mod, but our first testors didn't like them...
Cool i have it and i PLAY it now yessss but i just begin so in a few i can see the good part of the mod ;)
I have sounds and quotes for most of the techs done (as well as changes to the appropriate files). The only ones I have not finished are ones that I think could use some tweaking such as the following:

Methane and vartech should be visible long before the ability to build sea colonies. This is true to life because we can find these resources even now with our technology without having a way to access them. I suggest making them available with robotics since submersible remote units are what we primarily use for making such discoveries. I am already making the changes in an extended version of this mod... don't worry, I will only submit it as a suggestion. You decide what things you want to keep.

Also, I suggest that you use different tech titles. Submarine exploitation... at least in english does not quite fit the concept IMO. I would call it something like ultrapressure engineering (for building the biodome/sea settler unit) and ultrapressure machinery for the sea mining facilities.

A third suggestion: It looks like you used a reskinned uranium for the methane. I suggest you use reskinned oil and call it "frozen" methane in the ocean. Methane as "natural gas" is available to us on land and you could use your current methane graphic as a land version called methane. Or you could simply call land methane "natural gas" and ocean methane "methane".

I am having difficulty finding a quote for one tech... but I can't remember at the moment which one it is. I will keep looking.

In my own version of this mod I have added 2 more techs in the industrial era:

Abolition (because emancipation came over 50 years after democracy), enables emancipation

Social Economics enables public education act (National wonder), library of congress (National wonder), public school (building), and urban planner (who works much like the one in CTP).

One more modern tech:

Asphalt enables distribution network (basically represents both our modern highways so it adds to road movement, and our trucking/distribution center network so it adds to merchant capabilities).

I am creating several different "releases" for my additions, depending on which features you want. Currently I have a raw "sound" update and then an update which includes all my bells and whistles that I have added. Finally, I may include one that reflects my ideas about the tech tree
I know i may be in the wrong thread but, I have downloaded this file it loads but nothing has changed with the game. please help sounds cool
Without knowing more about what you did to "install" it, its hard to say. A few suggestions though:

1st, it is a rar file. Make sure you decompress it with something like winrar into the correct folder.

2nd: This is a WARLORDS expansion and so it requires the warlords expansion pack.

3rd: You must decompress it into the [Civ4 location]\Warlords\Mods folder. If you decompressed it into the [Civ4 location]\Mods folder, the game will not know that it is installed (because all Warlords mods go into the warlords folder).

4th: Lastly (just in case) you must load the mod after installing it by going to advanced Load Mod from the main screen.
Another suggestion for the mod: I don't know how it is at other game speeds but the timing is WAY off with techs in the late game at normal game speed. E.G. I didn't discover radio (and enter into the modern era) until after 2000 and I had a very easy game technologically speaking. I am going to try and correct this in my current edition.
then you may be in the wrong forum. this mod does not change the interface all that much... only in the tech window and only when you have a huge stack of units. But that is not the purpose of this mod.
p.s. with the creation of the "urban settler" i have successully written my first python addition (though much of my quick learning goes to figuring out already existing code additions) to make sure the buildings the settler builds are added to the city. Python anyone?
I've noticed that setting workers to auto doesn't seem to work past some point in the game. Well before genetic era, i i suddenly saw all the workers had piled up into the cities, after filling out the trade network and doing some basic tasks eg a few farms and all resources. I've been trying to manually take over but this is quite tedious and it's difficult to be sure that each square in the city radius has been worked. Is this a known bug?

I can post a saved game if it helps? I don't know exactly when the workers quit but i could try a new game.
Also i noticed a horrendous noise when i sometimes build the cyborg, like my speakers are going to blow. Doesn't happen with any other situation I know of.
I noticed i can't seem to get the uranium resource. It's being mined within my cultural borders but not within a city radius if it makes a difference. I have been thinking about taking the nearby city to see if that helps. I can't build howitzers although as far as i can tell i have the prerequisites.

I tried uploading the saved game but at 512 kB it's way too big (even compressed the limit is 300 kB and it compresses to about 470).
seady said:
I've noticed that setting workers to auto doesn't seem to work past some point in the game. Well before genetic era, i i suddenly saw all the workers had piled up into the cities, after filling out the trade network and doing some basic tasks eg a few farms and all resources. I've been trying to manually take over but this is quite tedious and it's difficult to be sure that each square in the city radius has been worked. Is this a known bug?

I confirm this.
After building some roads, farms and grabbing resources the workers stop working.

seady said:
I've noticed that setting workers to auto doesn't seem to work past some point in the game. Well before genetic era, i i suddenly saw all the workers had piled up into the cities, after filling out the trade network and doing some basic tasks eg a few farms and all resources. I've been trying to manually take over but this is quite tedious and it's difficult to be sure that each square in the city radius has been worked. Is this a known bug?

I can post a saved game if it helps? I don't know exactly when the workers quit but i could try a new game.

I noticed that also in some others few mods..Dunno about vanila, didnt play much there..
yes, i saw this trouble, we'll look on the dll, but now, Major's computer is dead, we had to be patient for one or two weeks max...
i think there is a trouble with domination victory to...
we need a lot of test to correct all the problems ...
thanks for feedback,

EDIT : for the guys who want give me some saves or screenshot, my mail address :
GChiquard at hotmail.com
Sent a copy of the game as a sample. I've been wondering if the sound problems are actually due to the resources load. The game i was playing was pretty huge considering the age of my system, and as soon as you start using the ocean as well, forget it. Maybe this is related to the problem with the workers?

[off topic] I wish Worker stuff was abstracted so that land would tilled etc with time.. it'd be fun to zoom in and find my peasants had decided to grow vineyards, so i'd build a distillery and create port in the nearest city! I expect that'd be a lot of work however.[/off topic]

Overall a very exciting mod! I bought Call to power one and two and was disappointed the bugs were never ironed out. The sea/space dimension was a lot of fun.

:thanx: for your efforts guys!
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