[MOD] MaxRigaMod - video+1901-1941-1961-2001 scenar.

Hi guys.... 5.3 mod is perfect but i think something is wrong still...(Sorry i dont well speak english)

why AV7 tank or some flights dont need oil... if you ask to me this is . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....
so you cant produce a tank without iron, steel in real world..where is the realismmm...


in the case if ww1 units will need oil then Germany would never be able to build it in my scenario :))) Do u understand what I mean?

to Echse

I'm going to ask some people about this problem, I don't know why it's happening with u. I tried to launch UK in 1901 on my PC and it was fine.

to strategyonly

Thx dude but I know, my tech tree is messed up.
Man i got it what are you talking about..;)

but.. if you ask to me...your scenerio must be like this..

all marines, infantry and other foot may can produce oil or another resources...

but ..all mechanise unit, flights and vehicles must need oil.....(For realism):rolleyes:

so i always try this... im going to capture all oils and uranium resources.. in this way all countries fear to my armies....hehehe...its very funny...

think a country... for example egypt... that country dont have any oil or alimunim..and they have only 2 cities... and when egypt learn mechanised infantry tech they can produce....this impossible.... i never let this...

by the way im playing your old scenerios..(by reason of oil problem)
The realism ... hmm, is it ever possible to make realism in civ series? lol, i guess not. But we can do it as close as possible. Only units of Generation 1 can be produced without oil. So as in scenario 1901 or 1961. All other units requires oil. Once you nation has no oil u r able to fight with units of Generation 1 only. So, u gonna fight for resources any way. From other side, to make it more realistic, small nations such as Germany still can fight with tanks and planes in ww1. I think it's closer to realism.
please add the Huey gunship and the huey transport

and maybe the black hawk

all non upgradeable units

as well

i and a lot of ppl i know that play civ games liek a variety of units
and the huey dont get alot of attention these days
i cant get mine to run with BTS

when u fix that problem ill happily play this mod untill my computer melts

i love the cold war

and this mod looks so awsome

please personal message me if u have found a way to get it to work with BTS current update

and thanks for taking the time to make a great mod
i just want to be able to play it lol
Hello Max,

I have quite some Civ experience and enjoyed your mod in the version prior to 5.3 in several games (one complete WW2, 3 times the WW3 scenario by some other guy) - so I feel qualified to make some suggestions regarding the units in your mod :)

The ships:
- When I saw the new 5.3 unit "light cruiser" I had a problem. The thing is, I somehow like the word cruiser for a ship, because it sounds so powerful. But the light cruiser isn't, it's (judging by it's look) a WW1 ship which badly looses to any WW2 ship.
-> I'd like to rename it to "WW1 cruiser"

- In WW2 I'd like to make the destroyer a bit weaker and introduce light and heavy cruisers

- a real WW2 destroyer had no armor, rather small guns, torpedos, waterbombs and some AA weapons
- the (US) light cruisers had light armor, medium sized guns and rather strong AA, sometimes also torpedos
- heavy cruisers had strong armor and big guns but not so much AA (because the other ships were supposed to do that)
- and finally the battleships with heavy armor and huge guns

-> so I suggest:
- destroyer (DD): strength 28 (due to lack of armor), movement 7 (current value +1), can see subs, no bombarding (due to small guns) and interception probability (IP) maybe 20, if WW1 cruiser has 15
- light cruiser (LC): strength (STR) 32, movement 6 (MOV), can bombard, IP 30 (DD +10)
- heavy cruiser (HC): STR 36, MOV 5, can bombard
- battleship (BB): STR 42, MOV 5 (they were huge but not too slow), bombard, collateral damage

- that would make the LC the allround unit which the DD is now and make the DD more of a support unit and easy prey for the bigger ships (as long as they're not damaged)
- subs (which I won't change) could kill the DD easier but could also be spotted easier (MOV +1 for DD)
- I would make the LC a bit more expensive than DD, the HC somewhat more expensive than LC and the BB much more expensive than HC (maybe 1.5 times) because BBs were really seldom, they should be powerful and valuable units which are not easy to rebuild
- I would change some of the BBs in the WW2 map to HCs and some DDs to LCs and maybe add 2 more DDs per big Civ

- The US-DD (now STR 32) could get vision +1 instead to account for them having radar and STR 28, maybe with a first strike (firing torpedos first, after seing the other guy with radar)

The land units:
- Not many problems here, just 2 points.

- The mobile SAM is way too strong as a land unit (same STR as modern infantry). In the WW3 scenario no one has mechanized infantry yet, so everyone is building solely mobile SAM to defend the cities. This is rediculous to see modern main battle tanks being hit by anti-aircraft-missles (which have explosive warheads but absolutely no armor penetration) and being destroyed.
-> I suggest to give the mobile SAM STR 17 or 18 and +50% versus air units and vs helicopters (they could still fight off infantry if skilled for city defense.. can think of that as using 23mm or 30mm AA machine cannons)

- alternative: give them -50% vs armor

- The M113 as replacement for EU mech infantry looks ugly (well, you can't do much with it's shape, but it's color is too dark to fit the surroundings) and a M113 is basically just a battle taxi, it's not meant for fighting (and has almost no armor). It fulfills the taxi function by carrying 1 infantry in Civ4, so it's STR is really unjustified. If you could get a model of a regular "Schützenpanzer" like the German Marder (which is not that good, btw), that would be the one to use. These guys perform the same role as the BMP-2 and Bradley. If you can't get such a model I'd rather use the standard model and standard mech infantry properties for EU. The M113 can be given the same properties as the BTR-80. However, I'd reduce their speed by 1 point - just 1 point above normal vehicles (in wild terrain the main battle tank Leopard 2 is actually faster than the infantry-support Marder, let alone the M113).

The air units:
- Here my plan is not so clear, but I certainly have a problem: in WW3 scenario when I was defending Europe from the Russian invasion I wanted to use my F16s to attack tanks in front of my cities. But I couldn't because they would almost always be shot down by Mig 25 and 31 which were guarding the Russian cities!
-> the long range and high IP of the 25/31 is quite game breaking. The only western plane to counter that is the F18, which you don't have in the beginning

- If you take a closer look at the MIG 25 you'll see that it
* is fast but not maneuverable (which counts a lot in modern air combat)
* due to it's high fuel consumption it has a rather limited range
* it can only carry air-to-air missiles
* it's combat results have not been that impressive

- the MIG 31 is considerably improved

- and, very important, the F14 is a long range interceptor! A range of 4 for that plane is rediculous. Also it can carry some bombs, but it's not meant for attacking ground targets. It has decent long range missiles against ships though.

"Furthermore, the powerful emissions from the AWG-9 [F14 radar] are detectable at great range with a radar warning receiver. Iraqi fighters routinely displayed countertactics as soon as the Tomcats "lit up" them with the AWG-9. The Iraqis would immediately abandon the attack while well out of range, perhaps indicating their familiarity with both the Tomcat and the AIM-54 from previous encounters with Iranian F-14s."

-> ... so:
- make the MIG 25 the same STR (if it hit's it's still a missile after all), but range 1 less (to 5, still a lot!) and IP down to around 60 (due to it's strong but old radar, old electronics and non-existent dog fight capability - if the first missiles are being dodged, which really happens, it can only run away) and totally remove it's bombing capability

- make the MIG 31 range 6 (really a lot) and IP down to around 80 (still a lot) and remove it's bombing ability

- make the F14 range 6 (or 5, if you really don't like it that strong) and STR 18 with +50% vs air units and +50% versus ships. IP could be 70.

- starting from the F4 as a carrier plane, the only other (western) carrier planes should be F14, F18 and F35 (not F16!). The F14 does not obsolete the F4 due to it's role as interceptor with limited bombing. Both are obsoleted by the F18.

- The -50% vs air untis of the F16 is totally unjustified. I know it's for the scheme of strike fighter / jet fighter, but really, if an F16 carries AIM120s it's roughly as good as F15 or F18 in air-air battles. And +50% vs armor? I guess it's good vs tanks, but so are the other planes carrying the same missiles. Why not make it a relatively cheap range 4 plane with stronger STR than the standard jet / strike fighter? Maybe roughly the same as Eurofighter, Grippen and Ji-10.

- The high range and high collateral damage of the F117: I know that generally the newer Civ planes have to be better in every way than their predecessor, but the F117 is really just delivering bombs to specific points. It only has 2 mounting points for weapons! Compare that to a B52 with.. oh, maybe the weight of 2 complete F117s just as bombs. I would decrease F117s range to 8 and decrease it's collateral damage to at most 1 unit, but retain it's STR and an evasion prob of at least 50%

- Due to that it might be good to keep the F117 as a supplement to the former non-stealth bombers. Only B2 / Tu-160 would obselete these old ones (like B52).

- I'd give the B2 just the same range and number of collateral damages as the B52, because that was really already the king of bombers. Flying halfway around the globe and still dropping tons of bombs. The B2 has to get better stealth than F117 though. And has to be expensive :)

- Helicopters: the Mi-8 as a battle helicopter?! You're stretching it quite a bit here :) Look at that thing.. it's just a large transport helicopter which just so happens to be able to carry some rockets. Maybe transport with STR 20 would be justified.

- The AH-64D is called "Longbow Apache" because it has the Longbow radar on top of the rotor. This is not yet seen in the model. Maybe this could be fixed?

- If you could get a model of the Eurocopter Tiger it should be quite good looking and the unit itself might be nice. Especially considering that the German version has no gun, just missiles. It's a dedicated tank destroyer with some support ability. It could get STR 32 or 34 and +125% vs armor.

- What about some air-based pure recons? Like an AWACS for the land (high range, 8 or 10, no carrier, STR 0, no bombing) or / and a sea recon (shorter range, maybe 6, carrier, can see subs, STR 0, no bombing)
.. for those of us who don't have satellites ;)

-> this is not intended to be final tuning of the air units, that would be a bit too much for now, especially since I don't know how you like my suggestions in general. So please let me know what you think about this!

Regards, MrS
Hello MrSpadge
i'm quite impressed to see you r so good in military stuff. well, let me answer one by one on everything that u played attention on

the ships

-> so I suggest:
- destroyer (DD): strength 28 (due to lack of armour), movement 7 (current value +1), can see subs, no bombarding (due to small guns) and interception probability (IP) maybe 20, if WW1 cruiser has 15
- light cruiser (LC): strength (STR) 32, movement 6 (MOV), can bombard, IP 30 (DD +10)
- heavy cruiser (HC): STR 36, MOV 5, can bombard
- battleship (BB): STR 42, MOV 5 (they were huge but not too slow), bombard, collateral damage

ok, what we have now in the mod is - Frigate ( + Ship of the Line in bts ) - Ironclad ( coil ) - Light Cruiser ( as ww1 unit, coil, G1 ) - Destroyer ( iron and oil, G2 ) - Antisub Corvette ( oil, G3 ) - Battleship + Carriers ( oil, and heavy docks G2 ) (+ Stealth Destroyer in bts, Uranium, G4 ).

so, what u suggest me to make the line in generation&resources and unit types more closer to realism? ( and do not forget that all this units must be upgatable since it will mess up in ur city screen when u build up the stuff )

- The mobile SAM is way too strong as a land unit (same STR as modern infantry). In the WW3 scenario no one has mechanized infantry yet, so everyone is building solely mobile SAM to defend the cities. This is ridiculous to see modern main battle tanks being hit by anti-aircraft-missles (which have explosive warheads but absolutely no armor penetration) and being destroyed.
-> I suggest to give the mobile SAM STR 17 or 18 and +50% versus air units and vs helicopters (they could still fight off infantry if skilled for city defense.. can think of that as using 23mm or 30mm AA machine cannons)

you have a point, I will do it. but all fixes r going to be for BTS version only, i'm finished with 5.3 vanilla, as I've already noticed above.

- The M113 as replacement for EU mech infantry looks ugly (well, you can't do much with it's shape, but it's color is too dark to fit the surroundings) and a M113 is basically just a battle taxi, it's not meant for fighting (and has almost no armor). It fulfills the taxi function by carrying 1 infantry in Civ4, so it's STR is really unjustified. If you could get a model of a regular "Schützenpanzer" like the German Marder (which is not that good, btw), that would be the one to use. These guys perform the same role as the BMP-2 and Bradley. If you can't get such a model I'd rather use the standard model and standard mech infantry properties for EU. The M113 can be given the same properties as the BTR-80. However, I'd reduce their speed by 1 point - just 1 point above normal vehicles (in wild terrain the main battle tank Leopard 2 is actually faster than the infantry-support Marder, let alone the M113).

you are absolutely right here. I made BRT-80 as special unique unit ( not just unique which one replaces other units ) but m113 should be same as btr-80. But i wanted to make Europe looks a bit different from the USA and other countries so I decided to make such silly thing. I don't know for now will I remove it back on Bredlies or do something else.

The air units:
- Here my plan is not so clear, but I certainly have a problem: in WW3 scenario when I was defending Europe from the Russian invasion I wanted to use my F16s to attack tanks in front of my cities. But I couldn't because they would almost always be shot down by Mig 25 and 31 which were guarding the Russian cities!
-> the long range and high IP of the 25/31 is quite game breaking. The only western plane to counter that is the F18, which you don't have in the beginning

Mig25/31 is the only military plane in service on earth which one can fly almost in space. It carries only 4 anti air missiles with the range of 300 kilometres ( 270 miles if i'm right ). AIM's 120 can go for less then 100 miles ( i might be wrong, havn't played LOCK ON for a long time, lol ). so, mig25 from 15km height can launch 300kilometers missiles vs f14 with the top of 10km height with 100km range AIM's120. This why range of mig25/31 much longer then f14.

also, please note, that civ4 by it self can't count the realism things so I had to accumulate scores for all units in general based on common characteristics of all units.

- starting from the F4 as a carrier plane, the only other (western) carrier planes should be F14, F18 and F35 (not F16!). The F14 does not obsolete the F4 due to it's role as interceptor with limited bombing. Both are obsoleted by the F18.

f16 doesn't have ability to land on carriers in my mod. But f4 phantom must be upgradeable to f14 because it don't want to mess up with units in city screen :(((

if an F16 carries AIM120s it's roughly as good as F15 or F18 in air-air battles

f16 doesn't carry aim120's but any way, still do not forget that this is civ4 and AI plays by the units differently then human ;) I made American planes more multirole then Russian but also more expensive. Mig's series are more for interception as well as su27 more for bombardment. But f16 in the mod can as well protect city as bombard separate units and be ok protected by it self. f15 is like mig29 has interception abilities but f18 is like f16 just better.

- The high range and high collateral damage of the F117: I know that generally the newer Civ planes have to be better in every way than their predecessor, but the F117 is really just delivering bombs to specific points. It only has 2 mounting points for weapons! Compare that to a B52 with.. oh, maybe the weight of 2 complete F117s just as bombs. I would decrease F117s range to 8 and decrease it's collateral damage to at most 1 unit, but retain it's STR and an evasion prob of at least 50%

Are are absolutely right about newer planes have to be better in every way and only because of this i made f117 after b52. I know that it's absolutely useless plane as stealth as caw in the middle of the road but once again, it's civ4 and i need to make tech and plane line with all the upgrades. There is also one more thing - f117 can be build by any nation without uranium unlike b2 or tu160. This is very important for small nations in civ4.

- Helicopters: the Mi-8 as a battle helicopter?! You're stretching it quite a bit here Look at that thing.. it's just a large transport helicopter which just so happens to be able to carry some rockets. Maybe transport with STR 20 would be justified.

yes, u r absolutely right. I wanted to rename it to mi2 ( with turrets ) or mi17 but I decided to leave it as it is for now. You see, I need BlackHowk UH60 unit ( i like flying it in AMRA game ) to make it more balanced, like mi8 and uh60 more transport units but ah1 and mi24 generation 3 attack choppers.

- The AH-64D is called "Longbow Apache" because it has the Longbow radar on top of the rotor. This is not yet seen in the model. Maybe this could be fixed?

Let's say Longbow Apache in the mod is modernized version of standard ah64 ))) I will replace it with Comanche when any unit maker create such unit so it will be like ah-64d and mi24 for generation 3 , and Comanche - Ka50 for generation 4.

- What about some air-based pure recons? Like an AWACS for the land (high range, 8 or 10, no carrier, STR 0, no bombing) or / and a sea recon (shorter range, maybe 6, carrier, can see subs, STR 0, no bombing)
.. for those of us who don't have satellites

I was thinking about it already but the scenario maps are so small that any bomber from open-border allied country can do AWACS :))) And USA has special unique unit - Shuttle ;)

I'd love to play with u some multiplayer game one day, want to try? please add me to ur msn then - max_riga@hotmail.com

we also can design next update for the mod together ;)
Hello Max,

thanks for replying in such a detail! As you can see by my somewhat late response I'm somewhat busy [lazy], so I fear I can't spare so much time for Civ4.. but my contribution should not stop with that 1 post :)

ok, what we have now in the mod is - Frigate ( + Ship of the Line in bts ) - Ironclad ( coil ) - Light Cruiser ( as ww1 unit, coil, G1 ) - Destroyer ( iron and oil, G2 ) - Antisub Corvette ( oil, G3 ) - Battleship + Carriers ( oil, and heavy docks G2 ) (+ Stealth Destroyer in bts, Uranium, G4 ).

so, what u suggest me to make the line in generation&resources and unit types more closer to realism? ( and do not forget that all this units must be upgatable since it will mess up in ur city screen when u build up the stuff )

Yes, I suggest to add a little more realism and add more tactical options / needs in WW2 sea combat. It would not mess up the city screen because the destroyer (and maybe my WW2 light cruiser) would obsolete the WW1 light cruiser. Then WW2 destroyer, light and heavy cruiser would all be obsoleted by the Aegis which combines all of their strengths (STR36, MOV6, bombard, see subs, air defense + visibility +1, missiles)

Let's try to construct a tech line:
-> Frigate ( + Ship of the Line in bts )
-> Ironclad ( coil )
-> WW1 Cruiser (coil, G1 )
-> Destroyer ( iron and oil, G2 ), Light Cruiser (iron, oil, G2), Heavy Cruiser (iron, oil, G2)
-> Aegis (alu, oil, G3)
-> possibly Stealth Destroyer (don't know it yet)
-> Battleship (uranium or oil, heavy dock, G2)
-> Modern Battleship (uranium, heavy dock, G4)
-> Carrier, Transport, Antisub Corvette

So progressing from G1 to G2 you get 3 units instead of one, but they all blend into the Aegis at G3. After that everything remains unchanged. Maybe the AI can't deal with the fine details between these 3 WW2 ships.. but really, it can't use ships anyway ;)

Regarding the Antisub Corvette: I didn't see this unit before 5.3, so I have no experience if it's worth anything. OK, it's much cheaper than the Aegis and actually stronger against subs, so that's OK. And it doesn't need a heavy dock. However, it's able to bombard, even strongly at -15%, which seems strange for a such a small ship as a corvette.
-> Should we change it into "Frigate"? Oh, maybe "Modern Frigate" or "Multirole Frigate". Modern Frigates approach the size of former Destroyers and are allround vehicles. They have anti-sub capabilities (bombs and missiles), anti-ship missiles, anti-air missiles and some defense against missiles, e.g. see here.

but m113 should be same as btr-80. But i wanted to make Europe looks a bit different from the USA and other countries so I decided to make such silly thing. I don't know for now will I remove it back on Bredlies or do something else.

Too bad there's no other suitable vehicle in the 21st century warfare mod. Maybe a different skin for the Bradley would do it? More green for forest areas. Oh, I just saw that the US already have such a version..

f16 doesn't have ability to land on carriers in my mod.

Ah, you're right. But it had that ability in the previous version. Nevermind! And while I'm at the F16: it should be easy to see in that article that it carries AMRAAMs. "and is almost always armed with two AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, one on each wingtip on a dedicated rail. More recent versions can be equipped with the AIM-120 AMRAAM on these rails instead." So it can even mount AMRAAMs onto the wingtips noadays. Maybe the first F16 did / could not carry AMRAAMs (only the old Sparrow), because the missile was introcuded later than the F16.

But f16 in the mod can as well protect city as bombard separate units and be ok protected by it self.

Mhh, I don't know about this "-50% vs air units". How is the damage in an air fight / interception calculated? I'm asking because my F16s (and in the WW3 scenario the guy gave me only F16s in the beginning..) almost always got completely shot down. I could live with some damage, but to loose a fighter is unaccatable ;)

On to the MIG 25/31 and F14 question. First, the F14 uses the AIM-54 Phoenix which is / was the only dedicated US long range AA missile. They write "range in excess of 184 km". The Wiki states a combat radius of 926 km. But these figures are difficult to obtain, because they heavily depend on the load (up to 5.9 tons of weapons for the F14) and it's shape (air flow resistence).
For the MIG 25 they state a range of 1730 km, which would possibly translate into 865 km radius. But this is not "combar radius", i.e. possibly measured without weapons. It's R40 / AA-6 missiles are quoted to have 30 and 60 km range (old/new), which sounds a bit strange as I thought it had longer ranged weapons. Ah, I have it: the R33 / AA-9 can only be carried by the MIG 31. That's the one with 280 km range. The 31 can also carry the R77 / AA-12, which seems much more powerful, despite it's smaller range (90 / 175 km).

So in raw quantity the MIG 25 is not as good as you think (sorry, I know you like the russian tech ;) but the MIG 31 is still very impressive. Additionally there's also the factor of quality. Shooting a missile is not equal to hitting, especially if you shoot old missiles at new fighters. To quote some more MIG 25 wiki (first Iraq war):

In another incident, an Iraqi MiG-25PD, after eluding eight USAF F-15s, fired three missiles at EF-111 electronic warfare aircraft, forcing them to abort their mission. This may have led to the later loss of an F-15 to surface-to-air missiles, due to the lack of electronic jamming.

In yet another incident, two MiG-25s approached a pair of F-15s, fired missiles (which were evaded by the F-15s), and then outran the American fighters. Two more F-15s joined the pursuit, and a total of ten air-to-air missiles were fired at the MiG-25s, though none could reach them.

So it's not like the MIG 25 were not useful and they're able to run away due to their high speed. However, they're missiles have a hard time to hit US-Fighters. And that F111 is a old big and unmaneuverable thing. that's why I don't like my F16 being shot by MIG 25 ;)

Concerning the bombers: I suggest to have 2 bombers seperately, F117 and it's strong non-stealth predecessor. Nations can use the first one if there's no air defense, otherwise they should use the F117. OK, I see a problem with the AI with that. For human players it would not be a problem. And the clutter of the unit screen would not be so bad, because you only have 2 different units instead of 1. And B2 / TU 160 would still replace the old bomber and possibly also the F117. To help the AI: what if F117 is as strong as the old bomber but just adds stealth?

Oh, stealth: is there a reason you changed the stealth ability to such low values in 5.3? That seems a bit strange, because some planes (eye on the 31) have a huge range and almost 100% interception chance. That would make you almost invulnerable to bombers, though I must admit I haven't played it yet.

Mi-8: you already have the Chinook as western transport counterpart. Maybe they're not totally equal, but I'd rather see the Mi-8 as a totally equivalent eastern transport chopper than it being a battle chopper :)

Yes, sure, the AH-64D is a substantially modernized version, so the basic idea is OK. The problem is that it looks visibly different, the thing which gives it the name "Longbow" is missing in the current AH-64A graphic. Just a stupid ball on it's head.. erm, a super-modern rader and whatever detector on top of it's rotor. That should be a simple modification for the modelling guy, but some clever texturing might be needed to make it look good in Civ.

You're right, we don't need AWACS. I just thought it may be good to have a plane able to see subs. But OK, that's not really neccessary.

... running out of time, CU!
By the way, in the unit creation forum is a very good looking US Marine Corps made out of the Beyond The Sword Modern Anti-Tank Unit using Marine animations. I think it looks good and it has an M-16 as its weapon. See what you think. I hope to be able to get back to the Original Civilization IV and upgrade the civilopedia on that and then I shall see about performing similar upgrades to the text for the BTS version to make it more polished. My PC died in a particularly busy period for me but I am back up again now.

-> Frigate ( + Ship of the Line in bts )
-> Ironclad ( coil )
-> WW1 Cruiser (coil, G1 )
-> Destroyer ( iron and oil, G2 ), Light Cruiser (iron, oil, G2), Heavy Cruiser (iron, oil, G2)
-> Aegis (alu, oil, G3)
-> possibly Stealth Destroyer (don't know it yet)
-> Battleship (uranium or oil, heavy dock, G2)
-> Modern Battleship (uranium, heavy dock, G4)

Ok, i'm going to think about adding ww2 destroyer-cruiser corrections.

Regarding the Antisub Corvette: I didn't see this unit before 5.3, so I have no experience if it's worth anything

this unit weak but has +70/80% vs subs.

Mhh, I don't know about this "-50% vs air units"

by the way, u can check the list with all general settings there


Concerning the bombers: I suggest to have 2 bombers seperately, F117 and it's strong non-stealth predecessor

this is good point, i might use it. please, also note, that f117 is possibly to build without stealth bombers technology, which is very important for developing countries. So, f117 somehow must be better then b52/tu95 but may be not so powerful in bombardment.

Mi-8: you already have the Chinook as western transport counterpart. Maybe they're not totally equal, but I'd rather see the Mi-8 as a totally equivalent eastern transport chopper than it being a battle chopper

there is mi26 as eastern alternative for Chinook ( and u must develop same technology to build it, mi8 and ah1 u can build earlier )

You're right, we don't need AWACS. I just thought it may be good to have a plane able to see subs. But OK, that's not really neccessary.

satellites can see subs ;)

to Healz

yes, i'm going to use this new US Marine Corps unit as Modern Infantry for USA.
Hi Max!

So know I have been playing the beta for a couple of days, and here a the bugs
I came across.

Started the 1961 Scenario as the Soviet Union.
First I got an error message saying that Moscow no longer can continue construction on the Apollo Program.'
Looked on the requirements and saw that the Apollo program, needed the Apollo Program, to be constructed.
Thats probably just an XML error
Didnt care though I usually never try to win a space race victory.

The seconded bug I came across was when I thought of building some Special Forces, they apparently need The Hagia Sofia. Before they can be constructed. (Or if it was Special Forces school that needed it.)
This is probably also a XML bug.
Worked my way around it by simply adding the Hagia Sofia were I wanted the Special Forces. (That being Leningrad.)

After these bug everything ran great, really liked the VDV and NKVD units, but suddenly, just after I pressed the turn button it crashed to the desktop. First i thought that it could be just a random crash bug so i restarted the game, loaded the latest auto save and played. But again just when pressing the turn button on November 1971, it crashed, tried again, same thing happened.
I thought that it could be something wrong with my installation/download, so i reinstalled everything and downloaded it again.
This time it went great until China declared war on India in 1967 (don't remember the month.)
Dont know if this is a problem with the mod or Bts or if its just my copy, just thought that you should know.

other than that everything has been going great, Bts is perfect for a Cold War scenario and the mod is really the best one out there. I enjoy this as much as I did playing Double Your Pleasure for Civ 3 a couple of years back
So great mod! :D
Ok, I was just checking that you'd seen it and decided whether to include it. I will do that updating but I probably won't really swing full into it until after the 5th of October to do the civilopedia for the Vanilla version of your mod. Thank-you for producing such a great mod, bye. Healz.
now that you say it - I also had crashing problems with vanilla pre 5.3 version. Apperently at some point the save game would become corrupted, so that it crashes, no matter what you do in that turn. I worked around that by storing a save game of the beginning of the previous turn, in addition to the current turn. when I loaded that one I could get around the "hiccup". Though I'm not 100% sure if I had to do anything different in these 2 turns, or if I changed something (by chance, there's so much to do in these scenarios each turn).
Edit: argh, I can not remember if this problem also orrured in the WW2 scenario! It did in the WW3, which was not done by Max.

Ok, I used to have a little bit of a problem in the more modern era and I attributed it to the GPU bottleneck in the modern era as on my old computer, I only had a 64Mb Graphics Card. I now have one that is about 256Mb or something and it works really well. I think if you are still having the problem it could be graphics processing bottleneck...
Well I dont think that its aproblem with my graphics card, Im running civ on a geforce 8500gt 512mb.

also i tried to do as mrspadge said, and make an other save but it still crashes.:mad:
thanks for the help anyway.
Ill keep trying
also i tried to do as mrspadge said, and make an other save but it still crashes.:mad:

You played the scenario again, made these double-backup-saves and still at some point you got the crash, then you loaded the older savegame and 2 turns after that it still crashed? ... damn!

It's surely not a weak-GPU problem for me either: 1950Pro 256 MB - plenty of power for Civ4 and folding@home :)

THANK YOU to all who reported it's bugs, fixing it right now

k, i've started working for beta2 version of the mod
so far just little changes made yet

to MrSpadge

unfortunately i will not be able to change the stuff with f117 because it' the only G4 unit could be made by any nation ( b2 and tu160 require Stelth Bomber technology, f117 doesn't ). b52 and tu95 ( which one is cold war bomber by default ) are G3 units.

Started the 1961 Scenario as the Soviet Union.
First I got an error message saying that Moscow no longer can continue construction on the Apollo Program.'
Looked on the requirements and saw that the Apollo program, needed the Apollo Program, to be constructed.
Thats probably just an XML error
Didnt care though I usually never try to win a space race victory.

The seconded bug I came across was when I thought of building some Special Forces, they apparently need The Hagia Sofia. Before they can be constructed. (Or if it was Special Forces school that needed it.)
This is probably also a XML bug.
Worked my way around it by simply adding the Hagia Sofia were I wanted the Special Forces. (That being Leningrad.)

can't fix it, any1 any ideas?
:goodjob: Great mod:goodjob:

plenty of variety

just a couple of ideas

1.if possible, have you had a look at adding the eurofighter for the europeon nations, these being the GB and EU

2.also the M1 Abram is based on the british challenger design which is slower then the M1 Abram but the challenger is stronger
make challenger have 2 movement for gb and the M1 Abram have 3 movement
also make the challenger slightly stronger

James Horsman
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