[MOD] MaxRigaMod - video+1901-1941-1961-2001 scenar.

Dear MaxRiga,

Very well crafted mod and scenarios. It has proven to be alot of fun. The thread is too big for me to see if the following comments have been posted already (please forgive if they have):

- Too many incorrect city names and locations (I fixed this in my games via the world builder)

- Perhaps a bigger for map for computers that can handle it

- Love the idea of using up workers like work boats (genius)

That's it for now. Great job, seriously, it's alot of fun to play.
Dear MaxRiga,

Very well crafted mod and scenarios. It has proven to be alot of fun. The thread is too big for me to see if the following comments have been posted already (please forgive if they have):

- Too many incorrect city names and locations (I fixed this in my games via the world builder)

- Perhaps a bigger for map for computers that can handle it

- Love the idea of using up workers like work boats (genius)

That's it for now. Great job, seriously, it's alot of fun to play.

Hi and thx for ur reply
1-please, tell me what cities with incorrect names and what scenarios so I can fix it
2-i don't have strong computer, so all scenarios are based on standard map so i can check it personally ;)
Nice... Screeny. The iBuildUnitProb directly relates to the % chance that the AI will select a unit to build over a building or wonder. If a leader is geared towards building mostly economic stuff, this will mean more workers, workboats, and settlers. If the leader is more into war, this will result in more military units. For example Hitler's was 65. This means that exactly 65% of the time, Hitler will build a unit. He is more likely to build military than economic stuff... its hard to tell exactly, but more than likely this means about 55% of the time Hitler will build military units, 10% economic units, and 35% buildings and wonders.

There are many many more adjustments that could be made (in the leaderheadinfos.xml) other than the 2 i mentioned though.

I recommend seeing the civilization wikepedia on exactly what all the values mean.
Hi me again... Man İ cant produce mechanised infantry with oil? How can i???
You sad that go to civ4units xml file .... but there is very hugger....

Can you tell me how can i fix that in xml file???
You sad that go to civ4units xml file .... but there is very hugger....

Can you tell me how can i fix that in xml file???

yes, add or remove OIL bonus to the unit u wish inside of the civ4units xml file.

to Shiggs713

thank u for ur answer. i'm terribly busy right now with my business and i don't even have a chance to take a look on this but i will try to before releasing bts2 version. thank u for ur clear description.
Max i can't manage to download your mod or your scenario can you give me instrutions on how to do it.
Hi Max,
yesterday i downloaded your modmaxbts1 and started playing the 2001 scenario. it plays fine but i had a few issues. i have tried searching this thread but i didn't find anything so I am sorry if they are repeat issues.

1) i could not launch ICBMs. I was playing as the US, I declared war on china and i try to launch icbm and nothing happens. the cities i click on are all gray. the tactical nuke work if i launch them from japan but the icmbs do not.

2) the cruise missiles and tactical nukes cannot be positioned in a ship. there was one sub near china that started with cruise missiles and maybe a tack nuke but they disappeared when i declared war. i have tried moving ships to port and loading them but it does not give me the "load" button as it normally does with bts.

3) satellites are moved from a country when you declare war. i thought the latest update for bts made it so that spy can remain in a country when you declare war. i think your satellites are a good idea but should also stay in place when you declare war (it makes intuitive sense to me at least).

4) not a game play issue but a unit issue, why is the evasion chance so low for stealth bombers and stealth fighters? considering the great success against one of the best air defense networks in the world in 1991 during the first gulf war the F-117 has a much better than 15% chance to evade. Considering that the B-52 has a 5% chance and a huge radar cross section (which is fine even a big bomber can get lucky) i think the F-117 with a RCS of 1/1000000 that of the B-52 should have a much higher chance of evasion. Same goes from the B-2 bomber.

My final thought/question about the 2001 scenario was: what is the goal of this scenario? From the victory conditions it appears to be world domination. While this is fine for countries like the US, how does one do this play as a weaker country?

Thanks for the help. I think the scenario is really cool and I can tell that you have done a lot of work. Great job.
Hi and thx for ur reply
2-i don't have strong computer, so all scenarios are based on standard map so i can check it personally ;)

I'd really like to play this scenario on a bigger map so can I add a new one myself to the mod??Also, how do it??:confused:
to - xela43

you have to download MaxRigaModBTS1 from here - http://maxriga.civfanatics.ru/1901Page.htm

to - SimonB1er

yes, you can add bigger map and make ur own scenario based on the mod. Unfortunately, i'm not able to help u in this.

to graves_09

thank you for such good answer and suggestions. let me answer on some of ur questions -
1- you can nuke other cites by ur ICBM's if you are already in war with this country and if there is no any other borders or units of another countries on the territory of one plot/terrain around city. Tactical nukes do not cover city+1 terrain area, so, u can launch tactical nukes even if there is another country border next to the city or units of other countries situated just next to the city.

2-there are some settings of MaxRigaMod that completely different from original BTS. It’s done to make the game more realistic. This why only nuclear missiles submarines can carry tactical nukes whole over the world but usual nuclear submarines can carry just cruise missiles. Same to the ships - only AEGIS and modern destroyers can carry cruise missiles.

3-thanx for telling me thin, i thought that satellites stays inside of the borders of ur enemy, i need to check it for the next release.

4-unfortunately civ4 game is far from realism and MaxRigaMod just make it closer to realism but still, u know, it's all not in real life :) F117 in MaxRigaMod is common unit. This means that every country can develop it without Stealth technology ( + Stealth Bombers tech ). This why this unit has lower settings then b2-tu160.

Concerning the goals of the scenarios I can tell u that the goals are usually are the conditions of victory game play :) There is some different conditions ( such as Space Victory for 1961, for example ) but 2001 is just domination and conquest.
something strange is going on in my game. i tried ICBMs on china after declaring war. i couldn't nuke any of their cities. then i nuked them with tack nukes and it worked. also i tried tack nuking korea but it was bordered by japanese territory so i didn't work. then i set off the nuke in the square next to the city and it did work (over half the units in the city died the rest were damaged). ill try to post a game save if i remember tonight.

in regards to the missiles, i was trying to load a guided missile on a AEGIS cruiser (at least i think it was), i will check again and let you know.

RE: the stealth fighter/bomber, i agree that the unit can be overpowered if it is easy to build. i also understand the realism vs game play argument (although I often get caught up in the realism). could i suggest making the build cost much higher than for the F-117 and B-2 in exchange for better evasion? if not, how about improving the evasion of the B-2 (i can't remember what is was but it seemed low)

thanks for the quick reply to my questions/suggestions.
i tryed that way but it din't work and can you tell me how to install step by step your mod and scenario
I installed it, Each one of the scenarios lists all of the civilizations in the regular games, and continuing on, it shows the infastructure and map, but no civilizations or different leaders or any of that stuff. What should I do?
Hey MaxRiga,

Is there going to be changes soon to the satellites position? Seeing as how its halfway into the ground wouldn't it be better if it were flying high in the air?
Hi max.... Man please help me.... İ want to produce mechanised infantry with oil in your mod but i cant.... i cant find fix it,,,its very hard...im talking about civ4unitsxml...

Please can you send me to my mail fixed civ4unistxml file.... i think its 40 or 100 kb......

sorry i dont well speak english....

its not only for me....my friends waiting your fixed civ4unitsxml....
you have installed the MOD wrong way. Please, make me screen of my mod in ur civ4/BTS/MOD folder.

Your screenshot is attatched. So, how did I install the mod wrong and how can I do it right?


  • Civ4ScreenShot0002.JPG
    116.8 KB · Views: 123
Your screenshot is attatched. So, how did I install the mod wrong and how can I do it right?

You'll need to install the latest patch for either the original or the expansion, BTS, to play it properly.;)
'graves_09' makes a very valid point, I tested that out myself by playing the United States and engaged the Chinese in nuclear exchanges, only problem is, I had great difficulty in launching most of my arsenal. Like 'graves_09' said, the ICBM's refuse to budge (both from location and striking point). The tactical missiles were a bit more flexible but still very stringent on target points. I suggest removing the border rules as they interfere with nuclear game play. I also tested this out by declaring war on Russia, again, the same situation occurred there too. This problem will hamper game play as it is crucial to nuclear deterance.

If people are interested in an open ended game play with 2001, I talked to MaxRiga about the massive changes I made to his modern day map, which includes a UN and (possibly) space race as its an Alpha Centauri ordeal (which makes it realistic to the degree that mankind has yet to leave the solar system). We have discussed briefly on ideas to expand on this scenario. :p
whenever i play one of your sceanros it ends up like onetimeguest but it doesn't have your mods leaders amd units
can you tell me whare and how to
aka im new to the forums so i dont know how to make a thumbnails
>Hey max this is a great mod you have going. My only problem is that
my computer can't find the maps at all. Everything should be in its
correct place, i put the maps in
>C:\Documents and Settings\(Username)\My Documents\My Games\beyond
the sword\PublicMaps
>the mod loads and everything but when i click on play sinario it
can't find any maps. I know you said just double click the map in
the public maps folder to start the senario and the mod, but when i
do it just starts up the normal BTS with nothing modded about it at
>So if you could help that would be great :) :D

P.S i have the steam version of this game so i don't have the
normal version from stores if that makes a difference
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