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I'm having some trouble using your recommended installation method. I unzipped the folder .rar file on my desktop, then moved the "assets" file into the copy of FF I'd pasted in my mods folder. Then, I did the load a mod thing through regular BTS. It was loading fine til I got the Load Error message "GFC Error: failed to initialize the primary control theme". I tried clicking OK, but that just caused the same message to pop up again. In any case, the recommended install method isn't working. I'm using Fall Further 051 Patch B on BTS 3.19.

Any help'd be appreciated. This sounds like a cool modmod, I'd like to try it out. Thanks.
I'm afraid I have no idea what could be causing that error. The only thing I can suggest is to repeat the install process in case something somehow would up in the wrong place - delete the new folder, make another copy of the Fall Further folder, and copy over the assets folder again.

If that doesn't work... well, I'm converting the mod to a fully modular format right now, so that will hopefully resolve these kind of install issues. I hope to have it updated and posted within a couple days.
Well, redid it and it worked.
Sounds neat. Gonna give it a shot when I have time.

The nature spell sounds pretty OP, though. Acid Fog... with that high collateral dmg, it should be weak in strength, imo.. it is a throwaway unit, after all, and as is with 3 nature mana's they are str 14 with mega collateral...
On Acid Fog: Yeah, it's getting rebalanced. Mostly it's losing the affinity and just having straight strength around 10 or 12. That said, it IS an Archmage level spell, and so needs to be on par with things like Fire Elemental (With 3 fire mana, Fire Elementals approach 12 strength, cause decent collateral damage, and can kill things; they are also affected by Summoner while Acid Fog is not, although that is situational). It also can't bring anything below 50%, meaning you need some sort of support to kill things with it. Balancing is ongoing; if you get a chance, put the spell into action and let me know how it feels after some field testing. I'd appreciate the input. :)

To Valk: Feel free to borrow whatever you want. I'd appreciate a line of credit for it, but other then that my mod is fair game. ^_^
I think I found a bug:

I had 3 mages and ordered all of them to cast meteor swarm. 3 turns later though, I only received a single meteor.
Interesting, I could have sworn I fixed that bug. If you cast meteor swarm one at a time will it give you three meteors?

I will double check the code on my side and run some tests myself.

EDIT: Found the bug, and seems to be actually a base code issue, not technically my fault. XD It also is a possible source of OoS errors. Hopefully Xien will provide a fix, but until then the best I can offer is a hackjob fix, which will be in the next version.

If you don't want to wait for the next version and are confident messing with python, here is the fix: In cvspellinterface.py, find def spellMeteorSwarm. Find all three lines in the spells definition that say "setDuration(1)", and change the duration to 2. The result is that you are guaranteed to get all three meteors, but sometimes one or two of the meteors will have an extended duration.
No no, I won't mess with that :D

I'll try casting the swarm one at a time next time.
Casting it one at a time won't actually help. Basically it is all down to luck how many Meteors you get right now, but you will rarely get more than one per cast.

I'm at about 50% finished with the modular version (depending on python), so look for an updated version with Meteor Swarm semi-fixed some time tomorrow.
~bump~ for second post updated with changelog for next version. Like it says, should go live tonight or tomorrow, I just want to get in a multiplayer game for testing.
Just a minor complaint: Scions being immune to every anti-undead spell means they get all the advantages of being undead(immunities, etc), with none of the disadvantages. As you do say though, you intend on them just being more resistant to some of them, which would be ok(perhaps you could have something where higher tier units are more resistant in general, so as you said, skeletons almost always fail the death III spell, but specters resist occasionally and wraiths would resist a decent chunk of the time, this would make higher tier scion units rather resistant as well but for example scion workers easy to turn/bind/etc).

One solution would be to give units(or just undead units?) a tier promotion, that gives res against certain spells(mainly the ones you mentioned above, but I could see dominate, blinding light, etc also being effected by it)?
You're forgetting that the Scions, despite being fanatical toward the Emperor, are fairly logical beings. As Undead go, the Scions employ and enjoy the most freedom of thought. So, the fact they are immune to most spells that harm the Undead fits imho.
I'm more worried about it in the balance sense. Normal undead under this are able to be controled by death III, living creatures are able to be dominated. Scions are immune to both? If you argue that they are logical and have freedom of thought, then why are they not vulnerable to dominate(and some other living only spells--namely the ones that attack the mind of the target, charm person, etc)?

Edit: Perhaps they should lose the fear immunity then as well if they are logical/have free thought? I guess they could keep the death immunity, but that's still a nice boost that no one else gets.
I like most of the Amurite changes. The biggie I don't like is needing the School of Govanon to build spellswords. No other civ's champions require a building other then a Barracks, and I was overrun by the Archos (well, it probably would have happened anyway) before I could field a single spellsword. Could you maybe give it an OR requirement (barracks OR SoG), or just make the SoG give a bonus to spellswords?
Really depends on the hammer cost of the SoG. (Don't have the mod installed anymore, couldn't say what it is.)
What about the Lanun? They need a harbour for champions. I think it's fine.

In both the case of the Lunan with harbor and the Amurites with SoG, it makes sense lorewise. So, I say keep it. Plus, both those 2 UUs are units that can do stuff other champions can't. Building a UB as a prereq shouldn't be a deal.
~bump~ for second post updated with changelog for next version. Like it says, should go live tonight or tomorrow, I just want to get in a multiplayer game for testing.

So, just curious...(Cuz I think we're past the "tonight/tomorrow" phase)...when is the modular version being released? I find modular versions work better on my PC, even though non-modular is fine. But modular is just faster and stuff.
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