[MOD] Sevo's CivFanatics Fusion 2.0

HEy Sevo (or whoever can answer), is there a list of all the civs and leaders in the mod (with their traits)?
We'll be getting the announcement in tonight.

The delay is due to internal testing and fixing bugs before release. Because we all have hectic "real lives" we might be a tad delayed.

*But* everything is done and assembled. It's just a matter of crossing i's and dotting t's.

I will say that the Turks are in, but not Suleyman. Why? Because we cut the leaders from four to two and the original author opted for Ataturk and Mehmed II.

Don't worry, though. The book isn't closed on anything.

Stay tuned.
Attaturk was my second choice, so I'm cool with that. I've been reading a lot of WWI and post-WWI history, so I'm thinking the best new leaders should be Attaturk, Lloyd George, Clemenceu, Wilson, Venezilos, etc.

Actually, if I wanted another American leader, I'd pick Wilson. He did more to shape the "American empire" than anyone else. But two Yanks is plenty.
sweetpete said:
Ok the next day has arrived, (atleast here in norway). Now where is the CivGold we're all duying to get out hands on? Atleast find out what its all about... Where? please?, Pretty please with sugar ontop?:groucho:
Pretty soon these answers shall be revealed. I can't say much except that CIV Gold will add flavor and an unparalleled level of quality to Civilization IV that is sure to be the default modpack for many players that want something more than "vanilla" Civ 4.

Nice mod compilation, Sevo. The addition of CIV Gold will only further enhance it :)
It is 6pm here on the west coast. Is there a set time that this will be released today? If not ya'll are cutting it close.

I can't wait to see it all. I have been checking all day about 2 times an hour!

Thanks in advance for all your hard work!
BFD8656 said:
It is 6pm here on the west coast. Is there a set time that this will be released today? If not ya'll are cutting it close.

I can't wait to see it all. I have been checking all day about 2 times an hour!

Thanks in advance for all your hard work!
I know how frustrating it can be to wait for something. But, like Wyz_sub10 said, we are undergoing internal testing + bug-fixing. We would rather provide a high quality release on the first shot and increase the content with each version than provide a buggy first release and later give a series of patches to fix what shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Sevo said:
Have you upgraded to Civ IV version 1.52?

Yes, Thanks for responding, I figured it out. When I copied over the new 2.3 over the previous copy somehow the mod line in the config file was reset to MOD = 0. I simply had to change that back to MOD = Sevomod! Took me awhile, but I got it, I love the changes in 2.3.
Shqype said:
I know how frustrating it can be to wait for something. But, like Wyz_sub10 said, we are undergoing internal testing + bug-fixing. We would rather provide a high quality release on the first shot and increase the content with each version than provide a buggy first release and later give a series of patches to fix what shouldn't have been there in the first place.

:cheers: Wyz_sub, Shqype, and I have been busting our collective buts to pull this thing together. We had aimed for this weekend but there's just a LOT to do! Like Shqype said, we want to get it right.

But the good news is that we DO have our alpha test underway and we're doing what probably amounts to the final debugging and tweaking right now. A couple of days, I think...
few more days? Cool thanks for the update. You all are doing a hell of a job creating a mod that has become the standard! I wish I could help but I am only just starting my Modding.

I was just about to edit my own civ mod into Sevo2.3 but I will wait till the new one arrives!
CIV Gold does not change gameplay concepts/mechanics, SevoMod does.
Is there any chance of something like the Shinto mod finding its way into SevoMod?

I'm not sure about True Prophet, though, since that slows down religion-founding a bit too much IMO, maybe something that gives a Founder or something like that when you discover the tech(s?) needed. At least that way you can also choose what city will be the Holy City of that religion.
You and your crew do great stuff!! I can hardly wait for the newest version.
Take your time. I know the wait will be worth it.
DonStamos said:
Is there any chance of something like the Shinto mod finding its way into SevoMod?

I'm not sure about True Prophet, though, since that slows down religion-founding a bit too much IMO, maybe something that gives a Founder or something like that when you discover the tech(s?) needed. At least that way you can also choose what city will be the Holy City of that religion.

I had considered this for next release. Do a lot of you like this idea?

Basically, when you research a tech that grants a religion, instead you get a founder. He can go to any city in your empire and plant the religion there. I had also considered making it a generic founder so you could even pick which religion you want (I get sick of making a beeline for hinduism every time...)
That sounds like a great idea Sevo - the dominant religions would certainly shift game to game if there's a generic founder. The at least Islam doesn't have to be the red headed stepchild every game! :lol:
Well, the Founder should only be able to found religions which you have already discovered the prerequisite techs for (i.e. Monotheism/Judaism, Divine Right/Hinduism)

lmao @ Red headed stepchild. My past two games I've been Jewish, which is funny cuz I was Adolf Hitler the first time (used Bismarck's LH) and then Heinz Buckliger (A Nazi from a Harry Turtledove book):-x
I like the idea. I am always Hindu and it gets old. I should think that maybe each tech that founds a religon randomly gives you one of the 7 religons. I know it wouldn't be historically accurate but whos to say that on the planet I happen to be on that polythesim gives me Hinduism? Maybe they would view the holy trinity from christianity as multiple gods?!? Well probably not but I do get sick of seeing Islam come so late.

Is there going to be a way to narrow down the religons? Maybe only 3 for a game of say 5-8 civs. Then 5 for 9-12 and 7 for 12-18? Then each game the possible religons could be randomly selected. Only to help out with Tech research selection the possible religons could be shown on the Science Advisor?

I normally play with 8 Civs (old computer) and by the end everybody has their own religon (I normally kill at least one civ by the time islam arrives).

Another thought is that Religons could be randomly assigned at the beginning of the game and then research would just be for Units and Wonders?

Not really sure what to do but religon has almost become a 2nd thought in my games! It should be a very stratgic part.
Since religions are at the moment (outside of specific mods) utterly interchangable anyway, I'd personally like to see as many religions as possible added to the game.

Why not a random selection out of a list of, say, 20 religions? It works fine for Civs...;)
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