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Modmods Requests Thread

In addition to the vacation mod, could you make a giant list of units that should require buildings. Each unit can require as many buildings as you want, I got the new BuildingClassRequired list set up, thanks to the wonderfully helpful EmperorFool.

*crys* :cry: I had it all written out (ancient to modern era) and then my computer crashed and I lost it all!!

I do not feel like doing it all again .... :mad:

EDIT: Ok I am going to try again ....


* = New Building
Green = Already Required

- Warrior
- Workboat
- Javaleneer

Lighthouse (Sailing)
- Galley
- War Galley

*Fletcher (Archery)
- Archer
- Horse Archer (+ Stable)

Harbor (Seafaring)
- Trireme
- Siege Quinquereme

Bazaar (Trade)
- Trade Caravan

*Elephant Trainer (Elephant Riding)
- Elephant Rider
- War Elephant

Forge (Metal Casting)
- Spearman
- Axeman
- Light Swordsman

Stable (Chariotry)
- Chariot
- Horseman
- Mounted Infantry
- Horse Archer (+ Fletcher)
- Light Calvary
- Heavy Calvary
- Cuirassier (+ Garrison)
- Calvary (+ Garrison)

Shipyard (Ship Building)
- Caravel
- Fluyt
- Sloop
- Brigantine
- Galleon
- Frigate

Meeting Hall (Monarchy)
- Spy
- Agent

Barracks (Military Training)
- Warlord Chief
- Pikeman
- Swordsman

Armourer (Smithing)
- Warlord Captain
- Maceman
- Heavy Swordsman
- Heavy Pikeman

Siege Weapon Workshop (Siege Warfare)
- Catapult
- Crossbowman
- Trebuchet

Archery Range (Feudalism)
- Longbowman

Knights Stable (Stirrup)
- Knight
- Mailed Knight

Cannon Forge (Gunpowder)
- Bombard Cannon
- Arquebuster
- Cannon

Doctor's Office (Anatomy)
- Medic

Garrison (Leadership)
- Warlord Privateer
- Musketman
- Cuirassier (+ Stables)
- Rifleman
- Calvary (+ Stables)
- Grenader

Naval Academy (Naval Tactics)
- Man 'O' War
- Ship of the Line
- Iron Frigate

*Military Base (Military Tradition)
- Machine Gun
- Modern Grenader
- Infantry
- Guerrilla
- Marine
- Flamethrower
- Warlord General
- Bazooka
- Paratrooper
- Modern Infantry
- UN Peacekeeper
- Special Forces
- Anti-Tank
- Modern Marine
- SAM Infantry
- Mercenary Infantry (not sure about this one)
- Modern Paratrooper

Dry Dock (Steel)
- Modern Workboat
- Iron Clad
- Early Destroyer
- Pre-Dreadnought
- Tropedoboat
- Battlecruser
- Dreadnought
- Transport
- Offshore Platform

Police Station (Marxism)
- Police Squad

*Artillery Factory (Artillery)
- Artillery
- Light Anti-Air Gun
- Light Artillery
- Anti-Air Halftrack
- Mobile Artillery
- Flak 88 Cannon
- Rocket Artillery
- Mobile SAM

Intelligence Agency (Communism)
- Special Agent
- UN Diplomat

*Auto Factory (Motorized Transportation)
- Motorcycle
- Freight
- Jeep
- Armored Car
- BTR80
- Armor M60
- Modern Armor
- Mechanized Infantry
- UN Fighting Vehicle
- Humvee
- UN Motorized Infantry

*Naval Base (Submarine Warfare)
- Submarine
- Destroyer
- Cruiser
- Heavy Cruiser
- Modern Destroyer
- Battleship
- Attack Submarine
- Seaplane Tender
- Early Carrier
- Landing Ship Tank
- Carrier
- Modern Battleship
- Nuclear Submarine
- Missile Cruiser
- AEGIS Cruiser
- Modern Carrier
- Missile Torpedoboat
- Stiletto Boat
- Stealth Destroyer
- Stealth Submarine

*Tank Factory (Armored Vehicles)
- Early Tank
- Light Tank
- Tank
- Heavy Tank
- T95
- Thermobaric Tank

Airport (Flight)
- Airship
- Early Fighter
- V1 Missile

Military Airbase (Aviation)
- Fighter
- IL2
- Bomber
- A-Bomb
- UN Transport Airplane
- Seaplane
- P59
- Jet Fighter
- SR-71 Blackbird
- Gunship
- Transport Helicopter
- UN Transport Helicopter
- Strike Fighter F15
- Strategic Bomber
- A-10 Thunderbolt
- AH64 Gunship
- Modern Fighter F35
- Stealth Fighter
- Stealth Bomber

Scotland Yard
- 007

Missile Lab (Advanced Rocketry)
- Tactical Nuke
- Guided Missile
- Biological Warfare Missile
- Precision Attack Missile

Cloning Factory (Cloning)
- Clones
- Automatons
- Cyborg

Mech Assembly Plant (Powered Exoskeleton)
- Power Armored Infantry

Android Factory (Androids)
- Android


Not sure where to put...

- War Dog
- Guard Dog
- Global Hawk
- Remote Controlled Bomber
- Construct Ship
- Walker Droid
- Lithorial Combat Ship
- High-Tech APC
- NLOS Cannon
- Aurora Scramjet
- Plasma Armor
- Submerged Town Platform
- Stealth Armor
- Fusion Submarine
- Special Infantry
- Fusion Destroyer
- Fusion Transport
- Hovertank
- Hybrid Gunship
- Assault Droid
- Tesla Infantry
- Orbital Fighter
- Orbital Bomber
- Genetic Soldier
- EMP SAM Infantry
- Siege Droid
- Super Soldier
- Dropship
- Fusion Carrier
- Anti-Personnel Mech
- Scout Mech
- Nanite Spy
- Nanite Swarm
- Dreadnought Armor
- Sentinel
- High-Tech Robot
- Nanite Cloud


Phew! Ok as you can see most every Trans-Human Era Unit I have no idea where to put them. Also I noticed there are many building that could be useful but they just come way after units are invented. Which means if they were used you would ahve to wait until the building was made.

Personally I think we should just make up our own buildings like my original idea where you have one for the Era and then a building for each type of unit. And then each unit would just require 2 buildings and we would not have to figure out what existing buildings would fit.

- Ancient
- Classical
- Medieval
- Renaissance
- Industrial
- Modern
- Trans-Human

Unit Type
- Animal
- Archery
- Assault Mech
- Biological Warfare
- Bomber
- Clone
- Diesel
- Domesday
- Dreadnought
- Early Bomber
- Early Fighter
- Espionage
- Gunpowder
- Helicopter
- High-Tech
- Jet Fighter
- Melee
- Missile
- Mounted
- Nanite
- Nuclear Ships
- Recon
- Robot
- Settler
- Siege
- Stealth
- Steam Ships
- Submarine
- Supersonic
- Tracked
- Wheeled
- Wooden
- Worker
Firstly I actually like this idea. It is a better way of simulating the lag between discovering a new technology and its wide implementation in the "real" world than any other I have seen.

The main issue is that you will have to move units back to a city with the approprite building in it to upgrade the unit. While this is very Civ III like it is not necessarily real world like, but then neither is Civ where one move by a unit takes multiple generations in time :)

The lesser issue is that there seems to be some gaps in this design. It seems to contradict the reason for the buildings, especially some of the existing buildings. (This may just be because it is a mod.)

A couple of gaps I have noticed.

1. Barracks give xp to all mellee units. So your proposal will mean no inexperianced swordsmen but you can build inexperianced heavy swordsmen because they don't need a barracks.

2. Stable is needed to create a Cuirassier or upgrade any horse unit to Cuirassier including knights. However knights stable gets rid of stable so you will not be able to upgrade knights to cuirassiers in the city they were built.

3. Meeting hall is required for spys and agents but you may never be able to build a meating hall because you never get a level 3 unit! I have had this happen in quite a few games. This is less likely now that warlords is included in RoM. I spend a huge effort building warlord(S) units just to get a unit up to level 6 so I can build all the millitary buildings.

4. UN units already require a building the UN Mission national wonder. Do they really need another one or are you suggesting that any city be able to build UN units once you have the mission?

Comment - oh wow! Finally, a reason to study submarine warfare.

Interestingly enough this will probably not change the way I just build one of some buildings and have that city churn out those units for the empire. However, it will change the way I spread religions since I will no longer need Hellenic Monistries in all cities just those building my Bowmen and Heavy swordsmen ;)
@Dancing Hoskuld

Well the more I try to fill it out the lss i like it. Sure the earily one seem cool but once you get to say gunpowder things go down hill.

1. Which is another reason for my 2nd idea of having an era and unit type building separate from the existing buildings. it would give no benefits and be purely for being able to make a type or era unit.

2. Yeah also the knights stable replaces the stable so other mounted units would be unavailable. :(

3. I did not know that.

4. I never liked the UN units. I am not sure what to do with them.
@Dancing Hoskuld

Well the more I try to fill it out the lss i like it. Sure the earily one seem cool but once you get to say gunpowder things go down hill.

1. Which is another reason for my 2nd idea of having an era and unit type building separate from the existing buildings. it would give no benefits and be purely for being able to make a type or era unit.

Whenever I get to that stage I like to sit back and think:- "What am I trying to achieve here?". I then go back through the list and throw out stuff that does not fit exactly with the objective. Sticking to the exact letter of the aim makes me drop the "oh we could do this also" type stuff which might fit with the mod but then again may stretch it into something else which just does not go together.

If your aim is "Make each unit require a building to be built.". Then what you have here is OK. However I am not sure it will improve the game, but given my track record who knows. I hated the idea of usable mountains for example but I love Afforess' implementation.

If your aim however is "to simulate the lag between a technology being developed and being able to use it in war" then you will need to change some of the suggestions. The question then becomes which buildings are needed to "tool up" for the unit production.

For example:-
A forge is needed to make metal weapons in any number so it is needed for all early melee units with metal weapons - spearmen, axemen, light swordsmen, pikemen and swordsmen.

An armoury, requires a forge, and is required to build heavy pikemen, heavy swordsmen, macemen and heavy horse units. Still gives production bonus.

Barracks and stable (and knights stable) are not required but do add bonuses like now.

Bowmen require archery range. Which may require the fletcher. The fletcher gives xp bonus to archery units but is not required - needs a bit more thought.

All warlords require a barracks or garrison to represent some military training.

Rats! This does not quite work since some of the buildings predate the units!
@Dancing Hoskuld

Well basically my idea stems its roots from games like Age of Empires where you would need a building to produce units. Most RTS have such as system and I though that civ could use soemthing similar. However since you did not need to have a building all this time, the building that could be used aren't always in the best possible spot for such a system to switch over to.

I also do not want to move things around and adding some buildings may not always fit. In short I think this needs a lot of suggestions for you guys and please get familiar with the units and tech tree. I am really worried that this good intentioned idea will make the game "un-fun" to play.

Rats! This does not quite work since some of the buildings predate the units!

And that is the biggest frustration I have been having. Its not just a few units its nearly every unit!

Why are they called RTS when there is nothing like real time involved? :) And, like your (and my) mum have said often "just because everyone else is doing it is no reason for you to do it!". :)

Looking at this more and I start to thing what do these buildings represent. Is the forge I built in the copper age the same one as in the iron age? The answer is of course yes and no. Also what are the "real" differences between these units? There were Greek spear men who had full plate armour but usually a Greek spear man would only have light armour. The armour of the axe man is probably also light so what is the difference in producing the weaponry for a spear man and an axe man? Not much if you are outfitting an army I would have thought... and so on.
@Dancing Hoskuld

I understand what you are saying. One good example I have is with the game Empire Earth. It spans all the same time periods as RoM however its only buildings are ...

- Town Center (Trains Heroes, Canine Scout, Air Balloon)
- Archery Range (All Archery Units even the Mounted ones and Crossbow)
- Barracks (Melee, Gunpowder, Hand Cannons, Riffles, Infantry, Medics, etc)
- Dock (Fishing Boats, Galley, Transports, Frigates, Battleships, Cruisers)
- Siege Factory (Artillery, Anti-Tank, Siege Weapons, Rams, Siege Tower, Cannons)
- Naval Yard (Aircraft Carrier, Submarines)
- Tank Factory (Tanks)
- Airport (Fighters, Bombers, Helicopters, etc)
- Cyber Factory/Lab (Mechs)
- Temple (Profits, Priests)

Note these are what Empire Earth produces, not RoM.

So yeah 10 buildings for all time. I mean it could be done for RoM, but would we even want that?
Whenever I get to that stage I like to sit back and think:- "What am I trying to achieve here?". I then go back through the list and throw out stuff that does not fit exactly with the objective. Sticking to the exact letter of the aim makes me drop the "oh we could do this also" type stuff which might fit with the mod but then again may stretch it into something else which just does not go together.

That generally happens to me when I am looking at the tech tree, or thinking and go "Wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense!"
If your aim is "Make each unit require a building to be built.". Then what you have here is OK. However I am not sure it will improve the game, but given my track record who knows. I hated the idea of usable mountains for example but I love Afforess' implementation.

Not my aim anyway. I just want units that should need armor or weapons that are sufficiently advanced not to just spawn out of the ground.

The mountains mod had many issues. Your complaints prompted me to resolve those issues. I think its a much better mod now than it was before.

How about this list:

- Warrior
- Workboat
- Javaleneer
- Galley
- Infantry
- Anti-Tank
- Mercenary Infantry (not sure about this one)
- Guerrilla

Lighthouse (Sailing)
- War Galley

*Fletcher (Archery)
- Archer
- Longbowman
- Horse Archer (+ Stable)

Harbor (Seafaring)
- Trireme
- Siege Quinquereme

Bazaar (Trade)
- Trade Caravan

*Elephant Trainer (Elephant Riding)
- Elephant Rider
- War Elephant

Forge (Metal Casting)
- Spearman
- Axeman
- Light Swordsman
- Swordsman

Stable (Chariotry)
- Chariot
- Horseman
- Mounted Infantry
- Horse Archer (+ Fletcher)
- Light Calvary
- Heavy Calvary
- Cuirassier (+ Garrison)
- Calvary (+ Garrison)

Shipyard (Ship Building)
- Caravel
- Fluyt
- Sloop
- Brigantine
- Galleon
- Frigate

Meeting Hall (Monarchy)
- Spy
- Agent

Barracks (Military Training)
- Warlord Chief
- Pikeman (+Forge)

Armourer (Smithing)
- Warlord Captain
- Maceman
- Heavy Swordsman
- Heavy Pikeman

Siege Weapon Workshop (Siege Warfare)
- Catapult
- Crossbowman
- Trebuchet

Knights Stable (Stirrup)
- Knight
- Mailed Knight

Cannon Forge (Gunpowder)
- Bombard Cannon
- Arquebuster
- Cannon
- Grenader

Doctor's Office (Anatomy)
- Medic

*Gunsmith (Flintlock
- Musketman
- Rifleman

Garrison (Leadership)
- Warlord Privateer
- Cuirassier (+ Stables)
- Calvary (+ Stables)

Naval Academy (Naval Tactics)
- Man 'O' War
- Ship of the Line
- Iron Frigate

*Military Base (Military Tradition)
- Machine Gun
- Modern Grenader
- Marine
- Flamethrower
- Warlord General
- Bazooka
- Paratrooper
- Modern Infantry
- UN Peacekeeper
- Special Forces
- Modern Marine
- SAM Infantry
- Modern Paratrooper

Dry Dock (Steel)
- Modern Workboat
- Iron Clad
- Early Destroyer
- Pre-Dreadnought
- Tropedoboat
- Battlecruser
- Dreadnought
- Transport
- Offshore Platform

Police Station (Marxism)
- Police Squad

*Artillery Factory (Artillery)
- Artillery
- Light Anti-Air Gun
- Light Artillery
- Anti-Air Halftrack
- Mobile Artillery
- Flak 88 Cannon
- Rocket Artillery
- Mobile SAM

Intelligence Agency (Communism)
- Special Agent
- UN Diplomat

*Auto Factory (Motorized Transportation)
- Motorcycle
- Freight
- Jeep
- Armored Car
- BTR80
- Armor M60
- Modern Armor
- Mechanized Infantry
- UN Fighting Vehicle
- Humvee
- UN Motorized Infantry

*Naval Base (Submarine Warfare)
- Submarine
- Destroyer
- Cruiser
- Heavy Cruiser
- Modern Destroyer
- Battleship
- Attack Submarine
- Seaplane Tender
- Early Carrier
- Landing Ship Tank
- Carrier
- Modern Battleship
- Nuclear Submarine
- Missile Cruiser
- AEGIS Cruiser
- Modern Carrier
- Missile Torpedoboat
- Stiletto Boat
- Stealth Destroyer
- Stealth Submarine

*Tank Factory (Armored Vehicles)
- Early Tank
- Light Tank
- Tank
- Heavy Tank
- T95
- Thermobaric Tank

Airport (Flight)
- Airship
- Early Fighter
- V1 Missile

Military Airbase (Aviation)
- Fighter
- IL2
- Bomber
- A-Bomb
- UN Transport Airplane
- Seaplane
- P59
- Jet Fighter
- SR-71 Blackbird
- Gunship
- Transport Helicopter
- UN Transport Helicopter
- Strike Fighter F15
- Strategic Bomber
- A-10 Thunderbolt
- AH64 Gunship
- Modern Fighter F35
- Stealth Fighter
- Stealth Bomber

Scotland Yard
- 007

Missile Lab (Advanced Rocketry)
- Tactical Nuke
- Guided Missile
- Biological Warfare Missile
- Precision Attack Missile

Cloning Factory (Cloning)
- Clones
- Automatons
- Cyborg

Mech Assembly Plant (Powered Exoskeleton)
- Power Armored Infantry

Android Factory (Androids)
- Android

I didn't mess with much at the end of the list, it was all pretty fine. I removed some rifle units that I didn't feel needed specialized training, and they already require the "ammo" resource.
I didn't mess with much at the end of the list, it was all pretty fine. I removed some rifle units that I didn't feel needed specialized training, and they already require the "ammo" resource.

Why is "Infantry" None? I would think it would be harder to train than any other gun unit before it.

You should spend some time at the end of the list and get to know it. It is the most messed up. I mean there are some useful building that just come too late like "Naval Yard".

I am going to call it a night for now. Hopefully you have better luck at organizing things than I did.
Just though I would let you know what is happening. I am new to this XML stuff

I appreciate it. Sorry for not answering sooner, been bogged down with chores and work lately. I'm still only on 2.71, because the last time i played 2.8, it crashed nearly instantly, so I'll await further news in time.

If there are any existing graphics, I thought anything along these lines would work, so as to differentiate from the Healer's Hut

Why is "Infantry" None? I would think it would be harder to train than any other gun unit before it.

I envision Infantry as the soldiers sent into WWII battles, with little to no experience. They just need ammo, and a gun.
You should spend some time at the end of the list and get to know it. It is the most messed up. I mean there are some useful building that just come too late like "Naval Yard".

I know, but I need to go to class now. Later this evening maybe.
I am going to call it a night for now. Hopefully you have better luck at organizing things than I did.

Where do you live? I just woke up, it's morning here.
@Hydromancerx & Afforess

I thought we were talking provision not train. Training gives xp provision gives the weapons and armour type stuff.

I envision Infantry as the soldiers sent into WWII battles, with little to no experience. They just need ammo, and a gun.

Which brings up the resource requirements. Some of the stuff we are talking about seems to me to be covered by the mix of buildings. technologies and resources.

A forge is needed to make metal weapons in any number so it is needed for all early melee units with metal weapons - spear men, axe men, light swordsmen, pike men, swordsmen and some horsemen and triremes and war galleys.

Forge available with Metal Casting and is required for the Armour.
Spear man and trireme are also available with Metal Casting.
Both these units need "tooling up" - yes therefore require forge

Axe men and Mounted Cavalry available with Bronze working.
Is there a big difference in the making of the armour and weapons for these units and the spearmen? - no armour is mostly light stuff leather etc. weapons are not; so also require forge

Light Swordsmen available with iron working. Still not a big change in armour or weapons.

Armoury becomes available with Smithing as does swordsman. However supplying arms and armour for the heavy units and macemen is different so need armoury.

The lighthouse plays no role in ship building but it does in navigation. Perhaps it should provide "instant" sea lanes (see Vintcentz modmods) for coastal waters in the city radius. - See now I have gone off topic.
I appreciate it. Sorry for not answering sooner, been bogged down with chores and work lately. I'm still only on 2.71, because the last time i played 2.8, it crashed nearly instantly, so I'll await further news in time.

If there are any existing graphics, I thought anything along these lines would work, so as to differentiate from the Healer's Hut

I now have buttons for the techs, I created ones from your earlier suggestions. I also had a suitable one for the shaman's hut and Itsukushima Shrine - both of those are in the beta. I could not impliment Meditation requires Monothesim or (writing and shamanism) it only works "x and (y or z)" so it requires monothesim or shamanism at the moment. My current task is to get them in the correct place in the tech tree.
@Hydromancerx & Afforess

I thought we were talking provision not train. Training gives xp provision gives the weapons and armour type stuff.
I thought so too. What gave you the impression otherwise?

Which brings up the resource requirements. Some of the stuff we are talking about seems to me to be covered by the mix of buildings. technologies and resources.

A forge is needed to make metal weapons in any number so it is needed for all early melee units with metal weapons - spear men, axe men, light swordsmen, pike men, swordsmen and some horsemen and triremes and war galleys.

Forge available with Metal Casting and is required for the Armour.
Spear man and trireme are also available with Metal Casting.
Both these units need "tooling up" - yes therefore require forge

Axe men and Mounted Cavalry available with Bronze working.
Is there a big difference in the making of the armour and weapons for these units and the spearmen? - no armour is mostly light stuff leather etc. weapons are not; so also require forge

Light Swordsmen available with iron working. Still not a big change in armour or weapons.

Armoury becomes available with Smithing as does swordsman. However supplying arms and armour for the heavy units and macemen is different so need armoury.

I don't disagree.

The lighthouse plays no role in ship building but it does in navigation. Perhaps it should provide "instant" sea lanes (see Vintcentz modmods) for coastal waters in the city radius. - See now I have gone off topic.

There never was a good sealane graphic, so that's always bugged me. I did move the galley off from the lighthouse, and I guess I should move the war galley too. I wonder if there was a way to make the lighthouse give +1 movement to all sea squares in the city's culture radius.
Yeah but during the Industrial Revolution.

Wait, I read Mongolian conquest of Asia once.
I recall it saying that Genghis Khan and his family was the first to set up postal service as we know it today, sort of. They used fast horses at every regular spaced postal place. You may want to research that a bit and see if you can make synthesize into the final modern Post Offices of modernity.

Plus, the National Courier wonder may derive from Persian Empire's strict usage of the similar places for royal messengers only.

Time for an update. I took off the "done", "rejected" and "wait and see". Then added new ones. ...

"Done", "Working On", "Planning to Make", "Put on Hold", "Rejected" or "Wait and See".

- Fire Dock added to Firestorm Mod.

- Domestic Animal Mod. (Camel Farm, Dog Breeder, Pet Shop, etc).

- NIMBY Building Mod (Toxic Waste Dump, Federal Prison, Cryogenic Prison, Landfill (Garbage Dump), Landfill (Garbage Trucks), etc).

- Health Mod (Barbershop, Dentist Office, etc).

- Separate Workers Mod (Lumberjack, Engineer, Field Scientist, etc).

- Units Requiring Buildings

- Migrant Worker

- Department Civics (Department of Waste, Department of Immigration, etc)

- Education Mod (Add Majors to University, Gladiatorial School, Drama School, Children's Museum, etc)

- Power Mod (Power Plants, etc)

- Farm Mod (Beuro of Farm Management, Farm Supply, Warehouse, Florist, etc)

- Vacation Mod (Public Beach, Cruse-Ship Port, Tourist Trap, etc)

- Transportation Mod (Freight Station, Passenger Train Station, Gas Station, Car Dealership, etc)

-. Upper Class Mod (Yacht Club, Country Club,)

- Pleasure Mod (Liquor Store, Gentleman's Club, Night Club, Tattoo Parlor, etc)

- Commercial Mod (Flea Market, Department Store, Antique Shop, etc)

- Textile Mod (Taylor, Seamstress, Textile Factory, etc)

-. More to the Beautification Mod (Rock Garden, Tea House, Water Park, Video Arcade, etc)

- Music Mod (No idea yet either)

- Water Mod (Desalination, Water Tower, Wind Water Pump, Cistern, etc)

- Death Mod (Mummification, Funeral Home, etc)

- Postal Mod (Post Office, Pony Express, etc)


Also Aside from the "Farm Mod" your fleshing out what other mod should we start working out the details with?

Please no colors, Afforess. I'm somewhat color0blind.
I could not implement Meditation requires Monothesim or (writing and shamanism) it only works "x and (y or z)" so it requires monothesim or shamanism at the moment. My current task is to get them in the correct place in the tech tree.

I'm glad you could get Shamanism to reach Meditation though, that was my intention. If I'm not mistaken, Monotheism became the prerequisite for Med, in RoM, so that always bugged me. Thank you again for your efforts. Could you get any pictures up?
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