Mongolia can't a book

Mongolia not only civ that doesn't need writing.

According to Wiki, Shaka Zulu's pondering on this over-hyped technology:

" to Shaka's kingdom demonstrated advanced technology such as firearms and writing, but the Zulu monarch was less than convinced. There was no need to record messages, he held, since his messengers stood under penalty of death should they bear inaccurate tidings.
It is not uncommon for an AI to be dumb enough to beeline other things very far in the game and ignore such basic techs like Writing. Last game I saw the Ottomans stealing Calendar from me with a spy. They can't even count the days and months but they can do spying, what the...

It was on Immortal btw.
Mongolia were very successful nomads, while they do had some civilized nature, the Huns and the zulus however, or Shaka by the least, weren't that big learners
This thread is the location of grammar police hell.

That's not how the grammar police work. They correct minor typo annoyances, though whether the typo or the attempt at correcting it is more annoying is context-sensitive.

Grammar police *usually* avoid any flagrantly deliberate abuses of the language. If they don't, their typical response is to either insult the person making the post/comment or type out a rather amusing "translation".

Kamehameha can immediaboat. Ashurbanipal can beardstrangle. Both can into space.

but not poland

also grammar anarchy
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