Monty the Observer - 1.41 Deity OCC Duel Earth Marathon 6Civ + 6C

Chapter 18. The Deadly Trio

I used to think a large army is required to take down a city without loss, but this game taught me something new. All the attacker needs is a long-ranged weapon that can remove the city's health faster than it recovers. When the city's HP goes to red, just move up any melee unit to finish it up. A level 6 siege weapon (3 promotions through Open or Rough, then Range, then Logistics) is exactly what is required.

But such godly weapon is rarely seen in non-marathon games. And I haven't seen it in my previous Marathon games before, either, because I had never had such an effective training ground like England in this game. If I were to play other OCC game, maybe I will actively look for a constant enemy to give me this training oppurtunity. War is always profitable. :D

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334. As mentioned in the last chapter, Hospital in Teno did not give 1/2 new population right away when Teno grows from 21 to 22. I should have purchased it a lot earlier. But my attention is not on boring city development anymore. It is war time!

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335. Since the Earth is so small, Monty's army soon marched to the border of America and Russia. Here I saw Chinese pikemen slaughtered by the more advanced American units. CS Seoul's units (the Cultural CS was allied with Monty and therefore declared war to Washington) were not doing very well, either.

Fear not. Wait for Monty to setup the Cannon on the hill!

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336. The 4th Great Person was born in Teno. This one was a G-Sci. There was a tight race between a G-Sci and a G-Eng. But I had no use for G-Eng until a lot later (to rush UN). So I let G-Sci out first.

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337. I have seen this number enough times - after denouncement, resources are sold for 409 gold each. 45% of the original price. If the AI hates me further, I can only sell for 300+ gold.

I had stopping counting the times that I sold resources, since now each resource is sold at a discount. The original purpose was to give a rough idea of how much money I can make from resource trade in a game (for furture planning's reference).

In this game, Monty had 4 resources to start, and got his 5th and 6th-and-half (through Cultural Bomb) later. I sold resources 17 times at turn 405. So I roughly earn 38 gold/turn from resource trading in a 4-5 resource game. If the game remains peaceful and lasts 700 turn (in a long game, probably for cultural/tech victory), each resource will net me 6000 gold. I should keep that number in mind.

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338. I didn't pay close attention to terrain obstacles before. Now I only have one ranged unit, so my attention is very focused. :D The Cannon can actually blast through a hill if it is already located on top of a hill behind it. A nice position to safely bomb Washington from, since that hill before it provides coverage for the Cannon.

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339. Ha! there is no peace. You are going down!

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340. Washington already had his unique military units Minuteman. Giantman or Minuteman, before the Cannon they are all dead men. :D Two hits per turn kills everything that comes into the Cannon's demonic range.

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350. (There is no 341-349! I simply skipped these numbers while saving the images. I cannot count properly!) Monty accumulated enough smilely faces for the second happiness Golden Age. I realized that Happiness Golden Ages are always 20 turns, while G-P's Golden Ages diminishes by 2 each time.

(If Marathon is 3 times longer than Regular games, shouldn't it be 30 turns?)

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351. It took the Cannon only a few turns to wear down Washington's defense. Jao and Jar made the last hit look easy.

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352. Ha! The capital of the most powerful Civ is gone just like that! Must be a bad sight for those Ocean View condos with black oil floating on the ocean. They of course didn't know what it is.

New York is next!

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353. The research on Military Science is complete. So I can use the new G-Sci together with the City State's G-Sci (who got escorted home on a Destroyer) to rush two techs. The choice is obvious - Steam Power and Electricity.

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354. Monty is only 5 techs away from Globalization! Refrigeration could have been half-free as well, if Monty had not declared war on Washington (that RA finishes in 15 turns or so). So Monty could have be researching something else (probably the low route to get to Rifleman).

Then, social policies' two free techs will be used to pop Plastics and Penicillin. Finally, Monty should be able to rush Globalization with the next G-Sci from Teno or City States. Napoleon's RA will be completed 70 turns later, so Monty is unlikely to see it... What a waste of gold.

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355. With Electricity, I should be able to mine Aluminum. But there is no Aluminum in half of the world! I don't know what is is for anyway. It seems to be a critical resource for end game. But it probably doesn't matter if no one has it. :p

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356. The siege of New York started!

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357. Jao and Jar found a Natural Wonder east of New York. The Earth is so small so Japan had be merged with the Asian continent. Strangely, Mt. Fuji does not appear on larger map sizes - just Duel. It does not provide a significant bonus like some other sick wonders.

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358. Sold more resource. Monty can always use more gold. I was saving up to rush Research Lab and Medical Lab.

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360. (Skip 359, same picture) A new promotion for Cannon - Siege! Now cities fall even faster. :D And the terrible Jao and Jar started to get their Medic promotion. Now they only need to heal side by side and recover 2 HP every turn in enemy's territory.

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361. New York is history! And a worker for Jao to capture. Let's see which City State it belongs to...

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362. This one was actually robbed from China. I was thinking about returning it, but I could use a second worker at home. My tile improvement progress has been serious lagging behind. Also, Wu Zetian already denounced us (which makes her permanently consider Monty as an enemy), so there is no point to make her like us more anyway.

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363. With Washington's two largest cities gone, Monty became the new leader of the game!

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364. I was thinking about wiping Washington out, but I could still keep him to pay for resources. Also, at the time I wanted to try if I can achieve a Domination Victory even earlier than a Diplomatic Victory, so I should move on to the next capital.

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365. Always start with the next largest threat. That's Catherine. She hates our wonders; she wanted our City States. What's Monty's excuse? There is never a need for excuse. :D Moscow is going down because it stands in our way!

(to be continued...)
Chapter 19. Race between Two Victories

I made a quite a few pictures of the following turns, but I think at this point everybody knows Monty is going to kick everyone's ass. So I will skip the routines and only show you the more interesting screenshots and finish this story in this chapter.

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368. The completion of the Louvre! 2 free G-Art for the cultural bomb!

From hindsight, I don't really need this wonder at all, since by the time I bombed and harvested the Coal and then built the Factory, there was nothing else for Monty to build!

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369. Ironworks is a very good National Wonder to accelerate the city's production. It is unlocked by Workshop (Metal Casting) and Chemistry tech. I think for a Science or Cultural victory game, it is better to research Chemistry before Biology to get the Ironworks up before Hospital, Medical Lab, Research Lab, etc. Plus the Cannon is such an ass kicker.

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371. Last hit on Moscow! See ya!

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373. I didn't realize that multiple cultural bombs cannot be dropped in rapid succession. I have to wait for 10 more turns for the second Cultural Bomb. The G-Art has to stay in his... car.

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374. At least AI knows to smile when begging asking for a peace treaty. Catherine will revert to that annoying look immediately after. Fortunately she looked good in most of the game.

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378. The G-Eng is ready to rock! But we are still quite far from UN. Please take a rest in your... backhoe. Does he live in that little hut?

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384. Cannon is ready to fire on Beijing! And here comes one more insane promotion - Indirect Fire. There is no terrain obstacle anymore. Now nothing escapes the Cannon within a 3-tile radius!

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385. Scientific Revolution for two free techs - Plastics and Penicillin! Later on, I think even for an OCC Science victory, one should first get this policy to rush Plastics and Penicillin before going for Fredom's increased Great People (it is already late game, so the difference is not that big). Medical Lab and Research Lab are soooo good.

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386. Monty arrives at the Modern Era. And the others are still in Renaissance!

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388. The Medical Lab is essentially University + Observatory. It offers 100% faster Research Rate and 2 Sci Specialist slots. And it has such a cheerful price tag (Gold/Hammer = 1.71). The building immediately boosted Monty research by 44%, even more than Public School!

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392. Since Wu Zetian was also playing an OCC, the fall of Beijing meant her exit of the game. She again did pretty well with such a huge disadvantage. I hope she gets better luck next time.

I wonder whether the game always give China crappy starting locations to compensate for her advanced technology?

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397. Sold Oil to Catherine. That's my only use of Oil in this game.

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398. Medical lab is another great building. Combined with Hospital, 3/4 of the accumulated food from the previous population is carried over to the next population, essentially speeding up population growth to nearly 400% (every population requires a little more food than the previous). Teno has 24 citizens at Turn 472. We will see how fast it grows now!

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399. I noticed that I was paying 1 gold/turn on some tile maintenance. Then I realized there was a road on the ruin of London! Why am I paying to maintain a road that leads to nowhere? (Can I remove a road? Never tried.)

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403. Ready to war Napoleon! Actually Monty's enemy is no longer external - it is the race between Diplomatic and Domination Victory.

Now the peace keepers can step aside. I moved them to the ocean and gave them to CS Vienna, which quickly found ways to get them killed.

Note how crazy Vienna's city defense had become - it must have been upgraded due to Monty's Modern Era. But even Teno didn't have a 40 city defense.

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404. Two shots from the Cannon and Tours was in low red! Ha! I wanted to take out Napoleon's peripheral cities before working on Paris. Note what a crappy location Napoleon founded Tours on. There was absolutely nothing. Napoleon farmed a snow tile... I absolutely hate AI's brainless settling. Burn them all down!

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405. I saw a French Worker unit floating on the lake. So I tried to capture it, hoping it belonged to Vienna. But there was no way for me to capture this unit. The game does not allow a land unit to capture an embarked unit in one turn. The land unit must embark first - but there is no tile to embark since it was a one-tile lake! So the French Worker strangely stayed safe there.

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406. I purposely sold Napoleon some Iron before the war, so he would produce more Iron-dependent units. I learned that when the war breaks out, ALL units get the -50% resource penalty even if it is just 1 unit short. For example, if Napoleon has 100 Iron and 101 Iron-dependent units, all 101 units get the penalty until one got killed.

I think this is a very good defensive strategy to deter an invasion by selling the offender some Iron, and make the offenders powerless, providing that the defender is too weak to kill the offender's unit.

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407. Both are Long Swordsman. One is Jao the killing machine, the other is a nobody. And Jao will actually get healed back to full HP from the kill.

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410. I didn't know what to build, so I completed the wonder Brandenburg Gate for another free G-Gen (short Golden Age) and some extra G-Sci points to enable me to rush Globalization a few turns earlier.

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411. Coal was ready, so I bought the Factory for the insane 50% boost of construction.

I was thinking about building the Stock Exchange next, but I decided not. This building strangely requires 1950 hammers (150 hammers more than a Taj Mahal). I don't think I can see stocks being sold before the game ends.

Purchasing the Stock Exchange is a VERY BAD idea. It requires 4350 gold (much more than Medical Lab and Research Lab, both are far superior buildings), but only offers 33% gold bonus. Market offers 25% and only costs 1320 gold. Bank offers another 25% and only costs 1900+ gold. So Stock Exchange is much worse than Market and Bank combined and is 1000 gold more expensive, while Research Lab IS University and Observatory combined, only 1000 gold cheaper. That's ridiculous.

But I know what the game developers will do if they read this - they are going to nerf Research Lab! No! That's suicide - your fans will go away. Make Stock Exchange +50% gold and cost less hammer.

And Stock Exchange appears so late that the player will need at least another 100+ turns (in this game, almost 200 turns) just to BREAK EVEN. Stock Exchange is one of the least economic buildings in late game. There are simply a lot better buildings to go for that generates immediate benefit.
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415. I ended up building the Taj Mahal. I can probably see it before the game ends, plus it should make the game ends on a Golden Age.

106 hammers per turn! Nice.

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416. Last hit on Troyes. Another city founded on a incredibly useless location. Burn!

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418. French Musketeers? Nothing survives before the Cannon!

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419. This was the last push I needed to bribe all City States into alliance. In total, I spent 8750 gold to ally with 6 city states by the end.

Each CS costs about 1500 gold in a 500-turn game, or 3 gold/turn in average. I should keep this number in mind.

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420. Paris is going down!

There were still 8 turns until my next G-Sci is born, and another 10 turns for UN to start voting. So Monty's Domination Victory defeated Monty's Diplomatic Victory... I didn't play the game with Domination Victory in mind at all... it just happened naturally. One crazy Cannon is all that's needed. Cheap Domination Victory.

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422. I was still very satisfied with the win - it was my first OCC game and it finished before 1000 AD. I made some bad decisions but generally it went well. I had a large number of wonders, and had a capital with lots of population. But look at this score!

What is this score?! A lot lower than my previous games, which I won using much less brain power.

I am also curious about the Diplomatic Victory, so I loaded the game and left Napoleon's capital intact.

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423. The 6th Great Person of Teno arrived 8 turns later. In this game, I got 4 G-Sci and 2 G-Eng locally produced. Eventually the Great People build (National Epic + Hagia Sophia + Garden) gave me about 1.5 more GP. Is it worth it?

I think it still is. I couldn't find other combinations of buildings that could give me another 1-2 free Great Scientists. I grabbed them all already.

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425. Rushed the United Nations! 9 turns count down starts.

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426. With the help of Factory, I completed Taj Mahal before the game ends.

I had 7 Golden Ages in this game, giving me 96 turns of Golden Ages (19% of the game turns). If I had used the Golden Age build (Chichen Itza and an rushed Taj Mahal instead of Himeji Castle), I should have got 20+24+12+21+30+30+15 = 152 turns of Golden Age, about 50 turns extra.

Each golden age turn gives me about 10 more hammer and 40 more gold income. So the Golden Age built would have produced 500 extra hammer and 2000 gold. That's it?! The Golden Age build sucks.

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427. Before the UN vote, I completed Refling and upgraded Jao and Jar to Rifleman. Not that Monty needs them to fight anyone anymore. Just taking a screeshot to remember there were two level 11 monsters walking on Earth.

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429. Of course, Monty voted for Monty. If I vote for another Civ, would all my CS allies vote for that Civ as well? That will be funny.

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430. Monty won by a huge majority! He got 8 votes! That's 6 City States plus his own vote... where does that extra vote come from? That's creepy. Very creepy.

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431. That's the Diplomatic Victory I was planning for. Civ5 did such a poor job in end-game celebration.

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432. Score was a little higher than Domination Victory (a few extra population and 1 extra wonder vs. 18 more turns). Still not enough to surpass Caesar's 2500 obstacle.

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434. This was the final screenshot of Teno. You can see in 30 turns (10 standard turns), it grew from 24 population to 29. That's incredible! The resulting Science was great, too. If Teno grew to a population of 40, it will generate (3+8+24+40+60)*350% = 472.5 flasks/turn. And city states will make that +600! That's really something. (The screenshot I saw with 46 population generated +699 science per turn!)

Later on, I looked at the score calculation formula. The game only counts 4 things in the final score:

(1) Total population per head. For example, 10 cities of 3 population receives more score than 1 city with 29 population.

Of course the former is much easier to achieve. I like how the in-game demographic chart handles population - it gives a exponentially higher population for large cities. When Teno had 26 (or 27) population, the demographic chart shows it had 10M population. In my previous Greek game, when Alex had about 70 population in all of his cities, the demograhpic chart only shows he had 5M population. This is way better.

(2) Number of technology. (Extra score for futhre techs.)
(3) Number of wonders.
(4) Number of turns. I also hope the game puts much less emphasis on turns. Certainly players try to win faster if they can, but the game should encourage some exploration and creativity. I definitely love the three cultural bombs I dropped in this game.

I also wish the score gives different victories a different multiplier. The more difficult victories (Cultural > Science > Diplomatic > Domination) should receive higher scores.

Thank you for reading this story. I hope you got something useful from it. I certainly did.

(The End)
Congrats on another win, Maltz! Another great read. Any chance of an AW story in the future?
Fantastic read! Next game gor for cutural or science victory?
Thanks very much.
I am now trying a Scientific Victory OCC as Siam. The game itself is quite boring, but I might be able to present a summary of what's happening later. :)
I like Marathon speed to enjoy war a little more. I know it will make the game harder on OCC since I will be the tech-lagging defender. But I will still enjoy the torture.

Not exactly...marathon makes Deity easier. OCC is a separate issue altogether.
Picking marathon only means AI run down human player with military 1 era ahead instead of 2

LOL funny to see Chinchen Itza available at End game screenie
I actually started (and completed) a game similar to yours inspired by you ;) I played as Monty, duel earth, 6 civs, 5 city states (though two of them were conquered..), emperor difficulty, epic game speed. I decided to go for cultural victory and achieved it on turn 540.

The game was suprisingly easy at emperor, I was the leader in techs from the beginning to the end of the game. I ended up at modern times when the other civs were at reneissance/industrial era.

My rivals were England, Persia (for some reason those two appear in every game that I play), Iroquois, Arabia and India. Elizabeth started on same spot where your rival China started, so she was also playing OCC and was weak during the whole game. Persia had even worse start location in present day Malaysia (Singapore, to be more exact). He only had one workable land tile since a city state blocked his border growth to north. He was in the medieval times when the game ended.

The clear leader was Harun al Rashid, who annexed India and the CS of Kuala Lumpur. Hiawatha had his start in North America and he was the 3rd in score after me and Arabia. My capital located actually in exactly the same spot as yours (I claimed the spot straight on the first "try", though I had to move my settler to the hill from the forest tile. At the end of the game Teno had a population of 40 and the borders had expanded to the maximum :) I really enjoyed playing the game, thank you for the inspiration!
093. Now we can compare to the "after" picture. Teno now gathers 19 food from terrain (the installation of the Floating Garden temporarily fix the Lake bug!), plus 2 food bonus from the building itself. So the Raw Food Income becomes 21 food.

Before being eaten away by citizens, this Raw Food Income is actually boosted by the Floating Garden's 15% bonus. So the Boosted Food Income = 21*1.15 = 24.15.

Now please don't read that 21-16 = 8 nonsense from the screen. It is laughable. The programmer should have displayed "24" from 24.15 there instead of 21. Then 24-16 = 8 makes perfect sense.

After the citizens of Teno's consumption, the capital is left with 24.15 - 16 = 8.15 food. After the capital's +50% food surplus policy amplification, 8.15 becomes 12.225, which correctly displayed as 12.22 at the bottom.

12.22 food surplus after, compared to 3 food surplus before. Isn't it a wonder-level building? Compared to a regular Watermill, which offers 2 food surplus itself (in Teno's case, +2 to +4), Floating garden increased food surplus from +2 to +8. Floating Gardens further boosts growth by 100%!
I fiddled a little to see what's what. I noticed Floating Gardens provides such:

Whereas Tradition provides:

Two totally different things. Growth is after consumption, yield is, well, yield. Note though, that Floating Gardens' description explicitly speaks of "+15% :c5food: food", not "+15% growth". Floating Gardens is a super-building, obviously. Should consider nerfing it in my moddings...
Yes, Floating Garden is awesome in OCC, with a carefully picked capital and lots of Maritime CS allies. But it is not so good in a regular game, where the building has to be purchased in each city (it is quite an expensive building).

Actually the food bonus isn't so powerful, since population grows progressively slower. This is like those "+50% Great People" rate but in the end you only get 25% more Great People. When I closely moniter Teno's population with my current OCC Siam's capital, I find Teno actually had very similar population in mid-game. (Siam's bonus is also very crazy.)

If you insist on nerfing it in your mod, please remember to make that cultural kill nonsense more useful. Throughout my Monty game, I got about 300 culture from killings out of my totally accumulated 15000+ points. I got 1/10 of an extra social policy from it. That's beyond useless.
I can't wait for your next story!

Will you do Mongol or maybe Babylon?

(Mongol has crazy mass healing Khan; with March promotion units are indestructible, +3Hp/Turn in foreign territory)

Edit: Oh, there's Siam - great :)
If you insist on nerfing it in your mod, please remember to make that cultural kill nonsense more useful. Throughout my Monty game, I got about 300 culture from killings out of my totally accumulated 15000+ points. I got 1/10 of an extra social policy from it. That's beyond useless.
I planned to do that as well. At the moment it seems it gives 50% of the vanquished unit's power to your culture. Enemy warriors give +3 :c5culture:, archers +2 :c5culture: etc. Increasing this value to 100% makes early barbarian hunting much more viable, as +6 culture in the beginning is a good contribution. Similarly eliminating Swordsmen (+11 :c5culture:) actually has an effect.

I started an Aztec game to see how well Floating Gardens boosts growth. I agree that it isn't all that mad, but still makes a big difference, and is an important building.
Great Job! Really enjoyed the whole story. I have completly changed the way i play and look at CIV 5 now after reading your play through. I am loving CIV 5 again. to answer one of your questions:

The use of aluminum?

Aluminum is really your modern and future era unit resource. Whereas fighters, bombers, tanks, etc are oil based modern units, their advancements utilize aluminum. I have found it essential to upgrade fighters to jet fighters asap to regain lost oil for more naval units. Even the advanced tank use aluminum, which seems a little funny... guess advanced tanks in CIV 5 are made of your household aluminum foil... haha!
Great read! Even though I have over 200 hours of Civ5 under my belt, I learned some neat tricks here :)

399. I noticed that I was paying 1 gold/turn on some tile maintenance. Then I realized there was a road on the ruin of London! Why am I paying to maintain a road that leads to nowhere? (Can I remove a road? Never tried.)
Workers can remove roads...
The U.N. gives 1 vote to the builder (So you 1 of your own votes, and 1 vote from the U.N.)
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