

In Terra Fantasia
Nov 5, 2001
The lone and level sands
The second I unwrap PTW I intend to begin a global 1000 CE scenario. It's a good starting point to both do a lot of tech development (recall that Europe in 1000 would hardly qualify for, oh, say, Literacy) and to attempt to model dynamics which still reverberate after a thousand years, e.g., interactions between Islamic, Catholic, and Orthodox Christian Civs.

So, naturally, I'll be including mosques for Islamic Civs and would greatly appreciate having appropriate graphics.

Many Thanks,

-- Ozymandias
Originally posted by zulu9812
wrong forum!

... But, seriously, which is the right one ...?

-- Yeah, I know, it probably should be obvious, but I seem to be having one of those can't-see-the-forest-for-the-trees lifetimes. ;)


I think if you put it in the main creation and customization forum you should stop incurring the wrath of the dreaded Zulu.

It sounds like a good idea but how will you be using them? As building in the cities or as the PTW Radar towers? I don't have PTW so I don't really know how much you can fiddle around with these things...
Originally posted by Kinboat
I think if you put it in the main creation and customization forum you should stop incurring the wrath of the dreaded Zulu.

It sounds like a good idea but how will you be using them? As building in the cities or as the PTW Radar towers? I don't have PTW so I don't really know how much you can fiddle around with these things...

All Hail Zulu! :D -- of whose work I am a fan. -- Do i just repost or request some sort of Moderator transplant?

I've actually decided to call my mod "1050CE" although the first couple of turns represent an amalgam of the late 11th cent -- post Norman Conquest, pre-Manzikert.

My goal is to set in play as many of the forces which actually shaped the modern world and see what happens. Much of what we think of as the European Dark Ages was actually only one slice of a global climate disaster in the 6th cent CE. Since PTW lets a modder change turn length etc., I plan a game with the same number of turns as vanilla Civ, yet with nearly all the modern players on the world stage in place (no USA, but you can't do much about that).

One dynamic is the struggle between Islam and Christianity. Cathedrals will be specific to a government type called "Christian Monarchy" and Mosques likewise specific to "Islamic Caliphates". And AFAIK gov-specific improvements disappear when govs change ...

I'll be starting a full & proper thread on this when I have the greatly reworked, subtle, and IMHO far more historiographically tech tree I'm working on completed.

... Besides, how many times do you want to discover Pottery anyway?

Thanks to All,

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