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Most illogical thing you have seen the AI do?


Dec 12, 2008
What`s the most illogical / unpredictable / impossible thing you have seen the AI do?

During my gameplay i have witnessed these two things:

I. Left click on next turn. Wait for 30 seconds. Popup messages come up. Ghandi made a research agreement with Augustus, Askia & Shonghai make peace, bunch of other clutter... Oh, and Warsaw just declared war on Warsaw. I wonder how that even works. Civil war?

II. Hiawatha comes up and tells me that my lands will make a fine addition to his. I politely nod and say very well. 2 turns pass. Hiawatha comes up to me again. He states that he cannot ignore this chance to destroy me. I give him a strange look and say very well. Save my game, go back to an autosave, just to check. Yes, i was already in war with him before. Reload my latest save game, play for a few more turns. And yet again, Hiawatha appears before me. "To be honest, I tend to destroy you along with the rest of these fools."

Same thing was simultaneously going on with Elizabeth. She declared war on me twice without any peace between.
well basically, the Babylon attacked me, and all they got for the attack was 6 crossbowmen and they thought it would be a nice idea to put them near my 2 knights and a longswordsman.

Needless to say that was all he got in store for me and i'd say he should get the points for the balls man. No carefull player would ever do that.
Emperor difficulty. I'm Hiawatha, making a beeline for iron working. Alexander is to my southeast. He has a CS to his west. I plop down a city about eight squares northwest of his capital to grab an iron resource. He complains about me settling too close to him. I tell him to mind his own business since I'm planning to take him out first.

A few turns later, I get iron hooked up and upgrade my warriors. I see Alex declare on the city state next to his second city. The CS asks for assistance. A turn later I declare on Alex and move a mix of units towards his capital.

I get there and encounter one opposing unit on the way. It looks like everyone else went after the CS. His capital falls, leaving one remaining city to the west. I regroup and start to move towards it.

I'm waiting to see his blanket push back towards his city since the CS is right next to his last city, but it never happens. I take out what looks like a rush-bought unit while lining up for the siege and become allied with the CS due to helping them in war. Their map lights up and i see eight units still attacking the CS. He has a mix of hoplites, cavalry, and archers over there, but none turn back to help out his last city. His civ is conquered two turns later.

Washington was the runaway AI conquering the whole continent. He asked me for help to defeat the Siamese. I agreed, joined him and conquered a few Siamese cities. He then cut all ties with me because he couldn't accept my warmongering. Not only HE asked me to attack Siam, HE was the biggest warmonger in the game. He was conquering the whole continent, not me. Very hypocritical of him, huh?
1) In my emperor difficulty game Russia was on the verge of defeat by China on another continent, but I kindly sold them a city I had just conquered next to my borders for peanuts because: a) it had no resources b) I hate razing cities for no money c) I was facing an unhappiness penalty and d) they would act as a buffer for my empire. Russia repaid my generous nature by declaring war on me a few turns later with literally no military units whatsoever. On the demographics screen they had 0 soldiers count.

2) In the same game Germany sneakily marched about 10 of their unique pikemen into my unguarded lands when my military was off fighting someone else. I was certain they were about to declare war and easily capture many of my cities, but instead they just moved back and forth until I had taken over 20 turns bringing all my crossbowmen back into my lands and placed them on hills with their units in range. Then they declared war. And lost every unit. I lost none.

3) Still same game, after I had advanced in tech to have modern infantry units and artillery the bruised and battered Germans once again marched 10 pikemen up to my (this time) heavily fortified borders and declared "your cities will make a nice addition to our lands" before one by one sending their pikemen into artillery fire. Sad. You really shouldn't get XP from annihilating units from 2 eras back.

There's too many of these examples in my games. Victories are always cheap due to AI idiocy.
the AI declares war often and sends nothing, giving me all the time i need to build an army, walk to his borders, position and invade. And they started it... maybe they are bribed if thats possible somehow, I dont know the mechanics.
I declare war on AI and they send troops overseas without escort. Easy pickings.
Alexander declares war because he thinks my military is weak. It is, actually, but that's beside the point. My small army easily dispatched his troops: 1 warrior, 1 spearman, 2 archers, and 5 workers.
about 10 turns in im asked to join an AI in war when all i have is a warrior and scout and he only has a warrior theyre great at preparing for war 8)
I keep seeing AIs sign research agreements with civilizations they just got out of a war with. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that they usually end up going to war again.
King difficulty, continents, standard, standard. At about turn 300 I'm pretty far ahead in tech, already having mechanized infantry and rocket artillery. I wasn't planning on a domination victory, instead a science victory. I have about 4 mech infs and 5-6 rocket artilleries guarding my 5 cities on my half of the continent. Anyways, Bismarck has been at the bottom of the scoreboard the entire game because of an early war in which he was nearly destroyed by Catherine.

Anyways... I'm just going about my business about to start work on the Apollo Program when I get the "To be honest, I tend to destroy you along with the rest of these fools." by Bismarck. I'm a bit taken back because he has the lowest score, but I setup defensive measures nonetheless. What do I see marching across my borders about 5 turns later? 3 spearman and 4 of his unique unit pikeman...
I've seen tons of stupid crap, most of which I've seen mentioned around here. What's been getting me recently, though, is how it occassionally takes the AI centuries to capture an individual city despite having huge armies easily capable of subduing it in a couple turns amassed all around it. All the units just sort of sit there, allowing themselves to be pummeled literally to death by the city over the course of a dozen turns. I just don't get it. Certainly not the most stupid thing the AI's done though.:sad:
Gandhi: Bismarck has become a major problem. Let's form a pact of secrecy against him.

Me: Okay.

*The next turn*

Gandhi and Bismarck have signed a research agreement!

As Montezuma, I was playing a game on Emperor, and Bismarck (who dislikes me, not marked as "Hostile" in Diplo overview though)--comes up to me and says, "We notice you are getting warm with Montezuma, and we'd appreciate it if you stopped" or some such. I looked at him strangely (there were no AI Monties in the game).

Next turn, he declared war on me. Did he mean to say it was some city-state?

Also, resurrected AI and CS are bugged--they make peace with "blank" players (though the symbol on the flag tells you it's a dead AI or such).
I asked Bismark, what does he want to make peace with Oslo (one of my allies) - and he said, he'll make peace for free (they've been warring for several dozen turns, and I've been Oslo's ally for about a dozen turns less).
Humans are emotional beings as opposed to logical as well. Therfore the AI has succeeded in its purpose :scan:.

An AI not kowtowing to you because you've liberated it resembles humans' ultimate feeling of resentment towards such assistance. It can come to the point where they rather have been wiped out than admit they owe their existence to you. Many of the nations of Europe after WWII (esp. France) appreciated the help the United States had given them but were wary of letting the US have too much control (welcome to the mistrust that exists in the real world).

Killing a barb unit in a city state's territory and then being penalized for trespassing is the same. Everyone has their pride - they didn't ask for help.
Humans are emotional beings as opposed to logical as well. Therfore the AI has succeeded in its purpose .

An AI not kowtowing to you because you've liberated it resembles humans' ultimate feeling of resentment towards such assistance. It can come to the point where they rather have been wiped out than admit they owe their existence to you. Many of the nations of Europe after WWII (esp. France) appreciated the help the United States had given them but were wary of letting the US have too much control (welcome to the mistrust that exists in the real world).

Killing a barb unit in a city state's territory and then being penalized for trespassing is the same. Everyone has their pride - they didn't ask for help.

I don't buy that explanation. If you killed a barbarian in a city-state's territory, wouldn't it be Emotional for them to be grateful for your assistance (as they are when you liberate them, which is unlike the comp AI's attitude upon liberation)?
Humans are emotional beings as opposed to logical as well. Therfore the AI has succeeded in its purpose :scan:.

An AI not kowtowing to you because you've liberated it resembles humans' ultimate feeling of resentment towards such assistance. It can come to the point where they rather have been wiped out than admit they owe their existence to you. Many of the nations of Europe after WWII (esp. France) appreciated the help the United States had given them but were wary of letting the US have too much control (welcome to the mistrust that exists in the real world).

Killing a barb unit in a city state's territory and then being penalized for trespassing is the same. Everyone has their pride - they didn't ask for help.

Are you being sarcastic? Do you really think the AI has some routine for resentment programmed into it, or do you think it's best to just rationalize any random backward thing the broken AI chooses to do?
While I was bombing their cities with 4 ships, the AI embarked 5 units in my face for no reason :rolleyes:
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