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Most outrageous AI demand.


Overlord of Eternity.
Jun 14, 2005
What is the single most outrageous demand the AI has made of you ?

What i mean is for peace it wants Peace treaty, 2 techs and 700 gold or something else your simply not going to give it even when its clearly in a position in which its going to lose.

If you dont have a screenshot it dont matter.

Off hand the worse ive ever had is a backward nation demanding 3 techs 200gpt a lump sum of 3000 odd horses and silk when it was clearly losing the war. They were being stroppy with me for just about the entire game and who were they ? It was the Persians no surprise there then.

So what about you ?
All the worst 'deals' tend to be offered when you are leading; the AI ambassadors come to you say "Hey, we know you haven't seen our world map for a few years, why don't you give us, ooh, let's say Communism, Espionage, Replaceable parts and Steel, oh and 34 gpt and we'll enlighted you."

Uh, no.

Then they get annoyed because you are turning down their wonderful offer :shakehead
Yeah, I always get the ones where they want to trade the World Map for techs or some other valuable thing. It especialy happens in scenarios when there are always several civs backwards like in Sengoku.
Usually they offer to trade maps and ask alot of things on the side.

There is a neat solution to this problem that makes them happy and won't cost you any gold:
offer counter-proposal then click away all the stuff except your map and make your world map a gift to them.
Thats is indeed true just trade something to stop them getting anoyed. I find 1gp for 1 gp does the trick most of the time.
i once had the zulu's last city completely surrounded by my troops, it was at 1 population, and they suddenly offered peace for all of my techs, gold and luxuries. it might be because another civ declared war on me and the AI thought i might not be able to handle both.
Greece had one city under my protection and they demanded I give them three techs. I refused so they went to war with me and got genocided
Had a game once where the zulu were on a landmass across a narrow channel from me. They were able to get boats and settlers over and build a few cities south of my core before I could settle all the land. Then out of nowhere they demand furs from me... They had FOUR furs in the radius of one of the towns south of me all roaded, but they never bothered to build a harbor! I refuse and the AI declares war. Took every one of their towns on my mainland in the first turn of war, including the town with the furs all nicely roaded for me.
China was reduced to three cities on an arctic island and half an age behind in tech after wiggling out from under a dogpile, and came to me demanding some Industrial tech or other, while I was occupying about two-thirds of a continent with a Pentagon, a Military Academy, and Leo's Workshop. Yeah, right, sure, Mao, anything you say (/sarcasm). He didn't last very long.
I was playing the Portugese on an Emperor game. I had razed Amsterdam and another Dutch city, and I went to the Dutch to see if they wanted peace. They gave me this offer...

Why would I?
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