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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position

Done, not sure how this works, but it appears i lost a turn on the reload. Not a huge deal right now, but at a critical stage, this could be troublesome.:sad:
That'd be why whiplash said you need to retake your turn. There was 12hours or so left on the timer at that point. Tried not to take particular advantage of the fact you missed, but calling a reload would be appropriate if you feel you need it.
Just so you understand the mechanics, Ronnie; PitBoss saves a player's recovery file when the player enters, not when he finishes his turn. So, when the server crashes I need to reload using the latest recovery file. Unfortunatly, that file does not have your latest moves, just your starting situation.
@ whiplash can you kick me to AI as previously requested.

thanks, i will be back on the 1st and 2nd sept. I might take the game back sooner if we take the time out from our activities to find a cafenet (internet cafe).
Judgeing by the scores on civstats nothing too dramatic has happened while i have been out of the loop.
Persia and India have made peace.
OK i have a question, shouldn't Elkad wait for Zen to come back or something, currently he is 2 turns away from taking a city of Zen. AI is just too damp to do anything.

Nothing personal just hate seeing ppl exploit things like that.

Just curious
It's zens own choice to leave his civ to AI instead of getting a sub(that would be rather easy to get), it ruined him in another game as well...
Sorry, after the way the game started, I'm disinclined to offer him any freebies now.. I've made various peace offers as well, all rejected, and any he has made have had rediculous conditions attached.

He's posted several times. I've sent PMs, including one warning that I'd made peace with Ronnie and all my troops were moving to attack Zen. Even if he can't login, he can work diplomacy.

I even tried getting a 10turn peace treaty with the AI to buy him time, it won't agree. That leaves me the option of either letting the AI wander around pillaging my land, or doing something about it.

After the double moves, backstabbing, going back on his word regarding the purpose&goals of the war, and other things, I'm not inclined to cut him any more slack than I already have.
I don't think you should attack any of his cities while he is AI. You can kill units going into your land, but it isn't sporting to kill someone when they are not able to fight.
There's also something to be said about Elkad's lost opportunity. just because he's facing an AI doesn't mean he has to act like one.
Hello i am back and resumed control.

Things don't seem too messed up in this game unlike the CIV4NEW game i am in. i am not complaining about anything that happened in that game so i am defintely not complaing about anything in this game. I should have found a sub anyway :lol:. I could have gone to an internet cafe everyday to play my turns (as i intended) but somehow on holiday i just couldnt' be bothered there was too much else to do. oh well.
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