My hardest game ever ..


Sep 28, 2002
Well I'm an only worldmap player.
7 nations
barbarians only in villiages
I Started off with germans and expanded whole west europe.
I allied with my neighbours the russians and went on iriigationg and connecting my cities ( ~ 10 )
then I built istanbul and got contact to the arabs ( renamed babylonians ) who expanded in whole africa .
The gay british tried to expand in europe , but I was able to fight them back and contained them in britain , so they expanded in greenland ( is that correct? )
and north america.
On the other side I gained contact to the indians ~ 7 cities and the chinese ~ 20 cities who faught against the russians.
The Americans were the isolated ones , till they achieved contacts to the expanding british empire.
well this was the situation ~ 1 A.D.

The americans grew very fast and populated whole continent america.
The russians took more and more ground against the chinese.
The indians went the neutral way and expanded in australia and indonesia.
The arabs treid to take ground against the russians , but they were not that educated ^^.
Since I gained Armor and Bombers , the russians stole these techs from me and gave it to the indians by exchange for some dumb tech.
So since I am a player who only fights when I'm beeing attacked or offended , I canceld my alliance withe the russians and allied with the chines , whom I gave All my techs .
The instead gave all techs to the russians to achieve peace , somehow dumb ^^

Well this is gay , but I had to fight the russians , because they stole every tech I invented .. this was ~ 1920 A.D. and the manhattan project has already been built .. so I caused a nuclear war by attacking their capital and 2-3 cities ..
The arabs took some ground against the russians in kasachstan but because of the large amount of russian cities the russians took them easily back.
The chinese had no chance and were destroyed by the russians .
The Americans fougt against the british in north america and took their colonies there .
So the only option the british had was to expand in africa and allied with the arabs.

So how did it went on .. I took a lot of ground against the russians , but me and the russians caused 2 times global warming and all my wonderful cities broke down..
well an army of engineers fixed it in ~ 20 years .. but It was a hard time , because I couldn't stop the russians from take whole india and africa.
The russians moved their capital to Beijing
btw. All civs had all techs.

So now there is the point of talking about the puny british ^^
Their only city left was london and I tried to save it from gettng conquered by the americans .. but the british were to dumb to defend themself..
So the amricans took the ground after 4 times nuking london ^^
The a hard desicion had to be taken .. I declared war on the americans and took london easily .. and build SDI defence there .
The poor indians who were left in australia had ~ 7 cities , but no real chance against the nuclear potential of the americans and were easily conquered.

So this is the situation right now....
russians and americans fight against each other in australia and the atlantic/pacific ocean.
I conquered 3-4 cities in kasachstan, and made peace with the russians .. well this sounds easy , but they sneak attacked me nearly a hundred times with nuclear missiles and the earth looked again like a swamp mess .. so I had to spend again 20 years to clean all pollution up and so on ..

The Indians were dead
The British were dead
The Arabs were dead
The Chinese were dead
3 civ's left --> me , russians and americans..
Originally posted by Adler

The gay british tried to expand in europe , but I was able to fight them back and contained them in britain , so they expanded in greenland ( is that correct? )

Gay British? :rolleyes:

Don't you mean English anyways?

Oh btw, keep me updated
Thats the kind of game i've been trying to have since i started
power democracies are too easy even on deity once you learn that the ai is inept at exploring so that most cities dont really need defense. i played one of my 'give the ai 100 turns headstart' games and it got off to a rough start. problem was i had no place to expand and found myself making cities in the most awkward places to grow my empire. by around 1900 my production rate reached something like 1000 gold per turn (and maybe a tenth as much in shields) and the mongols who dominated eurasia launched their spaceship. i had nothing to do but make 10 or so spies per turn so i could nuke their capital. ah the foolish ai that builds railroads from the seacoast to their capital. all the spies loaded on ships and most of the ships werent even ambushed. couple turns and the spaceship will land and i send in 100 spies toward the mongol interior along their oh so convenient railnet. they landed some 10 or more nukes and the spaceship was recalled and a civil war erupted. i also took the incredibly important united nations by nuking that city too.

after that it was a slugfest like ive never seen before. they could normally take back only one city per turn and i could build enough units spies and whatever to take from them an average of about two of their cities per turn. didnt help that they had no qualms about nuking me though and they did it often. so my empire grew in number of cities but the cities were a mess. something like 175 polution squares when time ran out and of course a few global warmings in all that. i looked at the map sad that time ran out but delighted myself that i was the biggest power in the game now. so lets check out my civilization score ... ZERO?? i guess the pollution wasnt good for the civ score. hey i meant to clean it up but who can afford to build engineers in a game like that?
hmmm .. looking at that post .. im thinking .. they must have launched their spaceship around 1950 ... surely the war wouldnt have lasted 120 turns.
I had this too once.

I was left with the Mongols in the east of the world, the vikings in the west and I on the American continent.

It was also a hard time with nuke wars and global warming effect.
My hardest game on world map involved a war with Germany, after conquering the rest of the world. I had all techs and was Commie. Germany had started up in South America, and had colonized (and fortified, I might add) all of South America and Australia.

It took somewhere around a century to take south America. Whew! Those Germans sure know how to fight. One of the few things about this game that were not hard was the fact that I never lost a city.:)

After fighting for 1000 years in SA, I took Brazil, but it cost me my whole invasin force just to defend it. I didn't bribe the cities becaouse they were Democratic freaks.:(

Just when it looked like they were going to take back Brazil, they went FUNDY!!!!!!! Funny...I never thought I would enjoy an AI civ's change to become Fundy. Hehe. Anyway, I blew Berlin to tiny bits.:) Then I bribed all their cities. It was a hard game, though.
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