Naval vs. Naval


Feb 20, 2005
Wow, it takes longer to sunk another ship than sail around the world. I haven't yet had any war post ren. era but Caravel vs.Caravel is something unbeleviable. It was easier to sunk a ship with catapults than with other naval vessel. More strength to ship vs ship please.

What do you think?
I half agree... it's only an issue if you both bring the same ship though. It's hard to get bonuses out on the ocean (I think that one SP that gives a bonus based on proximity to other military units works, but that's about it).

I had two Caravels and AI had one. After fighting few turns AI insta healed it, took awhile until it was sunk.
Naval warfare is kind of broken IMO, I had a sub try and kill a frigate... took 3 torpedo shots to take down a wooden ship :( and that was without any insta healing and a full health sub.
A promoted destroyer of mine took 40 turns to sink a Frigate.....

no comment on that....above all because the AI frigate crew was laughing at me while using my Destroyer cannons...... not tolerable anymore, not tolerable anymore !!
Naval warfare is kind of broken IMO, I had a sub try and kill a frigate... took 3 torpedo shots to take down a wooden ship :( and that was without any insta healing and a full health sub.

Perhaps solution would be incresing naval ranged %
Frigate vs sub war should end within a single turn.

Destroyer vs frigate should end within a single turn.

BTW, how often do you build ironclads ? Considering the AI naval power is pretty much inexistent at Prince level , during my few games at least.
In multiplayer it is actually enjoyable TBH.It is really hard to figure a way to out manuver the other player while sneaking in embarked units.
In my recent game, I've noticed that I pretty much ignore AI ships. I just take hits and consentrate on destroying embarked units or attacking on land units.
From a realistic point of view it's not ok to have a sub sink a frigate in 4 turns, but from a gameplay point of view i find it balanced.
What am I supposed to do if the AI (on immortal) is always one step ahead of me in tech. I understand my frigates don't do much damage to destroyers, but at least let them survive until promotion.

However I find two things annoying about naval:

1) Lack of movement penalty around enemy ships (unless surrounded, in some odd situations). You can sneak those embarked units and go back in the city without restriction.

2) Stacking ships with cannons in cities....yea, try and take that city with riflemen while getting hammered by a destroyer and cannon in the same time.
Naval warfare? What's that? Or do you mean the raiding barbarian tiremes?! Ok I'm exagerating a little. In 12 matches I did have two naval battles with the enemy ai. It took 3 turns for my 3 destroyers to sink their frigate and in another game the ai moved their 3 frigates around my one without ever firing and they than moved them past several of my cities without ever firing...
From a realistic point of view it's not ok to have a sub sink a frigate in 4 turns, but from a gameplay point of view i find it balanced.

And yet I hear complaint after complaint how easy it is to win on higher difficulty levels. There should be a reward for being ahead in tech.
An aspect the patch must address is the naval usage of the AI.

On the most played level, therefore Prince, the AI doesn't use at all naval ships, beside very few isolated Frigates every now and then.....

The patch must improve the AI usage of naval ships, cutting the production from land units that the AI uses in a massive way, sometimes using bonuses that let the AI produce 5 times the number of units a strong human player economy can maintain.

Civ series have always deeply understimated the usage of naval, that MUST be addressed on the patch. Please.
What irritates me (and this might be intentional to offset the AI's issues with Embarkation) is my Destroyer should devastate your embarked Swordsmen if a Barbarian Trireme can one shot my Embarked Riflemen.

(Drives me crazy)
AI embarking units is pretty weird. I've sunk their transport ships quite many times and usually they have had none escort unit.
Agree with OP.

What sucks more is that you can not kill these crappy little naval units with your advanced fleet of destroyers in a single turn, and the next turn, they'll take out you embarked GDR or something.

Lameness is lame.
I`ve said it time and again including in Civ4 forums : Units need to have bonus damage vs units from the previous era (some exclusions permited ofc in the early eras)
I`ve said it time and again including in Civ4 forums : Units need to have bonus damage vs units from the previous era (some exclusions permited ofc in the early eras)

Or better yet, hard and soft targets. Like in Panzer General.
they never have ships right in civ

it is like a tradition or something

i think the best they did was in civ3 when they had a couple unique unitis that were ships

they need to hire someone that is into naval warefare history that also happens to be a programmer that can also influence the designer

which might be rare

at any rate you read about famous battles and can kinda have a reference when your fighting on land but with the naval stuff its never like a "Salamis" or "Coral Sea" rather a "D Day" which was the most boring naval action in war i can think of. (except for bulders who find themselves at war)

the evidence is clear- have someone that does like the Tundra tile graphics switch over to making ship battles and being an art guy/gal at a certain level they would probably get into it and have to have their boyfreind/girlfriend that knows programming figure it out and you would have something more dynamic
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