
Ninja Dude

Sorry, I wasn't listening...
May 11, 2008

Intro: Welcome to my first NES. This NES will be a fantasy fresh-start. Things may not seem too odd when the NES starts, things will begin to become strange as time goes on. You must be weary and stay on your toes if you wish to succeed in this NES. I will try to keep things fairly simple so that I may update quickly. However, please do not bug me for an update. Doing so may affect your nation in a negative way as well as lower my respect for you. Also, if I deem something "stupid" or "insane" I have the right to ignore it. You cannot build trains from trees or invent jet packs.

Civilization is starting to form on a strange world. Small kingdoms are forming around life-sustaining rivers as agriculture supports the rising populations. However, this is no ordinary world. Things may happen that we could only imagine happening in out world. But exactly what will happen, only time will tell.

Please fill out the template below and post where you want your country to start off at.

Country name
Military (leave blank)
Economy (leave blank)

Country Name: What you want your country to be named. I’ll be fine with most names. Just don’t make them vulgar or insanely long.

Government: What you want your government to be. You may include in your orders to change this. However, change it too much or at a bad time and you may make your people angry.

Military Spending: The basic costs for military are as follows:

1EP will get you: 500 Spearmen, 200 Archers, 100 Horsemen, 300 Ax-men, 10 Ships.

Unique Units are allowed. Just tell me what you want yours to be and I’ll tell you if it is possible to use and how much it costs.

Economy: Your economy will be represented with a number. That number will be how much you can spend and invest into different things. Your economy will be affected by many things. Civil wars or droughts will have a negative affect on your economy while finding a large amount of gold and finding a profitable trade route will have a positive affect.

You may spend Economy Points on other things besides military and cities. Perhaps you want to pay 2EP to build a gigantic wall around your country. That would be fine with me.

Cities may be constructed for 2EP. They may have various effects on your country, depending on where you build them.

Description: Say what your country is like. Please remember that everyone’s country is going to start out fairly small, so don’t say your people are extremely numerous and powerful.

Orders: There will be a two PM limit. Please send no more. This being a fairly simple NES, I think this is reasonable. Please have your title be (country name)s Orders for NDNES

Starting map. Areas in red are capable of supporting civilization. Please keep your starting point in the red areas.

Spoiler :

Regular Map: The entire map is able to be seen becasue I will try to let players eventually experiance all parts of the world.

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You may ask about the climate of any area of the map.

Overall Country Map:

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First Cradle Map:

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Jungle Cradle Map:

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Watuki Cradle:

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Governemnt: Monarchy
Military: 900 Spearmen, 250 Archers, 350 Ax-men, 25 Horsemen
Economy: 5EP
Description: Description: Forming at the trade nexus where the great Kahluen river branches into two, the Mikuen people have come to thrive off the fruits of their riverine home. They are a reserved, religious people, difficult to draw to anger, hospitable to friends, and fierce against their enemies.

Government: Monarchy
Military: 2000 spearmen, 800 Archers, 40 ships, 400 Sea Warriors
Economy: 6EP
Description: Founded at the eastern mouth of the Kahluen River, the people of this nation thrives on joint economy of both fishing and agriculture, while also relying heavily on trading their surplus of crops for other necessities. These people are fiercly loyal to their king, and while highly moral, due to heavy influence of national religion, they are quite tolerant to other cultures.

Republic of Tarkaur/taillesskangaru
Government: Oligarchy
Military: 300 Ax-men, 400 archers, 500 Spearmen, 10 Ships
Economy 4EP
Description: Located at the western mouth of the Kahluen River, Caronia is a rich, fertile land. After its Priest-King was exiled, its people technically ruled themselves, but in reality they are now ruled by a council made up of tribal chiefs and prominent members of society. The people of Caronia are infamous for being unruly, immoral and fiercely competitive, but nevertheless they have a strong sense of "nation". When threatened, Caronians fight as one against their common enemies, before reverting back to cutting each other's throats, either figuratively or literally, once the immediate danger has passed.

Government: Monarchy
Military: 500 Ax-men, 700 Spearmen, 200 Archers, 125 Pony-Riders, 5 ships
Economy: 4EP
Description: The people of Kourstani are a short, stout people. Some might call them dwarves. They live happily under their King's rule, and dislike horses. The Kourstanians prefer to use mules, donkeys, and ponies over full-grown horses. The Kourstanians are great stone workers and make many things out of stone. The are also good farmers, but are not very good at ship building. They Kourstanians mostly use small fishing boats and rafts.

Purzan/Charles Li
Government: Monarchy with chiefs
Military 200 Horsemen, 100 Spearmen, 150 Archers, 15 Ships
Economy 3EP
Description: They live close to the mouth of the Hasvian River. They are very good boat makers. Some enjoy their horses more. The Chiefs are chosen half from the peasants and half appointed by their king. They consider their first loyalty is their king. They believe in a parthanon of gods but that is minor. They trade and raid, always ready for an adventure lead by a chief or just staying home working at their trade.

Government: Monarchy heavy Church Influence
Military: 1000 Spearmen, 200 Horsemen, 20 Ships, 5 Sea Tamers, 200 Archers
Economy: 4EP
Description: The nation Izentear was founded by the children of the Goddess of the Seas, Izen, when she was thrown upon the land by a vengeful God of the Sun, Alheran, when she refused to become his bride. The people who lived there were simple and scattered tribes until her tears drenched the land and made it fertile as she crawled back to the seas. The people are Very religious and dedicated to Izen. The church has a ton of power and influence over the nation and the only power stronger is the royal family said to be descended from Izen and a man who helped her return to the seas. They are obviously headed into the seas where they can hear the joy of Izen on the waves.

Skorak/ Abaddon
Government: Monarchy with important Guilds
Military: 800 Ax-men, 700 Spearmen, 50 horsemen, 20 ships.
Economy: 4EP
Description: A nation heavily segretaged between its 5 guilds, all who which answer to the King. You are either Warrior Caste, Agricultural Caste, Trade Caste, Science Caste, Religous Caste... or a slave with no rights.
Situated on the mouth of the river the Skorak command a strong economy and naval base. They plunder slaves from rival nations and use them to fuel their economy futher. Fierce warriors in battle, bred for many generations.

Calchan/ Neverwonagame3
Military: 400 archers, 15 ships, 600 Spearmen
Economy 2EP
Description: A costal trading state, which has slowly grown on the fish trade. Now it is beggining to turn into something worthy of the name civilisation. It has gotten a fairly good start, becoming fairly strong from trade with Skorak.

Economy: 2EP
Military: 200 Spearmen, 900 Ax-men
Description: Askandar is a fairly new country, its economy centered around raiding. This bloodthirsty country has triggered many migrations in the region, adding to the havoc that surrounds this nation.

Government: Divine Monarchy
Military: 700 Spearmen, 300 Archers, 50 Horsemen
Economy: 3 EP
Description: An extremely devoted people, they worship their ruler, the God-King. Their economy is based mostly around the materials mined from nearby mountains with a fairly decent agriculture supporting the ever growing population. Shoka has a bright future if it can continue this growth spurt.
NPC Stats

Governemnt: Council of chiefs
Military: 700 Ax-men, 10 ships
Economy: 1EP
Description: A strange culture found in the rainforest, they build their homes high up in the trees. They are very barbaric and are currently raiding their neighbors.

Government: Oligarchy
Military: 400 Ax-men, 1500 Spearmen, 10 ships
Economy: 2EP
Description: A group of tribes has recently joined together to form this small country. While the world slowly decends into war, how long can this peace loving country survive?
Alliances and Agreements

Tarkaur-Mikuena Defensive Agreement (Active)


Active: Jungle War (Skorak vs. Potl vs. Lotl)

Ended: Sobanian War (Soban vs. Kourstani and Purzan)
First Post!:D

I wish to start in the westernmost start area, nearest to the mountains.
Country name: Kourstani
Government: Monarchy
Description: The people of Kourstani are a short, stout people. Some might call them dwarves. They live happily under their King's rule, and dislike horses. The Kourstanians prefer to use mules, donkeys, and ponies over full-grown horses. The Kourstanians are great stone workers and make many things out of stone. The are also good farmers, but are not very good at ship building. They Kourstanians mostly use small fishing boats and rafts.
OOC: Great luck on your first NES Ninja Dude!

Government: Monarchy
Military (leave blank)
Economy (leave blank)
Description: Forming at the trade nexus where the great Kahluen river branches into two, the Mikuen people have come to thrive off the fruits of their riverine home. They are a reserved, religious people, difficult to draw to anger, hospitable to friends, and fierce against their enemies.
Government: Monarchy
Military (leave blank)
Economy (leave blank)
Description: Founded at the eastern mouth of the Kahluen River, the people of this nation thrives on joint economy of both fishing and agriculture, while also relying heavily on trading their surplus of crops for other necessities. These people are fiercly loyal to their king, and while highly moral, due to heavy influence of national religion, they are quite tolerant to other cultures.
Republic of Caronia
Government: Oligarchy
Military (leave blank)
Economy (leave blank)
Description: Located at the western mouth of the Kahluen River, Caronia is a rich, fertile land. After its Priest-King was exiled, its people technically ruled themselves, but in reality they are now ruled by a council made up of tribal chiefs and prominent members of society. The people of Caronia are infamous for being unruly, immoral and fiercely competitive, but nevertheless they have a strong sense of "nation". When threatened, Caronians fight as one against their common enemies, before reverting back to cutting each other's throats, either figuratively or literally, once the immediate danger has passed.
Good. Now I even have a name for that river. Feel free to name different things such as mountain ranges and oceans. All your templates seem okay with me. If I can get just a couple more templates I could start the update.
(Give the game a full title!)
Under these conditions ;)

1. Name it: NdNES: Islets of Langedoon
2. Wack me in as a generic barbarian race upriver from other civ's
3. Please use the direct link for photos and spoiler it (So I don't have to open another webpage, and deal with popups)
4. Pretty up your OP.. or perhaps you would like me to create a nice one for you?
Under these conditions ;)

1. Name it: NdNES: Islets of Langedoon
2. Wack me in as a generic barbarian race upriver from other civ's
3. Please use the direct link for photos and spoiler it (So I don't have to open another webpage, and deal with popups)
4. Pretty up your OP.. or perhaps you would like me to create a nice one for you?

1. No
2. I could arrange this.
3. Umm, maybe. I'm not too good with images for the time being. However, I'll try my best.
4. I could try this.
It's refreshing to have a NES without a subtitle. Keep it as it is! And Lord Aiken, don't go around trying to make people change things like that. It's almost like that time Abaddon was insisting that people 'had' to get avatars.
:p to you, even if I respect you as a fellow Lord.
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