New Beta Version - January 3rd (1/3)

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Oh horsehocky you're right. There are options in game creation for them so I forgot that they weren't base.
Hello All! Has anyone else run into this error?
Runtime Error: C:\Users\S\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(6a) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (EUI)\LUA\TradeLogic.lua:2465: attempt to index field 'UsTableWar' (a nil value)
It causes the Trade screen to become unworkable. I've seen this error before, but I can't remember what causes it...
Does she have only one city left? What about luxuries?

My guess is she only has exactly 8 gold, that is all she can give you, so the maximum peace value is only 8. When she has no gold, she cannot give you anything, so the value is 0

She has 5 cities left. Not great ones, but still way more valuable than 8 peace score.
Besides I was under the impression it doesn't matter how much they have. The max peace value can be higher what they offer. What they can offer can be lower than the maximum peace score, at least in previous version.s

Ive mentioned it 3 times already, warmonger civs have massivly gold problems in the early stage. Especially Montezuma. I think, the AI is calculating the value of military units too high and completly ignore their income. Montezuma in special, cause of his early UU. While I was at 30 technologies, he had 15 and was losing 15-50 gold per turn. For unknown reason, he was able to get 7 technologies in 25 turns, even he was always in dept. In this time, every 2 turns a spy have stolen some of my technologies, while I had constructed a constabulary and a counter spy in my capitol.
Is this considered a bug than or just calculation that they will catch up with spies only?

In either case it's not beneficial for the AI to neglect technology that much. I will probably steamroll over Montezuma in my game with only a handful units as my units are stronger due to technological advances.

It's a well known fact that military power is not only about having the biggest quantity of troops. Quality (advanced units) are pretty important too.
Still thinking about the tree finishers, great artist makes no sense for Fealty at all it has zero synergy in the tree, and artists fit perfectly into Rationalism it has all the synergy no matter how you use them. I dont think GS should be a thing anyone buys with faith from trees, is why I was pondering %25 reduction to prophet in fealty finisher instead of any great person purchase ability but that could be problematic as it shows benefits before industrial. at the very least switching GS onto Fealty makes a lot more sense given monastery just lost their scientist slots.
Is this considered a bug than or just calculation that they will catch up with spies only?

In either case it's not beneficial for the AI to neglect technology that much. I will probably steamroll over Montezuma in my game with only a handful units as my units are stronger due to technological advances.

It's a well known fact that military power is not only about having the biggest quantity of troops. Quality (advanced units) are pretty important too.

I dont know if he made it by stealing only. Even I had a constabulary and a counterspy, 9 techs were stolen in those 25 turns, only one was detected (Montezuma). Maybe simply everyone sent their spy to me, after I reached renaissance and they all have stolen at some different speed. But 9 techs stolen with only 5 enemies in 25 turns is a kinda silly mechanic.
In 3 of my 4 last games, montezuma had a lot of trouble with money and technology.
Is the beta #2 that Gazebo mentioned what's available now in the OP, or is it the original? It seems to be the original, but I can't find a link for #2.
Issue 2:
Also the AI, Portugal in my game. I conquered 3 of her main cities AND her capital. Warscore was 100, as expected. Thought the peace-deal value jumped only from 1 - 8 (one time even 0). Surely this does not seem right.

Anyone else experiences this?

To elaborate. I am at war with her again. Took her two biggest cities and winning the war quite obviously.

Here is a screenshot of the war score:
Spoiler :

And here one of the max peace score only being 0:
Spoiler :

Surely in this and previous war she should offer capitulation or cities. But even aside that the max value should never be 0.

Anyone else experiencing this?
To elaborate. I am at war with her again. Took her two biggest cities and winning the war quite obviously.

Here is a screenshot of the war score:

And here one of the max peace score only being 0:

Surely in this and previous war she should offer capitulation or cities. But even aside that the max value should never be 0.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Someone just capitulated to me at 100, but I jumped there from 58. Sounds like an error in your case.
You had Progress? I wonder if it's a Marathon issue. 6 games with 0 progress civs can't be a coincidence... O.o

Same here on marathon. No one picked progress - but only one game sample. I added one civ to make it 13+24 which shouldn't be too crowded to skew it. I also have min city distance=4.
Same here on marathon. No one picked progress - but only one game sample. I added one civ to make it 13+24 which shouldn't be too crowded to skew it. I also have min city distance=4.

It's one or two game samples times a number of posters. I think that's conclusive enough.
It's one or two game samples times a number of posters. I think that's conclusive enough.

I am playing a Marathon/Huge game and have only met 4 Civs so far. Russia, Portugal and Denmark all went Authority and Rome went Progress. This is with the 1-3 release.
I am playing a Marathon/Huge game and have only met 4 Civs so far. Russia, Portugal and Denmark all went Authority and Rome went Progress. This is with the 1-3 release.

Well tell us how many of the remaining went Progress.

It just appears to be heavily disfavored in Marathon so far. I'm in my 7th game and once again I'm the only Progress civ as China out of 12.
Latest game. I had 4 authority 2 progress 2 tradition in terms of civs for a standard speed game.

Finishing up my 4th game of this patch. I bumped it up to Emperor this time. Funny enough, I have had a heavy forested start on 4 games in a row now (I even used a different map for the last two!).

In terms of AI, I have not seen the runaway problem. Some AIs are getting heavy but not in a crazy way. However, overall I think the AIs bonuses could use a tune up. I am not normally a good Emperor player and I am in a comfortable lead at this point.

A few general thoughts:

1) Forests: I do think forests are too strong, but maybe not as overtly as some people think. I'm going to make a seperate post in general balance since this one has been on people's mind recently.

2) I feel like Ironclads are under performing a bit. Maybe just a small buff for them to keep pace. Otherwise I haven't had any problems with navy. In fact, in my last game the Inca had a city near the coast that had a navy protecting the backside. There was limited land terrain so made it very difficult to maneuver without getting obliterated by the navy if I got too close. Made it a lot of fun!

3) I general, I really like where Fealty and Statecraft are right now, but I really don't like Artistry. I honestly feel the other two cover all the bases. Even for Artistry tourism bonus....when you realize that a late game trade route can almost hit as hard on tourism as a great musician, the extra 2 trade routes for state craft look really really good.

4) A note on Growth. I know we are working on specialists right now, but I think one thing that should be looked at is late game growth. I think it should be increased. The problem right now is if I choose to forego specialists to grow my still takes a whole lot of food to get those late game populations to budge. Its just not worth the loss of specialist yields right now. I would love to see those exponentials on food brought down a bit. Another option is to beef up the Grocery and Medical Lab (or just the Medical Lab) more on the food carryover to assist big cities keep growing.

5) I want to complement the AI on some recent Naval and Air warfare. I saw some great positioning, and use of fighters to counter my bombers.

6) Diplomacy: A few notes here:

Religion: Considering how much else religion effects, I think we should take out the "religious leader" bonus. Its just one more way getting a religion snowballs you. I'm fine with world religion getting you a nice bonus.

Diplomacy Snowball: Right now, it feels too easy once I'm ahead in diplomacy to dominate. The main culprits are Sphere of Influence and Decolonization. Spheres just ensure that my lead grows longer. Better yet, I usually pick the 2nd place person's CS to pick off, so he loses a vote and I gain. Rinse and repeat towards dominion. And then once my lead is comfortable, I can cripple the 2nd place person with a decolonization. He loses all of his allies...and often I then become the ally by default. At this point, my vote lead is strong enough that I can work the council as I see fit. Now every once in a while the AI throws another policy in there that I have to defend against....but it only a matter of time. I just need a few of these to secure my lead and then from there its off to the races.

7) Manufactories. When my mines get 5 prod, and my manu's only get 8....something is wrong. Give that boy a buff!
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4) A note on Growth. I know we are working on specialists right now, but I think one thing that should be looked at is late game growth. I think it should be increased. The problem right now is if I choose to forego specialists to grow my still takes a whole lot of food to get those late game populations to budge. Its just not worth the loss of specialist yields right now. I would love to see those exponentials on food brought down a bit.

7) Manufactories. When my mines get 5 prod, and my manu's only get 8....something is wrong. Give that boy a buff!

The main culprits are Sphere of Influence and Decolonization.

4) great point

7)yeah. but merchants arent comparing too favorably against trading post either

re:diplo - I think moving sphere of influence to a later tech helps solve its problem, but its been awhile since I took a closer look at WC voting logic so im not sure where theyre at currently whether its 1) drawing the ire it should when you propose it and 2) if the AI is making constant use of it like we do
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1) Forests: I do think forests are too strong, but maybe not as overtly as some people think. I'm going to make a seperate post in general balance since this one has been on people's mind recently.

4) A note on Growth. I know we are working on specialists right now, but I think one thing that should be looked at is late game growth. I think it should be increased. The problem right now is if I choose to forego specialists to grow my still takes a whole lot of food to get those late game populations to budge. Its just not worth the loss of specialist yields right now. I would love to see those exponentials on food brought down a bit. Another option is to beef up the Grocery and Medical Lab (or just the Medical Lab) more on the food carryover to assist big cities keep growing.

In my last game with germany, I had absolutly no problem with food or growth. I picked ascetismn and Mandir, ok, but in my whole empire, you will not see any farm. Atomic age, my capitol was past 40 pop, 7 of 8 cities above 30. And i hadnt picked freedom with the "half food for specialist" tenet. Some of my cities only need working 4 tiles and still are not in negative food. In my opinion, food gain is too high. Especially from buildings and the +food bonuses.

Your opinion about forests mirrors the opinion of some others. But if we decrease the flat food from buildings and food modifiers, forests will get less attractive, cause you need more pure food by farm triangles to get a proper growth.

I dont see any tendencies for changes in this direction, maybe I will do the fix on my own and would like to see others, testing my suggestion too.

Where can I find the code for the purchase cost calculation for buildings, I want to set them back to previos patch.
Diplomacy Snowball: Right now, it feels too easy once I'm ahead in diplomacy to dominate. The main culprits are Sphere of Influence and Decolonization. Spheres just ensure that my lead grows longer. Better yet, I usually pick the 2nd place person's CS to pick off, so he loses a vote and I gain. Rinse and repeat towards dominion. And then once my lead is comfortable, I can cripple the 2nd place person with a decolonization. He loses all of his allies...and often I then become the ally by default. At this point, my vote lead is strong enough that I can work the council as I see fit. Now every once in a while the AI throws another policy in there that I have to defend against....but it only a matter of time. I just need a few of these to secure my lead and then from there its off to the races.
When the other two proposals are open doors to your city state allies, you don't have enough votes to keep your allies. You either lose the sphere of influence or lose one ally to open doors enactment.
So it really comes down to be liked by most AI. If you are a warmonger, no bonuses are going to help you control the world congress.

If you are playing the game diplomatically, so you don't lose such elections, then you deserve it.

Manufactories. When my mines get 5 prod, and my manu's only get 8....something is wrong. Give that boy a buff!
There's a +20% production to future great engineers, but this doesn't need the tile to be worked on.

I've been thinking about the GPTI / specialist dichotomy, and the only safe solution I see is giving GPTI the same bonuses that their relative specialists have. So, when merchant specialist get +1 gold, towns receive +1 gold too. When engineer specialist get +1 science, Manufactories get +1 science too. With a few exceptions, like late game wonders and freedom policies. This will make GPTI feel like another specialist slots, but with more food and fewer GPP.
What about this proposal.... Forests loose 2 food after Industrial era and gain +1 production ? Today no civilisation goes to hunt in the woods to survive as all animals would be in few months extinct... But even today lumber is a valuable resources for almost EVERYTHING. Until the Industrial era improved forests yield 2 food improved and +1 with an building like herbalist or replaced with an new budiling(Hunter lodge - 1 food on forest tiles,maintance scales foe every 2 improved forest tile additional 1 gold). In the industrial era drop 1 food food and give +1 additional production. And in Atomic era drop one more food as then people even less go in the woods to catch food for surviving. The 1 food stays as people still go in the woods to catch fish,deer,wikd pigs,hare so that is the one food yields etc that are sold on markets or in restaurants as delicatess. But forests today 99% used for lumber so that is the production yield
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