New civ not showing up, can't get why (yes I did read the tutos)


Nov 7, 2014
My original post
Hi guys !
So, hum... I began modding a while ago, but droped it and I begin again since yesterday.
I have as project to add a civilization to the game. I have created my files, added links and all, I get no debugg errors, no warnings, everythings seems to be fine BUT (yes, there's always one)

My mod show up in the "Mods" Subsection of the game, I can activate it and all, but as I go to select my newly added civilization to play, I just isn't in the list.

I followed the guide on page 1, asked friends around, and I can't get why it's not showing up. I quite convinced I made an minor but critical error, but I can't find where it is, and what it is.

Also, a summary of what happened before :
-Created the mod from scratch, following Kael's guide
- Mod is showing up, but not the civ (It's not in the quick select screen)
-Asked in the guide's thread (Shouldn't have done that, sorry :/ )
-Redone everything from scratch following another guide
- Same problem

And now, the fun part...
- Modbuddy wasn't updated so I had no "Import into VFS" (yeah, I know, quite bad from me)
- Updated it, and imported
- Still not showing up (At this point, I began to question my own abilites xD)
-Asked again, and apparently no errors in the XML in the built mod I posted

So here I am, making my own thread, calling for help.
I took the problem from different angles, redone it from scratch twice, and I still can't figure out why my civ is not showing up.

Yes, I checked the VFS option for all art files.
Yes, I have the UpdateDatabase entries for my XML files.
Yes, my Leader_Scene is imported into VFS
No, my database log show no errors (apparently, what is showing is that everything's alright.

Oh, and here's the attached mod : (Can't upload directly here, it's larger than the max size)

I'll post my logs in a moment !

So, well, if the bugs can't be chased, I'll drop the idea and stick with "Modify" option when selecting a civ
Did you delete your other thread?

I was going to say I didn't see two uniques for your civilization. You must have two uniques or the game ignores your civ.
The Leader Scene xml and the two mp3 files must NOT set to update the database. The Units.xml file does not have the required update database entry
Thanks for the quick reply !
Well, I have 2 uniques (the Militia and the Edelweiss), that's strange...

I taped the required databse entry, and deleted the unnecessary ones.
I got rind of a bunch of errors in the database.log, but some remains ("Tags are not uniques").

{EDIT} Figured out myself the "Not uniques" bug

Still, now I have errors in my Music and MusicDefines XML files
They wanted a ROW, I gave them one, and now they're protesting because they can't find the colums name...
I'll dive in and try to understand the thing
Here's my database.log. (only the audio error)
I got rid of every errors EXCEPT the audio one. I tried putting more ROW, less ROW, in others places, all combined, but I have always a bug in here.

Spoiler :

[90656.859] no such table: Row
[90656.859] In Query - insert into Row('Script2DSound') values (?);
[90656.859] In XMLSerializer while updating table Row from file XML/GallianMusic.xml.
[90656.859] no such table: Row
[90656.859] In Query - insert into Row('SoundData') values (?);
[90656.859] In XMLSerializer while updating table Row from file XML/GallianMusicDefines.xml.
Script2DSound and SoundData root-level elements are used for adding new UI sounds. For civ music, you need a file that begins with an Audio_Sounds element - see tutorial.
In any case you should be structuring your XML as:
Even though I showed the top column in each of the two rows as being a unique-value column, not every table requires that every row has a column designated with a unique value to all other rows within the same table. So for example, <Building_YieldChanges> does not require that every row within it has a unique designation for the column <BuildingType>. This allows one building to have multiple yields attached to it of different kinds (such as culture, faith, food). But <Language_en_US> requires that each row's Tag="TXT_KEY_SOMETHING" be unique to every other one.

<Update> to an existing "chunk" of the database should look like this, though bear in mind there are different ways to structure the <Where> and the <Set> portion of an <Update> wrapper.
			<Where ColumnNameWithAValueThatIsUnique="A_UNIQUE_VALUE_SUCH_AS_FRED" />
			<Set ColumnNameA="false" ColumnNameB="14" />
This would only update the values given in the first example, and only the values for the columns called "ColumnNameA" and "ColumnNameB".
Based on that log I'd say the game figures you're trying to modify a table named Row.
This means, if true, you're missing an entire wrapping tag naming the table. Alternatively, you may have an unbalanced tag somewhere resulting in undesired syntax.
I wen through the tuto given by AW, and redone my audio part. Now it's working, so yeah, finally no more errors ! \o/

I think I'll continue working, like adding more 'pedia entries, and making better icons for the units (one's lacking completely an icon in the 'pedia) CIV5 style.

Anyway, thanks for the help !
Oh, and, can this thread stay open, just in cas I end up messing in my code and breaking everything again ?
Yep, it shows up, I can select it, the game is working perfectly, with all the images and 'pedia entries.

Now, I just have to add content, and localization, y'know, more stuff to make it better ^^
Final question here : Shall I upload my mod here ?
I browsed a bit and didn't saw any mod adding my civ in the game, and perhaps someone want it.
I saw a mod in the Workshop doing the same thing as mine, so perhaps it's not wise to upload a mod adding a civ, when another one already exist ?
Sooo... I'm upping this one, although I'm not sure I should because the thread title is not relevant anymore. I just wanted to go on my already existing thread instead of creating another one, so if someone can change the thread's name to something like (Help on VC : Principallity of Gallia) or else, that would be great

Now, to the bug part. The civ is working perfectly, no bug with units or anything else, BUT I still have graphic bugs.
First, the Milita 'pedia entry has a black icon instead of a picture. The Edelweiss do not (the picture is shown). Those are the 2 UU.

Second, a user reported having the "same" problem on the Workshop, but in way worse : the leader scene is a black space. It's not a freeze or else, the picture is not showing. And again the same with the Gallia civ' icon when a notification pops up on the right side of the screen. Those only occur when playing Gallia, as you can't talk with yourself or get notification about your own empire the way you see those about other empires (sorry if this sentence isn't clear :/)

So, I thought of redrawing the .DDS files, and checking options when exporting to .DDS, as it's a display problem, not a code problem (I humbly think).

Any of you already had that sort of problem ? If yes, did you find why ?
Why don't you let us have a look by attaching your mod? :)
Black icons may mean the icon atlas has issues / defined improperly / you've told the game to point to a nonexistent index. No leader scene probably means you forgot to import the leader scene files into VFS?

As Belzhorash says, we need the current build of the mod to tell. Otherwise we're just guessing.

A hard lesson learned in double-checking your files and realizing that... everything is case sensitive in this game. Haha.

Spoiler :
The Civilopedia uses 256-pixel size icons. Your art defines are all fine, except that in your CIV5IconTextureAtlases.xml file, you have defined this:

...Unfortunately, this needs to be 'MILITIA', as this is the Icon Atlas you've specified your unit to look for, not 'Militia'.

You also have this defined twice, for some reason:
...Which one is the game supposed to use when it needs to get the 64-pixel size version?

These icon files also appear to only hold a single icon each, so you can set the IconsPerRow and IconsPerColumn to 1, instead of 8.

The black leader screen issue took a little bit more looking into.
It showing up black instead of just grey with capital-letter words at the top means that everything is more or less loading properly.
The problem is with your DDS file itself.

The file that you are using for your leader scene does not have an alpha layer, thus the entire image is masked out, and ends up black.
Adding a completely white alpha layer corrects this.
Gawd... It's that sensitive ? I'll remember it for the next project xD
Anyway, a huge thanks to you Scythe ! I was stuck days in that, just trying to get a .DDS file right, and it was juste case... I fell bad about it now ^^

A huge thanks to you !!
No problem. Glad I could help.
Yeah, this game is very finicky when it comes to stuff being the right capitalization.
The DDS file isn't too difficult to correct. Load it up in GIMP, select Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel, then File > Overwrite, and it's done. That's how I tested it, anyway.

You may want to re-export with whatever settings you want to use.
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