New DLC at December, 16th: Spain and Incas

No matter how bad Civ4 was when it came out, still it wasn't as bad as civ5 is now with a few patches in it already. Deal with it...


I'm tired of this "Civ3/4 was buggy at release too!" nonsense. Yeah, a little. The core game mechanics? They worked. The core game mechanics of Civ5 don't. That's not a bug, that's bad game design. Right now they're patching bad game design, and even then, there's a lot they still need to fix beyond what they say they will fix.
So games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2 and Starcraft 2 will be great buys, next year or so...:mischief:

Dragon Age has released their "Ultimate Edition" already. Hopefully it's not a misnomer, but as Dragon Age II is slated for a 2011 release, might be time to pick that one up. :)

That said, I'm still mildly upset that I talked myself into buying Civ 5 already. I have enjoyed the game, despite it's legion of flaws. But nowhere near as much as I did Civ 4 when I finally spent the cash to build a machine that could run it, and bought the complete pack for a nicely polished, finished game. Come to think of it, I did the same for Civ 3. Don't know what came over me. Probably too much time reading these forums.
For me the game is dead; have not played it again for 2 months already.

Trying to get the fan base to pay good money for simple content is missing a trick. The new DLC should be given away to gamers who have played xx hours online or something like that.

Having said that, judging by the comments this version of Sid's wonderful gaming experience is not only dead it has so soured the minds of the vast majority of gamers that if ever there is a Civ 6 - it will be slow off the shelves and it better be damned good.

I really fear the franchise has been irretrievably poisoned and will wither and die. Sad; hate to write such negative words but that's my feeling.

Someone at Firaxis needs to get a grip, intervene, pull up the drains, re-write the game and re-release AT NO COST TO EXISTING CLIENTS the re-written and improved game. Otherwise, I fear you have destroyed your own careers and futures.

That's what I think.
How much to buy this? Last one was $4.99.
Any news about the Spanish and Inca UU / UB and Unique Abilities? I mean, I love slamming Civ V poorly designed mechanics too, but I am curious about it since they are two of my favourite civs.
I really fear the franchise has been irretrievably poisoned and will wither and die. Sad; hate to write such negative words but that's my feeling.
I've already accepted that's over after almost 20 years.
The magic is simply gone.
You first need post: "i am no0b, dull and very optimist". Then you may post: "i love civV and i think it will become better".

Says the parrotting Civ basher with all of 53 posts.... :rolleyes:

Tell me, did you make your first post saying "i am no0b, dull and very pessimistic" ? You know, before you started trolling people who aren't mindlessly following the very vocal minority that hate the game?

And before you start calling me a noob, dull optimist, check my post on page 3... ;)
Hm, I took a look at these comments in case there was any more information here, but no. Just a bunch of people saying "I hate the game" or (occasionally) "I love the game". Yawn.

If you hate the game, why are you still hanging around here? If you love the game, resume playing.
people hang around there because this forum as much more than just civ5.
First reaction:
"Oh, cool. New civs!"

2 seconds later:
"Wait, I already stopped playing the game. I don't think I'd even reinstall it to play these civs. I never even tried Mongolia."

10 seconds after:
"Really, Firaxis? Really? Fix this broken (expletive deleted) game and we'll talk. I can't believe you're even doing this."

lol, yeah that was me too.
I just can't agree with this kind of business model. Piecemeal Civs as DLC. I suppose I am fortunate that Civ 5 has felt like a soulless, shallow -gamey- experience that unlike previous iterations has failed to immerse my imagination into the game.

Just a good thumbs up that modding is still available, enough that it makes ignoring this dlc worthwhile.
Says the parrotting Civ basher with all of 53 posts.... :rolleyes:

Tell me, did you make your first post saying "i am no0b, dull and very pessimistic" ? You know, before you started trolling people who aren't mindlessly following the very vocal minority that hate the game?

And before you start calling me a noob, dull optimist, check my post on page 3... ;)

I didn´t post to you or quoting you!!! are you blind?? or do you have two account????
Pay for something that should have came with the game... NEVER!!
I didn´t post to you or quoting you!!! are you blind?? or do you have two account????

That post was in response to your repeated bashing of zeCod. And no, I am not blind, nor do I have 2 accounts...

You apparently don't like Civ, some others do like it. Deal with it. Why would your opinion be any more significant than any other persons opinion?

Well, actually you probably don't have an opinion, 'cause everything you post merely repeats what other people have previously said... :rolleyes:
I'm not sure if anyone else has picked this up, but the screenshots over at The Escapist suggest that the Inca's "unique building", the terrace farm, may actually be a tile improvement. I refer to the screenshot of Pachacuti's leader page, where the icon for the farms is clearly the same style as an improvement, and then another where you can see what appears to be a terraced farm improvement in the top right hand corner. Check them out:

This would suggest that the Inca's can build farms on hills, possibly with some kind of additional food bonus. Thoughts?
That post was in response to your repeated bashing of zeCod. And no, I am not blind, nor do I have 2 accounts...

You apparently don't like Civ, some others do like it. Deal with it. Why would your opinion be any more significant than any other persons opinion?

Well, actually you probably don't have an opinion, 'cause everything you post merely repeats what other people have previously said... :rolleyes:

You continue blind :lol:. I hate CivV, not Civ. And all we repeat what other person said before: it is just relative.
I love when a me fan read all my posts. Get better interpretation of them and you will earn an autograph.
Here's a question: How do the D2D people (i.e., me) get the new DLC for free? Or will steam automatically detect this and I just download as normal?
Will not buy this.

Since the game in itself is useless, it makes no difference if you play with Spain or Rome...
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