New Member Intro

Hi, I'm new also... Well, kind of. I used to post here way back when, before Civ III came out. And I lurk here a lot. But anyway, I thought this was the best thread to make my first post in, since I'm predominantly interested in discussing Civ I (DOS). So, hello then!
I'm new here, also. I used to play Civ 1 a lot years ago. I just started getting back into it, and recently found this site. Great resource!
Good day, my honour.
I have a question off civilization one.
About game and about game versions.
How much they are.
How many differents are in.
Good day, my honour.
I have a question off civilization one.
About game and about game versions.
How much they are.
How many differents are in.
Biggest 2 used are Winciv and Civdos.
Civ for dos is the one you've played on your 90s computer (80s?).
Winciv is the same game, but made for windows and plays quicker and looks smoother. (Civdos players will disagree with this of course )
New member here. I used to post here years ago when civIII came out, I can't remember what name I had though. Played civ1 to death back in the day.
Civ for dos is the one you've played on your 90s computer (80s?).

1991, unless you're talking about the 1980 board game.

Winciv is the same game, but made for windows and plays quicker and looks smoother. (Civdos players will disagree with this of course )

I thought the general consensus was that the Windows (and Mac) version looks more aesthetically appealing but is not as visually clear from a gaming perspective.
When logging on today for the first time in quite a while, I was encouraged to make a post in the New Member Introductions thread. After posting, I realized it is nested in the Civ5 section, so I thought I might post here as well:

Been playing CivI since the early 90's, possibly within months of its introduction. I'm sorry to say that I could never get into CivII or III, I think I tried IV as well. My biggest objection was the diagonal layout of the screens and I couldn't navigate well with the numeric keypad.

My addiction to the game comes in cycles. I usually have to force myself to abandon the game and find other interest or just catch up with other tasks such as the upkeep of the house that seem to get neglected while the addiction takes over.

I notice that I joined the forum over four years ago, but this is my first post. I haven't been able to improved on my best 5 scores in some time, so, I'm here to get some tips and pointers.

Surprisingly many newcomers and lurkers. And my perception was that people barely know this particular installation of the genre and even less does play it.

Been playing CivI since the early 90's, possibly within months of its introduction. I'm sorry to say that I could never get into CivII or III, I think I tried IV as well. My biggest objection was the diagonal layout of the screens and I couldn't navigate well with the numeric keypad.

CivIV has rectangular layout, Civ5 has hexes. Although Civ5 only allows 1 unit per tile. Nevertheless, these ones are very different from the first game.

I notice that I joined the forum over four years ago, but this is my first post. I haven't been able to improved on my best 5 scores in some time, so, I'm here to get some tips and pointers.

I consider percentage as the true score, not the nominal one (the game behaves the same way). Basically the idea is really simple: finish your game as soon as you can and play on as high difficulty as you can. Great population and building wonders and full spaceship also helps, but in my experience these are far less noticeable than an early finish.

In my experience on chieftain it is hopeless to get more than 40%, on King 100% is fine, but even a glorious King score can easily be bitten by a mediocre Emperor score.
Hi Diviner, didn't know that CivIV has a rectangular layout. I must not have tried it, will have to get it now. Maybe I should look into V as well.

I always play as King, sometimes try Emperor, but never get very far.

My scores range from 125% to 134%. Haven't been able to break 125% in some time, but after picking up some ideas in this forum I think I'll top it when I finish my present game. Only a few moves to go.
Good Day, my honour
I have,want to write some words about early civ1 game.
How many city you found in first 1000 years.
Or how many cites have your connection, city trade union when you change goverment to Democracy , Republic.
I'm a veteran original Civ junkie. The original 3.5" floppies are still around here, somewhere, but as I haven't used my FDD for ten years I have no idea if they still work. I've since, erm, acquired v474.04 from (ahem!) other sources, but feel clean about it as I shelled out once and can't go and buy it for real, anymore.

It's early August here in southern Ontario (about 20 miles NW of Toronto). The weather channel is actuallly showing weather, right now, and the current temperature at 7:43pm is 25C with a humidex of 29C. That's as cool as it's been 'round here since last June. Hardly Arizona weather but pretty warm. Also more or less the norm for this time of year, in case you're under the impression that it's all igloos and endangered polar bears, 'round here :)

I also play Civ3 from time to time and, though it's immensely enjoyable, lacks the visceral thrill of the One True Civ.



I always play as King, sometimes try Emperor, but never get very far.

My scores range from 125% to 134%. Haven't been able to break 125% in some time, but after picking up some ideas in this forum I think I'll top it when I finish my present game. Only a few moves to go.

Then you are a bit better player than me :) I like building up my civilization and lately I have been practicing efficient build orders and mastering the lux slider. Anyways, I rarely get off from my continent before the industrial ages (in terms of civ advanves of course :)). As a consequence I do not finish before 1600-1700AD most of the time.

My only emperor victories were on earth were I have a pretty decent idea about the whereabouts of my rivals and one custom map, but I used save/load cheat many times in that.

Good Day, my honour
I have,want to write some words about early civ1 game.
How many city you found in first 1000 years.
Or how many cites have your connection, city trade union when you change goverment to Democracy , Republic.

I usually found one or two, I think its nearly impossible to get more without double settler start or advanced tribe pops. I need to build garrison and scouts also so my production is furtherly reduced if I do not have much food.

I don't really care about connection of cities when changing government, but I do remain in despotism until I have finished settler production and create the necessary infrastructure to safely change to republic. Basically its the food maintenance of the settlers which is priority for me rather than commerce income (although it makes sense to revolt only when you can reap that benefit too).

It's early August here in southern Ontario (about 20 miles NW of Toronto). The weather channel is actuallly showing weather, right now, and the current temperature at 7:43pm is 25C with a humidex of 29C. That's as cool as it's beaen 'round here since last June. Hardly Arizona weather but pretty warm. Also more or less the norm for this time of year, in case you're under the impression that it's all igloos and endangered polar bears, 'round here :)

I guess it only makes sense as your countrys' southern parts are located on the same longitudes as most of Europe. Well here in Hungary it has been unusually humid and wet for summer (especially July). The hungarian beaches (we are inland, but still have them) and other sorts of coastal entertainment services experience heavy losses as there are less travellers etc.

Do you use celsius scale in Canada? I was under the impression that I get fahrenheit degrees which I need to translate.
Good day, my honour
Always first found city is a political, culture and trade center. Capitol (with palace) off younger civilization . Sometimes second city became, administration, builders center, creating needed shields, settlers, units.
Then I found next citys.
When its growth too trade, administration connection with irrigation, roads and minning, with archivements and laws can change to political city union (state ?).
Hello everybody,

I'm new on this forum, but not new to the good old dos-game civilization 1. I've been playing it since round about 1995. Once in a while I like to play this old game again, maybe for nostalgic reasons. The graphic is beyond compare (my children laugh at me), but classic. Like in the good old times, when the pc and microsoft-dos were young, just like me ...
Anyway, this forum is pretty nice and I like it! :)
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