New NESes, ideas, development, etc

A NES Idea; KhanNES: The Conflicts of Ideas.

The year is 1960. It has been 39 years since the end of the First Great War, and 12 since the end of the Second. Out of the ashes of Europe in the First Great War, new, violent, powerful ideologies arose, seeking to capture all the world in their sway. As men proclaimed their ideology to the state, the idea, the people, the freedoms, or anything else, the world edged ever closer to the brink of war. Then, it finally toppled. The Second Great War dragged on for eight years, exhausting every nation involved to the brink of near collapse. The colonial Empires of the old order were destroyed by independence movements and revolution. And now, from the ashes of the Old Order, new and old ideologies have arisen. New weapons, capable of destroying entire nations have been built. Armies of sizes unheard of march and declare their loyalty to their leaders and their ideas. Vehicles of unimaginable power and violence rend tracks through the ground.

The conflicts of nations are over - the conflicts of Ideas have begun.

This is an idea for a NES that I will run when my summer holidays start, at least for a few months. The idea is that nations don't just do battle in the conventional NESing ways - they do it through influence and attempting to sway other nations into their ideological sphere. They do this by spending Influence points to drive other countries into their spheres. The more influence points you spend in a country, the more likely it will fall into your ideology. However, you are not alone. Other nations may try to compete with you to sway a nation into their sphere by paying their own influence as well. Having more nations in your sphere means more influence and more economic points for you as well.

Players will pick a geographical entity out of the 16 available to start with: the USA, Gran Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, the UK, France, the Empire of Germany, Italy, Hungary, Russia, China, Japan, India, the Union of Mali, South Africa, and the East African federation. I may add more starting nations if there is more interest. The players will then be encouraged to develop and invent their own ideologies, and attempt to spread them around the many countries in the world. Sooner or later, they will begin to clash in both influence, economics, and military power, and we will have proxy wars, conflicts to prop up nations, etc. The usual parts of a NES will be there - EP, military, etc, but I'm hoping that influence and ideological sway will be a big part of the game.

I've got a decent model for trying to gain influence set up, though it needs play-testing - I'll post more about stats and things when I work out a viable model for combat that isn't a ridiculous amount of work. :p

Anyway, would anyone be interested?
Eh, a little bit. I was going for more of a multi-polar Cold War/lead-up to WW2 type thing though. I mean, you're not just sphering a country like you are in V2 - you are placing it under your ideological dominion for their own good - its just that as their benefactor, you get certain... benefits. :p

So I came up with a combat mechanic for casualties and stuff like that in about five minutes, it was surprisingly simple. I have no idea how realistic it is though or how well it models stuff, and it feels a bit overly simplistic to me.

I might run a pre-NES game to playtest.

EDIT: So, in a fit of procrastination and boredom, I have written an OP, made a starting map, and worked out combat models for all forces. The map isn't great, and I've been unable to fix up all the little islands but I really can't be bothered doing it on Paint. If somebody finds it massively inconvenient or has a way to do it fast, please help. :)

EDIT2: Except for islands belonging to Japan, UK, France, US, China, India, East Africa, or Russia. Those are meant to be that colour.


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Few more things for the Girl Genius NES.

Spoiler :
  • Clank: a clank is a machine capable of autonomous movement, built for certain tasks (what in RL would be called a robot), without the constant input of a human. True artificial intelligence has only been reached by the greatest Sparks, such as Van Rijn (the creator of the Muses) or Agatha Heterodyne (who created the first self-replicating clank, called Dingbot Prime).
  • Construct: the living creations of mad science. They can be revived people, animal forms with human level brain power, people altered physically in some form...
  • Heterodyne: one of the most revered and feared Sparky families in Europa. Founded by Mongol warriors, they established the city of Mechanicsburg as their home, terrorizing the surrounding countryside for generations. They created the imposing Castle Heterodyne and the fierce Jägermonsters. They exemplified the worst of the "mad boy" stereotype for many years. It is also a reference to a phenomenon (called heterodyning) that consists of combining two or more frequencies to create new and different ones, something all members of the family can do by instinct to concentrate and think more clearly. Their symbol was the trilobite.
    • Bill (William) & Barry Heterodyne: called the Heterodyne Boys, thanks to the education provided by their mother they became good as opposed to the typical evil of their ancestors, and took to travel around Europa in order to help pacify it. They were so good at it, that soon the surname Heterodyne was more associated to their heroism than to their ancestors' brutality. Their adventures ended sometime after Bill married Lucrezia Mongfish, the daughter of one of the Boys' greatest enemies. However, the Castle was attacked by The Other, their first son died and Lucrezia was seemingly kidnapped while pregnant with Agatha. After cleaning up, Bill and Barry left to find Lucrezia and fight The Other, but never returned to the city.
    • Agatha Heterodyne: Bill Heterodyne and Lucrezia Mongfish's daughter, she was born while her mother was supposedly kidnapped by The Other. She was raised by her uncle Barry Heterodyne until the age of seven, when he had to leave for a secret mission and never returned. In turn, she was then under the protection of Adam and Lilith Clay, which were in reality two constructs called Punch and Judy, which Bill and Barry had created during their adventures together. It was at the age of eighteen when her adventures started, as she lost a locket that blocked her "Spark", and soon created her first Clank, thus bringing her to the attention of the Wulfenbach. She would eventually reach Mechanicsburg, where she managed to stake her claim as the heiress of the Heterodyne family.
  • The Other: the Other is an entity that is capable of possessing a person in order to carry out her plans. During the times of the Heterodyne Boys, she supposedly kidnapped Lucrezia Mongfish and destroyed forty-three Sparky houses, ravaging Europa and creating many Revenants using her Slaver Wasps. She was finally stopped by the Heterodyne Boys. Unknown by the Boys, the Other was actually possessing Lucrezia at the moment. She is worshipped by the Geisterdamen, who act as her priestesses and then helped Lucrezia/The Other to possess Agatha once more.
  • Pax Transylvania: also known as the Baron's Peace or the Pax Wulfenbachia, it was built and enforced by Baron Klaus Wulfenbach after his takeover of Europa. It is based on the principle "Don't Make Me Come Over There": as long as nobles and minor royalty do not fight between each other and report all findings of Other technology, they are able to rule their domains without interference, and can even claim the benefits of imperial projects like the railroad network or educational institutions.
  • Wulfenbach: the Wulfenbach family was one of the most powerful Spark families in Europa. Their symbol is a winged castle.
    • Klaus Wulfenbach: Klaus was a friend of the Heterodyne Boys, and had many adventures with them, but shortly before Bill's marriage with Lucrezia, he disappeared mysteriously, only to return to Europa with his son Gil several years later. He saw Europa had fallen into chaos once more, after the disappearance of the Heterodyne Boys, and that his keep had been destroyed due to the wars, so he decided that it was up to him to maintain the peace in Europa. After several years of war, he managed to establish the Pax Transylvania.
Anything else, you can read about it in the Girl Genius Wiki (don't want to write everything down).

Kinds of settlements:
Spoiler :
City: has the greatest number of people in it, and thus it earns you the more gold. There is also the many factories built in them, which are required if you want to have a good Clank Army.
Farm Town: the greatest producers of food. Very much needed if you want the population to have enough food to survive for a new year. They can also become great wood producers if they are surrounded by forests.
Mine Town: these surge around mines (obviously), and it is where miners live in order to not moving too much when they go from home to work and viceversa. Great producers of stone, metal and fuel.
Of course, this does not mean that they are restricted to that. A city nearby a mountain can become a great stone producer, a mine town with enough farms can produce more food than it needs...

Sparks' traits:
Spoiler :
Charismatic: Sparks tend to be very charismatic on their own when they are in the madness place, but if one Spark is very Charismatic, it means being so good that people follow you even when you are normal. Boosts immigration and diplomacy with NPC factions.
Scientific: A Spark is, naturally, a scientist, but there are some that take it further and become scientists even when they are not in the madness place. These are likely to be the leaders of your research teams. Their presence reduces the costs of developing new technologies and ideas, as well as the costs of projects.
Fearsome: Sparks tend to be feared by the general population, and with reason, as one never knows when a Spark may decide to build a clank that spreads boiling chocolate all over the place. However, there are some Sparks that are even worse, as they have a sadistic personality, and just like to "experiment" with the people for the lulz. If they lead an army, it is likelier for enemy armies to just run away.
Lucky: Just by surviving to adulthood, Sparks are lucky, as whenever one of them reaches "the madness place" for the first time, they tend to be persecuted by the angry and fearful populace, intent on preventing them from doing anything destructive before it is too late. However, there are some that just seem to find things in the exact moment they need them, or receive a good rain in time to water their plants. These Sparks are just that, lucky.
I did a little bit more on KhanNES, notably, worked on a ruleset and stats system and stuff like that. Can somebody who has more experience with modding NESes tell me whether I'm doing anything crazy or have really obfuscating rules - I'm kind of worried that the IP part might be unintuitive or something.

Spoiler KhanNES Rules :

Welcome to KhanNES: The Conflicts of Ideas. This is a NES based on spreading your ideology, your way of life, your doctrine around the world. It's not just about invasions and bombers anymore - its about winning the hearts and minds of nations.

In this NES there are two types of nations. The first are Major Powers, or MPs. These can be played by people or as NPCs. These are significant nations that have developed their own ideologies and intend to spread them around the world. Only these nations have stats and Influence Points, and only these nations are playable. We start with 16, but if we have more interest then other MPs can pop up.

The other category are Lesser Nations, or LNs. These nations exist for the sole purpose of being manipulated by the PCs. Yes, its unrealistic, and yes, its a pseudo-paternalistic Western based view of the world. Just roll with it, its not meant to be accurate in anyway. Its for game balance purposes. Anyway, the LNs lack stats (visible ones, anyway), and are vehicles for your influence and ideology. They will, however, have elections, civil wars, diplomacy, and economies, all of which may or may not tie in with your own. I might not be reporting on them, because there are a lot and I don't have time, but they are always there. They will go to war with each other, and ask you for help, fight off separatist rebellions, and fight civil wars and insurgencies. You may help them if you wish, and the rewards may be great… but the punishment for failure may be great as well. Think wisely. Lesser Nations are your battlegrounds for influence, your sites for proxy wars, your ideological stomping grounds, and perhaps the seeds of new powers or the next Great War. Who knows?

The conflict of ideologies is one of the crucial parts of this NES. Like in the Cold War, you must endeavour to gain influence over other nations and win them over to your ideology. What differentiates this NES from the Cold War is A) its far, far more multipolar - possibly 16 poles to choose from, and maybe more, and B) the ideologies will be much more varied.

In fact, the players themselves will develop their ideologies. To pick a nation, simply pick one of the geographical entities coloured in on the Map and post the nation's name, capital, a brief history and the ideology it claims to believe in. For example, the ideologies at work during our history could have been interpreted (by this definition of ideology);
Liberal Democracy (Eg; the USA)
Conservative or Managed Democracy (eg. Imperial Germany)
Soviet Socialism (Eg; the USSR)
Maoism (fairly obvious)
Fascism or Corporatism (eg. Mussolini's Italy)
National Socialism
Integralism (Brazilian non-racist pseudofascism)
Peronism (Argentinian anti-imperialist corporatism)
Arab Nationalism (Eg: Nasser's Egypt, the original Baath parties)
Democratic Socialism (Eg: Sweden)
and many, many more.

I encourage players to be more creative with their ideologies. Be plausible, but be creative. There is no reason you must stick to ideologies that existed in our timeline. I foresee a militarist technocratic state-planned dictatorship clashing with liberal imperial socialists while a market-based ultramilitant theocracy looks on with delight, for the sake of example. Remember, your ideology doesn't necessarily have to work in the real world.

Example Stats
Nation/Player: USA/Grandkhan
Capital: Washington
Ideology/Rulers: Liberal Democracy/Republican Party
Stability: 7
Economy: 0 (+22)
Influence Points: 4 (+8)
Army: 34 Infantry brigades, 4 artillery brigades, 6 tank brigades
Army Quality: 6
Navy: 30 destroyers, 3 battleships, 1 carrier, 3 submarines
Navy Quality: 5
Air Force: 6 Jet fighters squadrons, 3 jet bomber squadrons, 1 stealth bomber squadron
Air Force Quality: 3
Projects: National Rail Network (12/20)

Nation/Player: Fairly obvious

Capital: See above

Ideology/Rulers: The first part is the ideology that your nation claims to profess [see above], the second is the ruling party of your nation. Democracies will have elections once every set number of years, tell me how many if you are a democratic state.

Stability: How stable your nation is politically. Runs from 0 to 10, 10 being the most stable. Nations with low stability will find themselves being prone to riots, revolts, or even possible civil wars.

Economy: the first number is your bank. The second in brackets is your yearly income in Economy Points, or EP. This is how many EPs you have to spend. You can go into debt, but only up to twice your Yearly income and you will gain interest. If you do not pay back your debt, you may find yourself in big, big trouble stability and economy-wise.

Influence: The first number is your Influence Bank. The second number is your yearly Influence Points Income. Influence Points are what you must use to spread your ideology. Influence can be used in a number of ways.

1) To gain influence over a country. Gaining influence over a country means that it is now beholden to you and your ideology. For every country under your influence you gain 1IP per turn and 1EP per turn. You gain influence by spending your IP on influencing a neutral or opposing Lesser Nation. You must at least 1IP on doing this if you want to do so. You will have more chance of success the more IP you spend. Be warned - if another MP has a large amount of influence in a country, you will have a very hard time wresting it away from them.

If you wish to try to influence a country, you must tell me in your orders how. There are many ways to do this, limited only by your imagination, and how you influence a country may be relevant to the bonuses you gain. Methods of gaining influence include, but are not limited to;
Funding a military coup
Influencing an election
Influencing a parliamentary coup - think what happened in Australia in 2010, only funded by an outside country
Investing enough into a country's economy that you are its dominant trading partner - may backfire on you, may not/
Granting it developmental aid in return for political favours
Signing an economically advantageous (or disadvantageous, it may be) trade agreement
Funding their militaries.
Funding a rebellion - if you succeed, you may have a new satellite. If you fail, then perhaps there will be a civil war or an ongoing insurgency which you may want to intervene in. Who knows?

2) IPs can be spent on shoring up your own influence in a country, granting it more of your influence and making it harder to take from you. For example,

3) IPs can be spent on destroying influence in a rival territory. Rather than wresting it away from them, every IP spent in this manner removes 1IP from their influence over a territory. This makes it easier for you (or an enemy) to take it.

Note that you may lose your Influence over a nation if certain things happen. For example, if a Lesser Nation falls in a civil war and the rebels conquer it, then you will lose influence and it will either be up for grabs, or the rebels will take control of it.

Army: Lists how many units of various types you have. Currently, the only army units you can have are infantry, artillery, and armour.

Spoiler Army Unit Prices :

Infantry: regular foot sloggers. 1EP for 5 brigades.
Artillery: specialised artillery divisions. 1EP for 2 brigades
Armour: All types of armoured vehicles. Tanks, armoured cars, etc. 1EP for 1 brigades.

Army Quality: How good your army is. Measured on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best. Is kind of important. Takes into account morale, etc.

Navy: Lists how many ships you have. Divided between Carriers, destroyers, cruisers, subs, and battleships.

Spoiler Navy Unit Prices :

Destroyers: fast, manoeuvrable escort vessels. The mainstay of a fleet. 1EP for 4 destroyers.
Cruisers: bigger than a destroyer, smaller than a battleship. In this day and age, one of the deciders in naval combat. 1EP for 1.
Submarines: Underwater submersible ships. Good for convoy raiding and blockades. 1EP for 3.
Battleships: Queens of the Sea. Immense ships packing ridiculous firepower. 3EP for 1.
Carriers: Provide crucial air support in fleet combat. A must for any blue water navy. 5EP for 1 - if you have a carrier, it is a big deal.

Navy Quality: Like army quality, but for ships.

Air Force: In this day and age, the crucial decider in combat is your air force. Air superiority can swing a battle your way. This bit lists all the military aircraft you have. Some other categories may be added later.

Spoiler Aircraft :

Fighter squadron: Useful for interdiction, strafing, etc. 1EP for 3.
Bomber squadron: Bombers. Yeah. 1EP for 1.
Jet Fighter squadron: Like fighters, but faster and better. 2EP for 1.
Jet Bomber squadron: Like bombers, but faster and better. 4EP for 1.
Other types of aircraft, eg. stealth bombers, supersonics, etc, will be added as technology reaches these levels

Projects: Projects are large scale spending programs in your nation. They can bring greater stability, more influence, or more income to your nation. The first number is the amount of EP invested in the project, the second is the amount required in total to complete it.

Technology: This NES has no distinct tech tree. However, technology will still advance. What will happen is that either a researcher will make a breakthrough in some technology, which will be revealed in the stats, and from then on anybody can invest some EP into it per turn until the technology bears fruit. The first few people to invest in a technology will see certain bonuses, but after a few people have completed it it will naturally disseminate among the world, so use your tech advantages fast.

Alternatively, your military industrial complex can also research technologies. From there, you may invest in these technologies secretly until they bear fruit. From there, other nations may also put research into it, until enough have done so that the technology finally goes public. Who has first dibs on these techs is random, but some ideologies and some projects may make being an innovator more likely.

Stories: Stories are not necessary, but I like them and strongly encourage them.

Orders: Please PM me any orders titled KhanNES: [Nationname Turn No.]. Orders should be formatted;

Updates and Grievances: I'll update when I can. Possibly frequently. Possibly not. I'll try weekly, but don't count on it. I do this for free, so they'll come when I have time.

If there's a problem with anything that isn't a simple stats error, please PM me or contact me via #nes. I don't have AIM, alas.
GK: Seems like an interesting idea, I would play it.
As long as there is a nice balance of countries, it should work out nicely :)
Well, so far the of playable geographical polities (rather than countries, the countries are invented by you) list is; USA, Gran Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Russia, the Arab Federation, the Union of Mali, East African Union, South Africa, India, China, Japan, and Australia, though more could be available by request.

I'm a little worried that I've waited it too much towards Europe though, and that I need more African countries or something.
From looking at the map and the list above I have some suggestions:
-Have at least two polities in the Mideast out of the following four: Persia/Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Egypt. This represents RL cultural divides better than just an all-inclusive Arab Federation. (Iraq and Egypt could obviously extend into neighboring countries, particularly Palestine/Syria)
-As for Mali, I would replace it with something farther south, along the coast, where there are a lot more people.
-Maybe add Ethiopia as another African country and/or move the East Aftican polity west to the Congo where there are, again, more people.
-Have something in SE Asia or better yet Indonesia.
-If you replace Mali with something further down, you can fit something in Northern Africa.
-Does "Australia" have New Zealand?
-Will we have acess to nuclear weapons at the start, reaseachable, or will they even included at all?

The nes looks interesting.
My thoughts:

Nigeria is traditionally considered the big power of West Africa. OTL East Africa is quite populated, and Julius Nyerere of OTL Tanzania did have real ambitions to regional union. For North Africa, you could have Egypt, with the biggest OTL African military. Somalia is a legitimate choice on Horn, as well as Ethiopia. I also like Indonesia, and agree with SouthernKing about one of his Middle Eastern pairs feeling more realistic than a generic Arab Federation.

If you want to play around with history a bit, you could go unified Korea over Japan, or Yugoslavia over Italy, or a greater Pakistan (lots of options there) over India. If you want to go closer to real history, Mexico probably makes more sense than Gran Colombia.
Yeah I really don't have the patience to do the islands by hand, heh. If somebody can think of a quick way to do it, I would be very, very appreciative. :p

Re: countries. Thanks SK, those are actually really good ideas. I'm going to use Egypt and Iran instead of the Arabs. Its actually a pretty good idea, gameplay-wise, I envision a big part of the game being racing to get influence in strategically important places - Iraq and Arabia are pretty strategic, if only for the oil. I'm still on the fence about Turkey. If I'm including Iran, then I might divide up Pakistan to make things interesting.

The history of the Middle-east isn't really my strong suit outside of the Arab-Israeli conflicts, so yeah. Thanks for that. :)

Regarding Indonesia, I'm a little worried that a MP Indonesia would mean that SEA is too crowded. I envisioned India, China, Australia and Japan clashing over the Indonesian islands and the Pacific - it could make an interesting place for regional naval wars as well. This Indonesia is divided up as the following, see attached image (1,2 are Sukhothai and Cambodia respectively). I might partially unite it - keep an independent Aceh, Timor, and Borneo, separate Timor into Timor and Bali, but Java, the rest of Sumatra, and Sulawesi are part of a wider Indonesia. That might work, I'll think about it.

I kind of want Mali to stay, because otherwise nobody will ever go for North Africa. I might throw in Nigeria, just because it will make the conflict over West Africa (Mali, Nigeria, and Europeans) a little more fierce. I guess I can handwave Mali being an MP by giving it a good military force or something, better than most of the other African MPs.

The Congo as an MP is a little iffy for me, because I wanted the Congo to be one of the major battlegrounds for influence - its full of pretty crucial minerals. Remember, you don't just have to go for countries near you - you can go as far afield in the world as you like. Which is why Europe is so crowded - I envision that everybody will fill up Europe fast and then go for Africa and Asia for the resources.

Australia will probably have New Zealand. If not, I guess whenever Australia spheres it it may be annexed. :p New Zealand is not long for this world, alas.

Re: Nukes. I thought of this after I wrote the OP, but nuclear weapons will definitely be in the game. At the start, only a few nations will have them, but I think most nations will end up researching them throughout the game - if North Korea and Libya could do it, any MP can. However, to represent MAD and to avoid the game becoming a nuke-fest too fast, there will be a DEFCON system.
DEFCON 5: Represents peacetime
DEFCON 4: Represents cold war threat of war type thing.
DEFCON 3: Represents minor skirmishing
DEFCON 2: Represents Major warfare
DEFCON 1: Will only be reached when a major war between MPs reaches its peak and looks un winnable in the future. Then, and only then, will nuclear weapons be allowed to be used. There will be a separate DEFCON level and nuclear weapons section in the stats.


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Does anyone know of any simple but effective trade models that have been used in a NES? I'm hoping for something that's fairly automated (not too much mod work), but not something full of complex equations either. I've been thinking maybe taking look at all the domestic economies of the nations trading to each other, and then just giving a fraction of the total pot to each nation as "trade" but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that or if there is a better way to do it.
I've used such models. For regional trade everyone can get a percent of the region's total economy based on their nation's contribution to that total. That is pretty easy to automate. I've also built models based on individual nations and bilateral agreements. Those can be very complicated and difficult to mange.

A lot depends on exactly what you are trying to achieve and how many nations are involved.
Last thing for the SparkNES before I open the Pre-NES thread: basic units. These would be units available to everyone from the start, although I would later allow players to make up to three special units in the start (for example, artillery, better trained infantry, more powerful clanks, a tank...).

Basic Units:
  • Militia: formed by the normal people of Europa, they are armed with rifles and wear clothing that allows them to move fast and yet protects them from the inclemency of the weather.
    • Stats: 1 Attack, 1 Defense, 2 Maneuver
    • Cost: 20 Militia need 20 people, 1 Wood and 1 Metal to be recruited.
    • Maintenance: 50 Militia cost 1 Metal and 1 Gold per month.
  • Infantry Clank: a basic clank that uses a steam drive to impulse itself. It has an intelligence able to follow orders from a determined superior, and is armed with a gun more powerful than that of the Militias.
    • Stats: 2 Attack, 1 Defense, 1 Armour, 1 Maneuver
    • Cost: 5 I. Clanks need 2 Wood and 2 Metal to be built.
    • Maintenance: 10 I. Clanks cost 1 Metal and 1 Fuel per month.
  • River Steamship: a steamship of small size, it can go up and down a medium-sized river without any problem. Useful for crossing a river until a bridge is built, as well as protecting soldiers doing a landing.
    • Stats: 5 Attack, 2 Defense, 1 Armour, 1 Maneuver
    • Cost: 1 R. Steamship needs 15 people as a crew, and 20 Wood and 10 Metal to be built.
    • Maintenance: 1 R. Steamship costs 3 Metal and 3 Fuel per month.
  • Airship: a basic airship can be used for the double purpose of scouting and of attacking other airships and land objectives. It is very useful if you can get to fight an enemy that lacks an aerial component or anti-air weaponry, but if the enemy has airships too, only the best army (or the more numerous) will win.
    • Stats: 1 Attack, 1 Defense, 2 Maneuver, 2 Strafe
    • Cost: 1 Airship needs 10 people as a crew, and 15 Wood and 5 Metal to be built.
    • Maintenance: 1 Airship costs 3 Metal and 10 Fuel per month.
My feeble attempt, while i dont have much stuff to do :D

Spoiler :

The Empire
The Empire had been managed from the twin capital cities of Vodath and Xanath; Vodath looked after the northern realms while Xanath looked after the southern realms. Men coexisted despite the various differences of cast and creed. It all changed with the emergence of the Pirate Kingdom.

320 AD
the Pirate kingdom was a loose organization of several city states which had rebelled against the mighty king Timaios Eysteinn Regulus. The rebellion began with the issue of the higher taxes that the islands were forced to play. It started from the island fortress of Kath, when the local populace, had sacked the twin cities, murdered the local garrison., and taken control of the Imperial Navy.

The rebellion soon spread to the neighboring city islands of Enthos, Galos, and Imnos. The king, Timaios Eysteinn Regulus enraged at this violent act, decided to declared these outlaws as criminals and to have them punished. A full scale war was declared on the first full moon of 321 AD. As the war preparations were underway, the king was murdered in his sleep. Some one had managed to sneak up the Imperial chambers and stabbed the king, while he was sleeping.

His son Cacao Delarious Regulus took charge of the kingdom ; It was at this point in time, that a full scale map of the empire was published after careful survey of the entire kingdom.

Spoiler :

After some 200 years of fighting which left both the sides weakened, it was decided that a truce be signed. Hence in August 521 AD, an official peace accord was reached between the Empire and the Pirate Confederacy.

But it seemed peace was never to come to the Empire, who by now, were mere shadows of the past.

The empire was basically of pagan religion, they worshiped, the forces of nature: fire, water and wind. the northern religions saw the influx of a different belief system : Christianity. As the new creed started to spread its influence across the empire, the Southern Realms, took a vigorous stance. they officially outlawed the religion and decreed that all those who took up this religion would be officially persecuted.

Thus began the great civil war

I know i suck at writting up stuffs :(
Why was the realm never mapped before the year 321? Also, why the crossover of religion from our world to theirs? Is it for a specific reason, or is it just how it is, or a placeholder, or what?

I like the map. Did you make it, and are the settlements named?

Just some things to think on.
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