New Religions Requested...


Mar 2, 2006
Somewhere in New Jersey
This thread was made for religions that are not in the game, but should Here is what has been brought up so far:

Animism: Belief that everything has a "spirit" in it

Egyptian Polythism: Ra and stuff

Greek/Roman Polytheism: The "Greek World" mod has it but it would be funny to see americans beliveing in Jupiter/Zeus once in a while...

Norse Polytheism: The last great Polytheistic religion of the western world (That I know of)




Rastafari Movement

Native American Earthy Religion


Sikkism: A common request

Satanism: Anoter common requet


Atheism: Should only be made as an optional addon

Mr.Earl said:
Atheism: Belief that there are no gods or God (I am one)
What's wrong with "No state religion"?

Mr.Earl said:
Paganism: Belief that everything has a "spirit" in it
Paganism can take many forms, which is probably why it's represented as a civic instead of an actual religion.

You should probably check out this thread. While it doesn't tell you how to add religions, it does give you the basics of the XML file you need to modify, and it does allow you to effectively replace one religion with another.
Head Serf said:
Atheism can be a state religion. Take the Soviet Union for one. They enforced Atheism as their state religion and banned all others. Not quite the same as allowing all religions!
Atheist State - Religious Civic
Requires: Scientific Method
No State Religion
+1 unhappiness per non-state religion in each city
+100% science

Atheism just isn't a religion in the same sense as the religions of Civ.
Mr.Earl said:
Atheism is not the lack of religion, it is a belief that there is nothing all-powerful (such as god) and many times also favors evolution over creationism and many other scientific theories. Some rude people call it "Scientificism."
It's not a religion. Religion is based on faith of what cannot be known. Atheism is based on observation of what can. I say this as an atheist.

Mr.Earl said:
to Atheists, Prophets were normal people who happened to have extremely influential ideas, possibly from dreams or halucinnations. (no offense meant to christians or muslims)
For this reason and more, atheism isn't a religion in the sense that Civ 4 uses religion.

Mr.Earl said:
By the way, Greeks and Romans were not pegans. they believed in numerous gods all given specific jobs by their leader and they all lived on Mt. Olympus.
Yes, they did. They were still pagans. Specific details (like the Mt. Olympus thing) aside, that's what paganism is.

Mr.Earl said:
Vikings also believed this.
The Norse pantheon is entirely separate from the Greek and Roman (what with being in a different part of the world and all). Even so, the Norse pantheon is frequently used as an example of paganism and contributed strongly to the Anglo-Saxon paganism drawn on by neo-pagans of today. Indeed, the similarity comes from both pantheons being paganistic, and worshipping aspects of nature. Thunderstorms, for example, were attributed to Zeus by the Greeks but to Thor by the Norse. Thor, incidentally, was not the ruler of the Norse pantheon, his father Odin was (Woden to the Anglo-Saxons, giving us Wodensday which procedes Thorsday).
Look Dryhad, If you're not here to make new requests or tell me you'll try to make the mod don't reply. I just typed out a big message for why I wanted this mod and somthing went wrong with my computer, and I'm NOT typing it again! (by the way, Thank You fenceman for trying and head serf for trying to explain the diffrence between Atheism state religion and No state religion) Besides, The only way for Atheism to even exist in Civ4 is if a city has absolutely no religion. When it does, No more Atheists.
I agree with you Mr. Earl, though I worship the one true God, I believe that for the historical purpose there should be an option to have no religion, or an atheist civic. I was also thinking, just last night, that there needs to be ancient Greek mythology.
Zion_Withrow said:
I agree with you Mr. Earl, though I worship the one true God, I believe that for the historical purpose there should be an option to have no religion, or an atheist civic. I was also thinking, just last night, that there needs to be ancient Greek mythology.

See, the thing is, when you have "No State Religion" it means your goverment is not based on a perticular religion. Take the United States for example, The US has no state religion yet many of our leaders were christians, but they didn't go around forcing other people to change. Plus, Many Atheists do not accept other religions and are offended by merley the word god/God. But like other religions forcing different people to change can cause serious problems. Even war.
Mr.Earl said:
Look Dryhad, If you're not here to make new requests or tell me you'll try to make the mod don't reply.
I am making requests of how these religions could better be handled. You are welcome to ignore my suggestions, but please allow me to continue to offer them.

Mr.Earl said:
I just typed out a big message for why I wanted this mod and somthing went wrong with my computer, and I'm NOT typing it again!
I hate it when that happens.

Mr.Earl said:
(by the way, Thank You fenceman for trying and head serf for trying to explain the diffrence between Atheism state religion and No state religion)
Which is why I gave that civic! IMO there's a better way to achieve what you want than to just add more religions.

Mr.Earl said:
Besides, The only way for Atheism to even exist in Civ4 is if a city has absolutely no religion. When it does, No more Atheists.
How do you figure? It's not necessary that every citizen belong to one of the "religions practiced". It doesn't even make sense for a city to be atheist one turn and entirely religious another.

Also, consider a few things:

If atheism is a Civ 4 religion, it needs a symbol. It also needs a shrine, which will be founded by a great prophet (what did you say? Person who has halucinations?) "We care for the brothers and sisters of our faith", when have you ever heard an atheist say that? Even more to the point, would an atheist call someone a "heathen" if they believed in a god? Atheist missionaries, commissioned by an organised religion government embracing atheism? An atheist theocracy? These are the arguments I put forward to back up my requests. Read them, or throw them in the proverbial sea.
Umm... Let me just interrupt this debate long enough to suggest Zoroasterianism, the religion of Ancient Persia.
And it shouldn't be necessary to differentiate between the various Pagan pantheons, since, in the ancient world, they were not percieved as being exclusive to one another.
Dryhad said:
If atheism is a Civ 4 religion, it needs a symbol. It also needs a shrine.
Actually, I already thought about that. the symbol could be some sort of symbol for God with an "X" through it. As for the shrine, It could be some famous university or laboratory or a famous scientist's house (I won't take any names becauser you don't have to be an atheist to be a scientist, right?)
Dryhad said:
which will be founded by a great prophet (what did you say? Person who has halucinations?) "We care for the brothers and sisters of our faith", when have you ever heard an atheist say that? Even more to the point, would an atheist call someone a "heathen" if they believed in a god?
First of all I said "Dreams or hallucanations," I'm not trying to insult anyone. second, Hey no mod's perfect. And as I said before, many Atheists do not accept other religions and are offended by merley the word god/God.
Dryhad said:
Atheist missionaries, commissioned by an organised religion government embracing atheism?
Rather than Atheist Missionaries, we can call them "Professors" Which require a special kind of university rather than a monastary, and since Atheism would be discovered so late in the game, these special universites are not obsoleted by the scientific method.
Corvex said:
Umm... Let me just interrupt this debate long enough to suggest Zoroasterianism, the religion of Ancient Persia.
And it shouldn't be necessary to differentiate between the various Pagan pantheons, since, in the ancient world, they were not percieved as being exclusive to one another.
Corvex, I'm sure you'll be happy to know mods including Zorastrianism already exist. Look for "More Realitic Religions Including Zorastrianism" it's either in Modpacks or Mod Components.
Mr.Earl said:
Actually, I already thought about that. the symbol could be some sort of symbol for God with an "X" through it.
Fair enough.

Mr.Earl said:
As for the shrine, It could be some famous university or laboratory or a famous scientist's house (I won't take any names becauser you do't have to be an atheist to be a scientist, right?)
Exactly, which is why such a place does not fit as an atheist shrine. Even more, you don't need to be a scientist to be an atheist.

Mr.Earl said:
First of all I said "Dreams or hallucanations," I'm not trying to insult anyone.
It doesn't really matter, the point is priests and prophets don't exist in atheism.

Mr.Earl said:
second, Hey no mod's perfect.
That doesn't mean you can't try to make it as good as you can.

Mr.Earl said:
And as I said before, many Atheists do not accept other religions and are offended by merley the word god/God.
Yes, but they don't say "Heathen" as the game does. Also, if you make atheism a religion, it will be equally attractive to spiritual leaders as any other religion. It doesn't really make sense for Saladin or Isabella to be atheists, does it?

Mr.Earl said:
Rather than Atheist Missionaries, we can call them "Professors" Which require a special kind of university rather than a monastary, and since Atheism would be discovered so late in the game, these special universites are not obsoleted by the scientific method.
So why go to all this trouble? Why not just make it different to begin with? You want it to be a religion, yet you won't accept the standards of the other religions?
As a Master's Student at one of America's many fine universities I must protest.

Mr.Earl said:
Rather than Atheist Missionaries, we can call them "Professors" Which require a special kind of university rather than a monastary, and since Atheism would be discovered so late in the game, these special universites are not obsoleted by the scientific method.

What kind of professor actively discourages a person's faith? Or perhaps you meant that a professor might go around advocating the cannon and tenats of the Atheistic "faith"? The latter, while possible, still seems rather improbable. Since you are looking for a mod that allows for a strict "athistic" state perhaps a form of "Thought Police" unit, such as in 1984, might be more appropriate?
Hi, I would suggest to split up Christianity into Catholicism and Protestanism, and maybe Orthodoxy, although that was basically the same as Catholicism, just ruled by the Bzyntine Emperor rather than the Pope. Along those same lines, maybe have Sunni, and Shi'ite Islam. And I know there are three major sects of Buddhism, 'cept I don't know the names. Maybe this is going beyond what you wanted, but you could have these spontaneously break apart at random times.

Anyway, just my 2 cents

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