New Religions Requested...

I personally belive that to be totaly without religion, one has to be Agnostic and declare that one truly does not know. Atheism, in its strange way, implies a faith that God does not exist, rather than a Scientific Observation...because as far as I know, no one has disproved the existence of God...(or proved)
I agree with you Paticius, those who ave tried to disprove God have ended up beleiving in Him. I just think that there should be an option to have no religion, maybe replave the delfault to no religion instead of paganism, though to some, like myself, it is the same thing.
OK I've noticed some arguments starting and I'll try to clear them up.

Hugin, It's very difficult to think of a special building that would well represent Atheism without causing some objection. How about you think about it and find some appropriate buildings :D. as for the thought police, it sounds offensive but perhaps if you could find a less offensive-sounding name...

Patricius, First off mods of Roman cathlicism (pardon my spelling) protastantism, an orthodoxy has already been made. Look for the Europa Europe mod. Second, the idea of this is to come up with new religions to add, please don't go off topic

RogerBacon, The entire discussion is not about eliminating religion, but adding new religions but to come up with new religions to add to the game. (And I don't find the fast food religion thing hilarious, was it you that made that mod?)

And Dryhad, well at least we finally came to an agreement on somthing! But if you think about it, it doesn't make any sense having Hapsheptsut beliving in any of the availible religions right? do you have any suggestions for the Atheist buildings? And if one word bothers you so much, how can we fix it? :confused:
Now That That's out of the way,

Here's an updated list of the requests we've had so far:

Atheism (okay so it's not a religion, but that doesn't mean we can't use it like one right?

Animism (Revised from Peganism by Fenceman)

Greek/Roman Polytheism (pegan or not it was to signifigant to toss away)

Norse Polytheism (I pretty sure it has some connection to Greek/Roman Polytheism, but it did exsist at a different time)

Zorastrianism (Look for "realistic religions including zorastrianism")

Christian Variaties (Look for "Europa Europe")
Mr.Earl said:
And Dryhad, well at least we finally came to an agreement on somthing! But if you think about it, it doesn't make any sense having Hapsheptsut beliving in any of the availible religions right?
Well, it doesn't historically but as we know Civ 4 isn't supposed to match history perfectly. The point is, the trait is called "Spiritual". Atheism may be a lot of things, but it's not spiritual. The spiritual trait, in my mind, represents a leader who is open to religion, and it doesn't make sense for them to be open to Atheism.

Mr.Earl said:
do you have any suggestions for the Atheist buildings?
I don't think there should be any. There aren't really such a thing as "Atheist buildings" in the same sense that there are "religious buildings". If you really want to, you might want to do something like "Secular Humanism" (which mimics organised religion yet involves no worship) or "Scientism" (what you seemed to be aiming for before, something of a religious following of science).

Mr.Earl said:
And if one word bothers you so much, how can we fix it? :confused:
Well, my general opinion is that Atheism shouldn't be a religion at all. With the way that Civ 4 handles religion, it doesn't fit. In another game, it might. However, if you really have your heart set on it, use one of the atheist-like religions above. If you think about it, Buddhism and Confucianism (and sometimes Taoism) are Atheist, so as long as you use an aspect of Atheism that resembles religion, it should be ok.
Sorry I went off-topic...I didn't realize I was doing that.
These are some small religions that I know of ...prob not important enough but anyway...Jainism, Manichaeism, Bahá'í Faith, Sikhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Rastafarianism, Scientology, Shinto (already made I think), Falun Gong, Gnosticism, Druidry ...anyway that could keep someone busy for a while.
Mr.Earl said:
Hugin, It's very difficult to think of a special building that would well represent Atheism without causing some objection. How about you think about it and find some appropriate buildings :D. as for the thought police, it sounds offensive but perhaps if you could find a less offensive-sounding name...

Well, you are talking about the state sponsored suppression of religious belief, such governments are somewhat offensive. But I've done what I can...

Temple: Skeptics Society Hall
"Church": Bureau of Civil Liberties
Religious wonder for Atheism: Ministry of Truth (it is a doubleplusgood name, I assure you)
Missionary Unit: Big Brother (though "Thought Police" really seems to fit better with your stated intentions)

The problem is, of course, that Atheism is defined as a lack of belief in religion. It is hard to spread the lack of, well, anything.
Hugin said:
Temple: Skeptics Society Hall
"Church": Bureau of Civil Liberties
Religious wonder for Atheism: Ministry of Truth (it is a doubleplusgood name, I assure you)
Missionary Unit: Big Brother (though "Thought Police" really seems to fit better with your stated intentions)

Thanks! :goodjob:

I guess "Thought Police" is okay. Big Brother makes NO sense to me. As for the other two buildings that we havent mentioned yet, perhaps:

Temple: Atheist Acadamy

Cathedral: Atheist Research Center

Comments? (like I have to ask...)
I heard an interesting suggestion that "Humanism" could be used like an atheist religion. I'm not sure how much I agree with it (since being a Humanist doesn't neccessarily mean that you don't believe in God(s)), but in the context of gameplay, it certainly makes more sense than Atheist missionaries.
Mr.Earl said:
Thanks! :goodjob:

I guess "Thought Police" is okay. Big Brother makes NO sense to me.

Big Brother, Mini Tru, Doubleplusgood. All of these are terms taken from the book "1984." I think the phrase "Thought Police" came from it as well, but I am not positive on that account. Big Brother was the icon of the Government that controlled and suppressed the thoughts of the citizens by constant monitoring (even nature was monitored). Hence the phrase "Big Brother is watching." He stands for suppression of thought, really.

As for the other two buildings that we havent mentioned yet, perhaps:
Temple: Atheist Acadamy
Cathedral: Atheist Research Center
Comments? (like I have to ask...)

Well since you asked...

What would the difference between a secular academy and an Atheistic Academy be? What would an Atheistic Research Center research, new things not to believe in?

I'm not trying to be disagreeable, honest. Though, perhaps the missionary unit might be called a "Skeptic" or a "Debunker." Neither must be atheistic, but for the mod...
I like these ideas:


and my favorite mentioned
Leader: L. Ron Hubbard
-UU Tom Cruise/John Travolta
-Unique Resource: Bad Films
-Expansionist, Commercial

and when the Scientology mod comes out, it should make you take personality tests, tell you about how aliens populated the earth, and try to get you to come down to their building for a more in depth interview.
Corvex said:
I heard an interesting suggestion that "Humanism" could be used like an atheist religion. I'm not sure how much I agree with it (since being a Humanist doesn't neccessarily mean that you don't believe in God(s)), but in the context of gameplay, it certainly makes more sense than Atheist missionaries.
Well, that's why I said "Secular Humanism". The trouble is, atheism is about one thing: the (non)existance of god(s). The religions in Civ 4 have more substance to them. They have houses of worship, and missionaries that spread their teachings. These do not translate to pure atheism, because pure atheism is far too single minded. It doesn't have teachings or practices. It's a single belief, and you need more than a single belief to make a religion.
jlocke said:
I like these ideas:


and my favorite mentioned
Leader: L. Ron Hubbard
-UU Tom Cruise/John Travolta
-Unique Resource: Bad Films
-Expansionist, Commercial

and when the Scientology mod comes out, it should make you take personality tests, tell you about how aliens populated the earth, and try to get you to come down to their building for a more in depth interview.

Haha I would play that mod.
Ok, I think it's time I asked again:

Is anyone interested in making a mod for ANY of the religions I listed before and on the first page, which is NOT just Atheism. (although that's the one I'd like to see most)
Mr.Earl said:
Greek/Roman Polytheism (pegan or not it was to signifigant to toss away)

Norse Polytheism (I pretty sure it has some connection to Greek/Roman Polytheism, but it did exsist at a different time)

First off, Norse Plytheism has NO connection to Greek and Roman Polytheism other than the fact that there are more than one god. While some gods may have similarities, they are most likely coinsidental.

The religion I wanted to see was a version of the Old Norse religion. There actually is a modern revival of the religion today called either Asatru, Odinism, or Heathenism, even though the word 'heathen' itself just means non-christian, AFAIK, they have adopted it for themselves. Asatru is often clumped together with Neo-Paganism even though most people who follow it tend to dislike that term, becuase they essentially follow the old religion that was born in Scandinavia over a thousand years ago.

While I may not follow this particular religion, I am immensely interested in it. I would try to learn myself how to make new religions but I just don't know if I have the time or true desire to learn how to. if anyone decides to make a new religion in Civ 4 based off this, I could help with some of it.
Thasis said:
I'm personally actualy looking for a tuturorial that has a complete run-down on creating a new religion. I'm pretty sure I've succesfully figured it out and created one, but I'm not 100% sure (mainly cause I havn't tested it).
If you get it working, give the rest of us a run down on howm to do it :p.
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